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 published: 2005-10-14

Pilgrimage to the Heart of the Church

Six days in Rome – memories of some Argentine pilgrims


Benedeto se dió vuelta, miró y cuando vió la peregrina abrió los ojos con sorpresa, como cuando alguien se encuentra de golpe con una cara conocida, y la bendijo.

Benedict turned around, looked, and when he saw the Pilgrim MTA, his eyes widened with surprise, as if suddenly meetings a wll-known face, and he blessed her.

Benedikt dreht sich um, schaute, und als er die Peregrina sah, wurden seine Augen groß vor Staunen, wie wenn man plötzlich ein bekanntes Gesicht sieht, und er segnete sie.


El grupo en el Santuario Matri Ecclesiae in Belmonte

The group at the Matri Ecclesiae Shrine, Belmonte

Die Gruppe beim Matri Ecclesiae-Heiligtum in Belmonte


Imagen de Juan Pablo II en San Pablo

Picture of John Paul II at St. Paul

Bild von Johannes Paul II in Sankt Paul vor den Mauern


Tumba de Juan Pablo II

Tomb of John Paul II

Grab Johannes Pauls II.


En la basílica de Pompeya

In the basílica of Pompei

In der Basilika in Pompei


Los Abram cablando de la misión del Santuario “de todos nosotros”

The Abram talking about the mission of “the Shrine of all of us”

Familie Abram spricht über die Sendung von “unser aller Heiligtum”

Fotos: Capezio © 2005




ROME/ARGENTINA, Oscar and Ana Capezio. We have gone on pilgrimage through the Holy Land (Jerusalem, Galilee, Sinai) with the feeling of returning to the roots, of "stepping in the footsteps of Jesus and Mary". Then we gave ourselves a pilgrimage "at home, in our home"; Schoenstatt. It was special for all the group but especially for Father Guillermo Carmona, it was a marvelous six day retreat. "It is good to be here…" How we wanted to ask for permission "to build our tents…." and for no one to ask us to leave the mountain! We want to express our gratitude to Father Guillermo for having "taken us by the hand", once more, to our beloved homeland; and also to Father Kentenich for having caught a glimpse of "the glory of Tabor" at this place and for having given it to his children.

Our pilgrimage continued from the "heart of Schoenstatt" to the "heart of the Church’: we arrived in Rome on the 19th of September, it was already night, and we immediately began to vibrate in the

crazy, rhythm of the great city.

The most visited place in Rome

Father Alberto Eronti was our Roman guide, what a gift! He accompanied us as much as his work schedule permitted. He carried out his job as a guide with great affection, with so much warmth for these compatriots who wanted to saturate ourselves with all that Rome has to offer.

St. Peter’s: the square is surrounded by a double semi-circular column that signifies the "loving arms of Mother Church" and that is how we felt: received with love by a Mother after a long absence. Once inside we were again in ecstasy when we contemplated the Pieta, the stained glass window of the Holy Spirit, the statute of Peter…and John Paul II’s tomb in the crypt, which is the most visited place, where you inhale a different atmosphere, it has the aura of holiness, of heaven here on earth…

In Saint Mary Major we were moved by its history, a product of the dream of a Pope and of a loyal Roman couple…history? Legend? It doesn’t matter. The Basilica is there to venerate the Mother of God, who is the "figure of the Church in the order of faith, of love and of perfect union with Christ.

Saint Paul outside the walls, there you sense the soul of the holy Apostle and missionary; we could almost hear him announcing Christ with love and frankness; with the urgency and the compulsion of a messenger who is obeying an order. It seemed as if he told us: "I cannot be quiet, let me evangelize you" and afterwards: "Now it is your turn, you should go out to evangelize, you cannot remain silent".

Saint John Lateran, with the Holy Stairs, cathedral of Rome and mother of all the churches. According to a legend, the emperor Constantine had this Basilica built in gratitude that he was healed from leprosy after his Baptism. Saint John Lateran is dedicated to the Redeemer, to Saint John the Baptist and to Saint John the Evangelist, it is the ancient Papal See and it allows us to make contact with the living history of the Church. Five Ecumenical Councils have been celebrated here. Many kings and emperors were crowned here. It speaks to our heart about the unity of the Church, it speaks to the necessity of inter-religious dialogue, it speaks about love…

Highlights of the pilgrimage: the two Shrines…

We visited the "Shrine that belongs to all of us", Father’s great desire; we visited the Matri Ecclesiae Shrine in Belmonte, a few days after its first anniversary. How exciting, it was to step on this holy place, which received so many of our prayers! Nivaldo and Tersinha Abram cordially welcomed us, Father Alberto explained the history of the Shrine to us, we were touched by all the anecdotes, we were happy about the growth of the Family around the Shrine, and we were full of joy during the Holy Mass, concelebrated by Father Alberto and Father Guillermo. Thank you Mother, for allowing us to be here, in your house! Thank you for wanting to be in this place, close to the Holy Father, in the "Heart of the Church"!

