Kommunikee - Communiqué - Comunicado
 published: 2006-03-21

The Schoenstatt Press Office: a service initiated by the headquarters of the Movement in Germany and reaching the Schoenstatt Family throughout the world.

Letter by Fr. Lothar Penners, Movement Director, Germany

P.Lothar Penners



Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Covenant of Love:

The eloquent report on the seven year old Schoenstatt.de demonstrates the impressive development which the flow of communication has had within the entire Schoenstatt Family and especially on the internet. One can almost think that the Press Office with its editor, Sr. M. Kornelia Fischer, and its Webmaster, Mr. Heinrich Brehm, in a certain way have the personal support of St. Michael the Archangel. What transpires through our press office, week after week, and year after year, is not only important: it is worthy of admiration!

It probably comes to your attention that the – approximate- proportion of news from Schoenstatt in Germany constitutes (one/third) and (two/thirds) comes from the International Family. The varied information from throughout the world enriches us, that is the Schoenstatt Movement in Germany, and continuously makes us grateful for the great and extensive life current which comes forth from the Original Shrine onto the entire planet. On the other hand, we wish to ask you to take note that the Press Office is not an institution of the General Presidium nor does it belong to an institute which works in the international field; rather, it is under the auspices of the headquarters of the Schoenstatt Movement in Germany. We are happy to make this service available and we are especially grateful for the economic assistance coming from contributions from the federations, institutes, and the Father Kentenich Secretariat which make possible the work of the Press Office.





In the meantime, the service of this Press Office has taken on dimensions which force me to solicit economic contributions to help support our fruitful work. In 2006 we can only maintain the present service in its actual form….. conserving it wholly….. if approximately 17% of the expenses (compare both graphics) comes from individual contributions. In this sense, I ask you, within your possibilities, those of you who make frequent use of Schoenstatt.de or of those for whom the development of our world-wide communication is a special intention, that in addition to the contributions to the Treasury of Grace which is offered for the Original Shrine, that you also consider the economic aspect.

Please understand that my request, not excluding but especially directed to the users of Schoenstatt.de from throughout the whole world and, of course, within each one’s possibilities and the economic situation of each country. The Movement in Germany, above all because of the subscription to SCHOENSTATT AKTUELL, already contributes a considerable portion of the expenses thus guaranteeing the basic budget of our Press Office. At the present time, more than half of the service of the Press Office, as I explained earlier, deals with Schoenstatt throughout the world. I am certain that you will understand my request as an entreaty from our Blessed Mother – in the Original Shrine – to our magnanimity in the Covenant of Love without which our universal family solidarity would never come into being.

I write this to you personally because as Director of the Schoenstatt Movement in Germany, I am also the president of the legal board in charge of the Press Office.

Once again, I am heartily grateful for all of the interest you demonstrate for the life of the Schoenstatt Family and its development.

In this sense, I send you many greetings and a prayerful remembrance in the Original Shrine.

Fr. Lothar Penners
Director of the Schoenstatt Movement in Germany


P.S. Our account:

Press Office Schoenstatt, Vallendar
Konto Nr. 4015814
Sparkasse Koblenz, BLZ 570 501 20
DE 31 5705 0120 0004 0158 14

To save on commission costs on money orders or transfers, we recommend to those who are able to help us:

  • Inquire in your respective countries if the headquarters for the Movement (as in the case of Chile, for example) has an account and if you are able to deposit your donation in it with the note: "For the Schoenstatt Press Office."
  • In the non-European countries, find out if there is a possibility if the collaborators of the Movement Headquarters are able to deliver their contributions in cash to Schoenstatt so they may be turned in to the Press Office.

Translation Carlos Cantú Family Federation La Feria, Texas USA


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Last Update: 21.03.2006 Mail: Editor /Webmaster
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