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 published: 2005-11-18

The Tuparenda Phenomenon

The 18th of October at the Schoenstatt National Shrine in Paraguay


18 de octubre en Tuparenda, Paraguay

October 18 in Tuparenda, Paraguay

18. Oktober in Tuparenda, Paraguay

Apertura del Año Jubilar del Santuario

Opening of the Jubilee Year of the Shrine

Eröffnung des Jubiläumsjahres


Desde temprano, lleguen los peregrinos...

From early in the morning, the pilgrims head to the Shrine...

Von früh an strömen die Pilger zum Heiligtum…


Oración en la Cruz de la Unidad

Prayer at the Unity Cross

Gebet beim Kreuz der Einheit


Llegada de la Virgen de Caacupé

Arrival of Our Lady of Caacupé

Ankunft der Gottesmutter von Caacupé


Mamita Linda

My beautiful mummy

Meine schöne Mama...

Fotos: Franco © 2005




PARAGUAY, ifs. "The spiritual fervor was again present in Tuparenda this October 18th , the same as at the beginning of the jubilee year: that is what Father Antonio Cosp, the Director of the Movement in Paraguay commented. What was experienced on October 18th is called "the Turparenda phenomenon". The innate attractiveness of this holy land for the people of Paraguay allied itself with the good weather and the 30,000 pilgrims surpassed last year’s number. Human rivers ascended the steep hill leading to the Shrine. By 2:00 p.m., the area was overfilling with people awaiting the start of a Healing Mass that would be held at 4:00 p.m.

"The media coverage was thorough in the days preceding this event. All the celebrants announced the mission of Tuparenda: To Be a Nation of God, heart of America. They stressed the natural beauty, and at the same time, they commented on the beauty of the new church with its recently roofed central nave.

Those who experienced this "phenomenon" from within have gone out renewed in their own faith after witnessing the faith of others. There are people with physical impediments and others with delicate health situations but they do not want to miss this event. They feel indebted to the Blessed Mother. They return home more at peace and with a stronger commitment to conquer the difficulties in their life. They feel that the Blessed Mother is very close to them and they willingly seal a Covenant with her that they will renew on the next visit. They want to grow in the fire of faith and love.

The statute of St. Michael the Archangel in the Shrine was changed and its new enthronement awakened much fervor. When it was transferred onto a platform along with the Auxiliary MTA, there was spontaneous applause. In the midst of the multitude, a woman shouted in the sweet language of the ancestors: take good care of our nation!

Thank you Blessed Mother! Thank you for more than 700 members of the Family that worked this day beginning at 6:00 a.m. with some working until midnight! I thought about Father during this time- "I wonder what he is feeling when he sees the harmony among the leaders and the great mass of pilgrims?" 

Something that has never been seen

"The celebration of the 18th was something that has never been seen," commented Mirian Mateo de Zuccolillo, of the Federation Families. "It was a Tuesday, a work day, and Holy Mass was at 9:00 a.m. and at 4:00 p.m. The later one is dedicated to the sick and it was very impressive and exciting. I have been working here for many years, but to see this multitude of people touched me very much". The Mass at 11:30 a.m. was also very well attended. However, there were not as many people at that Mass because the intense summer heat keeps some away and others are in school or at work. (Tuparenda is 34 kilometers from Asuncion). There were also many people at the Mass at 8:00 p.m. There was much happiness and adding to the joy was the return of the Schoenstatt novices to Tuparenda.

A special encounter

Year after year, the greatly venerated image of Our Lady of Caacupe, patron of the nation, comes to visit on the Sunday after the 18th as part of the closing of the celebration. Luis Celma relates, "As the image travels through the twenty kilometers that separate Caacupe from Tuparenda, the devout faithful place decorations all along the way and they greet the holy image with great veneration and they also greet the pilgrims traveling with her. When it arrives at the outskirts of Tuparenda, it is received by the people gathered on the highway and in the towns, where the procession passes. Firecrackers are set off and songs of praise are sung. When the image arrives at the Pilgrim House, there is a pause for some band music. This Marian image is the object of affectionate devotion on the part of the people. Salutations are addressed to her. Then minutes later, the pilgrimage goes on to the Shrine where Holy Mass is celebrated and homage is rendered. After Mass and after all of the official expressions of gratitude, she remains near the Shrine where she receives the veneration of the people who line up to greet her".

These are touching and very expressive moments. This Sunday I saw a young child, about ten years old, crying, and very moved when he saw the image at a distance. The child had a radiant, profound, and filial joy. The manifestations are different and the connection that she is the only Mother is quite clear. The Rosary Campaign establishes a marvelous and splendid attachment between its children and the Mother of Jesus. It unites hearts. Finally, she is taken down from the platform and is taken on pilgrimage to the Pilgrim House for the final farewell. Our Lady of Caacupe embarks on a return pilgrimage to Caacupe.

The opening of the year of preparation for the Silver Anniversary of the National Shrine was deepened with the ceremonies mentioned above. After the encounter and the emotions, a much stronger aura could be perceived. It was as if the presence of Mary descended upon the participants and on this place of Grace. There was a feeling of complete freedom under her motherly protection. I love to see the faces of each pilgrim and the embraces that each missionary gives their Pilgrim MTA. They truly have her in their hearts.

In addition, how can we, the Guardians of the Shrine, who take care of the needs of the Shrine and live with the experience of God in us, live without her?

"My Little Mother"

Roberto Gebhardt relates the following from the point of view of the Guardians of the Shrine:

The image of the Blessed Mother of Caacupe arrived adorned and embellished on a truck. She was beautiful and she was accompanied by several vehicles that honked and had loud sirens. The police lead the procession. It was an exciting experience to see that the people came to their front doors and when they saw the Blessed Mother, they would applaud and wave handkerchiefs. Moreover, this continued throughout the pilgrimage until it reached Tuparenda.

At the Turparenda entrance, many people delayed their arrival to the Holy Mass by as much as 20 minutes when they found out that the Blessed Mother would be passing their way. They were jubilant when she appeared, they threw firecrackers, the police band of Asuncion began to play, and she was taken on a platform (by foot) through the road to the Shrine. The pilgrims now carry her and it was difficult to get the one who was carrying her to give up his place, because of the privilege it implied...

Upon reaching the buildings at the city entrance, she was officially welcomed, with exclamations and hurrahs. She was welcomed in Guarani; then, she continued on pilgrimage to the Shrine, greeted first with songs and then with the prayer of the Holy Rosary. She was White handkerchiefs waved in welcome to her. Then she was set in a special place of honor that had been prepared for her and Holy Mass began. Father Antonio gave a marvelous homily about the Blessed Mother. There were easily two thousands people in attendance.

After Holy Mass, it was arranged so that the pilgrims could approach to greet her and then go into the Shrine. The return pilgrimage was marked by the same zeal that accompanied her arrival. When she was placed on the truck, the people acknowledged her again with waving handkerchiefs and loud songs. The return to Caacupe was just as successful.

While she ascended towards the Shrine, there were people who concentrated solely on prayer and seemed unaware of the events surrounding them. Others said, "Thank you, thank you my little Mother". A woman beside me was crying and I asked her if she wanted to carry the Blessed Mother and she said it was not necessary, that she was crying out of gratitude. Others said, "My beautiful Mother" and many more things. This outpouring of emotion was a sign of the immense love the people of Paraguay have for the Blessed Mother.

For the Guardians it was once more a marvelous experience. Each year is different and each year it is a new experience...

Translation: Celina M Garza, Harlingen/ Christi&Paul Jentz, Milwaukee, USA

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