We were also at the first MTA Shrine of Rome, the Cor Ecclesiae Shrine from where the dome of Saint Peter’s can be seen from the patio! This shrine is truly built in the shadow of Saint Peter’s, under the loving mantle of the Mother Church, and it has been the home of every Schoenstatt pilgrim in Rome since it was built. At this time the house and surrounding area was being remodeled, for which the Sisters apologized for the "inconvenience" which did not exist for us.

The place breathes peace, even in the midst of such a busy city. Father Guillermo celebrated Holy Mass, a daily gift for the pilgrims, who eagerly await the homily every day, it is so full of life, it so profoundly Marian, it so sincerely affectionate.

The Pope with the Pilgrim MTA

On Wednesday the 21st of September we had the great opportunity: we participated in the General Audience with the Holy Father, Benedict XVI. It is impossible to describe the excitement we felt, it was so great that we arose very early, by 7:00 a.m. we were on our way to Saint Peter’s, and we had already had breakfast, incredible! After the long wait, unending lines, going through security we could finally enter. Thanks to the early rising we were able to find a place close the center aisle of the square, where we thought the popemobile would pass. Patricia placed her elbows on the barrier she was holding a Pilgrim MTA in her hands, it had accompanied us all the time, and when the Pope passed she began to call him –just as the youth did at World Youth Day- "Benedict, Benedict". When he turned towards her she showed him the Pilgrim MTA and then, Benedict XVI blessed it and he smiled with a pleased look on his face. We all felt we had received that smile and that blessing, that we believe can be extended to all the Schoenstatt Family. Patricia relates: We were not sure where he would go , we only hoped that it would be through the aisle where we were. At exactly 10:00 a.m. we heard the clamoring of the people before Benedict appeared to being traveling through the square in the popemobile.

I had put my camera away since my objective was for him to bless the Pilgrim MTA that I had and for him to see that She was also present. Between shoves and toes that were stepped on we eagerly awaited his arrival. And that is how it was, when the popemobile turned down the aisle where we were our excitement was immense, and when he heard Benedict, Benedict called out he turned, he looked and when he saw the Pilgrim MTA his eyes opened with surprise, like when someone suddenly sees a familiar face, and he blessed it.

Sister, you cannot imagine the joy we felt, his surprised face will always remain etched in our hearts.

To feel the universality of the Church

In summary, our trip through Rome was very brief, but full of marvelous sensations: we had the opportunity to feel the universality of the Church, we were able to have contact with traces of the first communities (in the Colosseum, the catacombs), and we quickly reviewed the history of the successors of Peter, the Popes, who assure us that THIS is the Church Jesus founded..

We also encountered Saint Vincent Pallotti, founder of the Pallotines, the one who inspired our Apostolic

In Pompei, in the Shrine founded by Bartolo Longo, we discovered with surprise that there are many common and significant points between both shrines (Schoenstatt and Pompeii). (The brochure they gave us was edited mostly by Monsignor Claudio Gimenez, Schoenstatt Father); Father Guillermo had the opportunity to concelebrate the Holy Mass on Saturday, the day dedicated to Mary. Thank you people of Pompeii for welcoming us with so much affection!

Of course we did some "tourist" things: we drank coffee, ate pizza and pasta, we visited Trastevere, the Fountain of Trevi, the Spanish Steps, the Vittorio Emanuele monument, we walked through the streets full of color and ambience…it was a beautiful experience that is worth repeating.

Again we thank God for allowing us to make this trip, we thank Jesus for having "chosen" Mary to give us her maternal protection, and on the human level we thank those who made this dream possible:

Juan Carlos and Mariana who organized the economic part, Patricia who took care of many of the logistic details; Father Guillermo for being a magnificent spiritual guide, a true transparency of our Founder; to each one of our traveling companions, for their affection and good spirit, for being:

"Family of the Father, with Mary

Translation: Celina M Garza, Harlingen, TX, USA

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