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 published: 2006-06-07

To offer the Shrine to the Church, as a place of the Pentecostal event of the covenant

Presentation of the General Statute of the International Schoenstatt Work to the Pontifical Council of the Laity


Entrega del Estatuto General de la Obra Internacional de Schoenstatt: P. Heinrich Walter, Presidente de la Presidencia General (izq.), Mons. Josef Clemens, Secretario del Pontifico Consejo de los Laicos

Presentation of the General Statute of the Internacional Schoenstatt Movement: Fr. Heinrich Walter, President of the General Presidium, Bishop Josef Clemens, Secretary of the Pontifical Council of the Laity

Übergabe des Generalstatuts des Internationalen Schönstattwerks: Pater Heinrich Walter, Vorsitzender des Generalpräsidiums (li.), Bischof Josef Clemens, Sekretär des Päpstlichen Rates für die Laien


La Presidencia Internacional se reune en San Pedro

The Internacional Presdium meeting at St. Peter’s

Das Generalpräsidium trifft sich vor dem Petersdom


Santa Misa cerca de la tumba de San Pedro

Holy Mass close to the tomb of St. Peter

Heilige Messe in der Nähe des Petrusgrabes


Predica: P. Josef Fleischlin

Sermon: Fr. Josef Fleischlin

Ansprache: P. Josef Fleischlin


El Estatuto en la tumba de San Vincente Pallotti

The Statute at the tomb of St. Vincent Pallotti

Das Generalstatut am Grab von Vinzenz Pallotti

Fotos: POS Santos © 2006


Padre Weiß SAC, P. Angel Strada

Fr. Weiß SAC, Fr. Angel Strada

Pater Weiß SAC und Pater Angel Strada


En camino a la Casa del Pontifico Consejo de los Laicos

On the way to the Pontifical Council of the Laity

Auf dem Weg zum Laienrat



Mons. Stanislav Rylko

Archbishop Stanislav Rylko

Erzbischof Stanislav Rylko


Hablando con Mons. Miguel Delgado, experto de derecho canónico eclesiástico en el Consejo de los Laicos

Talking with Mons. Miguel Delgado, expert in Canonical Law

Im Gespräch mit Mons. Miguel Delgado, Kirchenrechtler beim Laienrat


La Presidencia General despues de la entrega

The General Presidium after the presentation

Das Generalpräsidium nach der Übergabe

Fotos: POS Fischer © 2006

Album de fotos – photo album – Fotoalbum




ROME, mkf. On Monday, June 5th, in a simple act, spiritually prepared by a Holy Mass at Saint Peter’s and with a visit to the tomb of Saint Vincent Pallotti, the General Presidency of the International Schoenstatt Work presented the General Statute of the Movement to the Pontifical Council of the Laity. After a brief greeting by Monsignor Stansislav Rylko, Monsignor Josef Clemens, general secretary of the Pontifical Council of the Laity since 2004, received the document. Monsignor Clemens had previously acted, for close to 19 years, as the personal secretary of the then Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Joseph Ratzinger, the present Benedict XVI, and in 2003 he was named as sub-secretary of the Congregation for the Institutes of Consecrated Life and the Societies of Apostolic Life.

The General Statute, which was finished this year, after years of hard work, is presently available in German and in Spanish (as official language of the Church). Last May 18th it was placed on the altar of the Original Shrine and during the Feast of Pentecost it was on the altar of the Shrine of Belmonte. The International Presidency wanted to stress the importance of the document as well as the presentation to the corresponding authority of the Church, by celebrating an early morning Mass on that same day, June 5th, at Saint Peter’s followed by a pilgrimage to the tomb of Saint Vincent Pallotti. While almost all the Institutes and Schoenstatt Federations already have their respective approbations – as it was stressed with the meeting with Monsignor Clemens -, the International Schoenstatt Work as such presently exists as something "without a common roof" within the Church. This step of the International Schoenstatt Work towards an approbation by the Church has gone through a long process of working out and editing of the Statute, in which the members of the Presidency as representatives of their respective communities and in collective representation of all the work, in dialogue with their communities and the national presidencies, made an effort to "transmit solely in words the multifaceted life of the universal family of Schoenstatt." During the Mass, it was prayed: "Infuse your creative word of life on this document so that it will make Schoenstatt fruitful in the whole world in pursuit of your kingdom".

"We are your letter of introduction every time that we reciprocally love each other like a large family"

The date of presentation of the Statute was consciously chosen: after the Pentecostal events in Rome. In this rejoicing born of the communion of the movements and new communities as a school of freedom, in this joy before the variety of charisms, the Schoenstatt Movement in its federativity addresses the Church, offering it the life that has been born and developed in it, totally at the disposal of the Church, "with our service and our life – stressed Father Heinrich Walter during the concluding act of the presentation of the General Statute.

What distinguished the Pentecostal Encounter of the Movements at Saint Peter’s, at a universal level, is also what marks the life of the Schoenstatt Family: a large number of

autonomous and varied communities, each one of them with it own charism and its own mission, not juridically united rather by voluntarily centering themselves on the common origin, on the common charism as a contribution to the Church and to the world, in a common mission carried out together – isn’t it like this? The experience on Saturday – to not only serve the Church as Focolare Movement, Charismatic Renewal, Saint Egidio, Movement of Christian Life, Neocatecumenal Way…rather as Movements - is reflected –or modeled in Schoenstatt according to Father Kentenich: Schoenstatt Fathers, Sisters of Mary, Boys’ Youth, Institute of Our Lady of Schoenstatt, Federation of Women, Rosary Campaign, Brothers of Mary, Federation of Mothers, Girls’ Youth, Family Work, all that is alive and is active in Schoenstatt, with its own mission, wants to place itself at the service of the Church as "Schoenstatt", as brothers, called to a mission that belongs equally to everyone.

The dynamic is born of communion among everyone

The moment of being Family, of communion, is strongly expressed in the Mass that was celebrated close to the tomb of Saint Peter. "We are your letter of introduction each time that we reciprocally love each other as a large family", it is prayed. "But many times we act more like brothers who are rivals. Lord, have mercy". In his homily, Father Joseph Fleischlin recalls the experience of the Pentecost Vigil at Saint Peter’s. What was seen of Schoenstatt was its little flags, its handkerchiefs and the flags with the symbol of the Shrine and pictures of the Blessed Mother. That is what we want to bring to the Church: the Blessed Mother and the Shrine as a place of the Pentecostal event of the covenant. The General Statute, he says, is the static part of the Work, it is its structure and its connection. The dynamic is born of one for the other, of the communion among the communities. It is in the one for the other, that communion should grow even more; as Schoenstatt Family, we can only form a Living Shrine if we are united. The process of approbation of the General Statute should be accompanied by the dynamic of a growing "one for the other" of the communities. It is in this context that the Original Shrine is also seen, the same as the Shrine of Belmonte, as "Shrines of all of us", that word born through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit that summarizes all the challenge and all the grace of this Schoenstatt era in which we are living. Now is the time to embrace the common charism with passion.

During the offertory, the General Statute is placed on the altar. "God our Father, may a rich contemplative and apostolic life be born from this simple text". As a reminder of this day, all the members of the General Presidency received a small cross.

Let us have faith in Schoenstatt and in Pallotti

After breakfast, in small groups, at the "bars" of the Via della Conzilizione, everyone walked towards San Salvatore en Onda, to the tomb of Saint Vincent Pallotti, where Father WeiB SAC cordially greeted the Schoenstatters. The General Statute rested on the tomb of Saint Vincent Pallotti. "May the blessing Pallotti once promised to his entire work always come upon the family in fullest measure and bring long-awaited salvation to the earth." (Heavenwards, p.137). Father Lathar Penners recalled that Father Kentenich always greatly relied on Pallotti’s blessing for Schoenstatt. During many years Father made efforts to make the Pallotines understand Schoenstatt, and for Schoenstatt to understand Pallotti, The main trilogy of Pallotti -mystery, communion, mission- is also found in the restlessness of the post-Vatican Church: the religious experience, the experience of communion, and the openness and missionary disposition to include everyone in this communion. "Give us faith in Schoenstatt and in Pallotti", the members of the General Presidency prayed at place, that also very important, in Schoenstatt history.

After a brief visit to Saint Mary in Trastevere –a church that is closely associated with Saint Egidio, they went to the headquarters of the Pontifical Council of the Laity, located very close to this church.

"In the house of all Movements and New Communities"

Monsignor Rylko welcomed the members of the International Presidency of Schoenstatt.

"in the house of all the Movements and New Communities". Monsignor Joseph Clemens suggested that together they exchange thoughts about the events of Pentecost 2006. Before starting, the members, who were present, briefly introduced themselves along with their respective communities.

Monsignor Clemens spoke about the preparation for the Encounter of the Movements, he explained that they wanted to do something different from Pentecost 1998, which was impossible to duplicate. He also said that the Holy Father wrote his homily in German and that it is planned to publish all the texts of the Encounter of Pentecost 2006. During the exchange, Monsignor Clemens said that now is the time for the Church and the Movements, the subject is the deepening of the faith, it is about demonstrating the contexts. It is about a faith that is in symphony, he affirms, not only in tones: faith is not a collection of prohibitions; rather, it is about experiencing and announcing the beauty of being Christian. Those who declare themselves as followers of a certain spirituality, he adds, have a special responsibility. Today we need committed people who live their faith with an attitude of commitment.

We offer Schoenstatt to the Church

The act itself of the presentation of the General Statute is very simple. Father Heinrich Walter presented the two folders with the Statute in German and Spanish, and he explained that the preamble about the spirituality is the most important thing for Schoenstatt, although it is the briefest part of the Statute. It is understood that the Statute is more about structure, filiations, dependencies, and interactions of fraternities, communities, and the relationships with the parish, the diocese and the universal Church.

Monsignor Clemens promises that the Council of the Laity will quickly begin to work with the document. When the approbation is conferred, "we will have a small celebration here in Rome!", commented Father Heinrich Walter.

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