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 published: 2005-08-02

Little donkeys of the Blessed Mother

Encounters around the Original Shrine

Begegnung in Schönstatt: Diana Zunini, Birgit Brömmel, Carlos Zunini

Encuentro en Schoenstatt: Diana Zunini, Birgit Brömmel, Carlos Zunini

Encounter in Schoenstatt: Diana Zunini, Birgit Brömmel, Carlos Zunini

Begegnung in Schönstatt: Diana Zunini, Birgit Brömmel, Carlos Zunini

Foto: POS Fischer © 2005

Diana und Carlos Zunini in der Mario-Hiriart-Ausstellung  

Diana y Carlos Zunini en la muestra sobre Mario Hiriart

Diana and Carlos Zunini at the Mario Hiriart exposition

Diana und Carlos Zunini in der Mario-Hiriart-Ausstellung

Bei der internationalen Jugendmesse in Haus Marienau  

Participando en la Misa de la Juventud, en Casa Marienau

Participating in the Youth Mass, at House Marienau

Bei der internationalen Jugendmesse in Haus Marienau

Der wichtigste Ort: das Urheiligtum  

El lugar as importante: el Santuario Original

The most important place: the Original Shrine

Der wichtigste Ort: das Urheiligtum

Fotos: Zunini © 2005

Elva, Voluntaria de Maria im Krankendienst und Missionarin, aus Buenos Aires: Ich möche wieder kommen&

Elva, Voluntaria de Maria y misionera de Buenos Aires: Quiero volver…

Elva, Volunteer of Mary and missionary from Buenos Aires: I want to return one day

Elva, “Voluntaria de Maria” im Krankendienst und Missionarin, aus Buenos Aires: Ich möche wieder kommen…

Ein Brief an eine Jugendliche aus Argentinien: Elva und Eva Maria  

Carta a una chica de Argentina: Elva y Eva Maria

A letter to a girl from Argentina: Elva and Eva Maria

Ein Brief an eine Jugendliche aus Argentinien: Elva und Eva Maria

Fotos: POS Fischer © 2005


Fotos: © 2005


SCHOENSTATT, MKF. Everyone knows that you do not arrive in Schoenstatt empty-handed, everyone comes loaded with letters, photos, contributions to the Capital of Grace, from relatives, friends and acquaintances, to be deposited in the Original Shrine as well as Father’s tomb. This is a daily occurrence at both places that are practically covered with these messages, as well as magazines, prayers, videos – all fruits of the life that come from the Covenant and that seek to touch the place where the Covenant originated. What in other pilgrimages places such as Fatima and Lourdes that have bronze or stone plaques that express words of gratitude, in Schoenstatt the equivalent are the personal testimonies about the work of the MTA and Father in the lives of the people… And that is how it is felt, says Diana Zunini –who has been a missionary of the Campaign for five years in Bahia Blanca, Argentina. Schoenstatt is a great "plaque of gratitude", and all the great stream of graces that flow throughout the world can be clearly perceived in the articles that are brought to this place.

On Thursday afternoon, July 28th, Diana and her husband "stepped" into the Original Shrine for the first time. As true "donkeys of the Blessed Mother", loaded with things that the missionaries gave them to bring to Schoenstatt, that symbolized their desire of being present in the place of grace that has no equal, the Original Shrine. "Blanca almost cried when we bid her farewell, says Diana. "It is such a great desire to be in Schoenstatt!" And she adds: "The last thing we read in was about the exposition on Mario Hiriat, so now we want o visit it!" They conversed with Birgit Brommel, of the young Professional branch of Germany, through a translator, who they met in the Press Office, and in this conversation Birgit as well as Diana discovered a "coincidence": how passionate they are to be a little donkey of the Blessed Mother, carrying her everywhere she wants to go. It seemed as if there are no language barriers when it is about a great mission…Diana told about the wayside shrine in Sierra de la Ventana and in the Niehborhood of San Cayetano in Bahia Blanca, and about the wayside shrine in the jail, about Paso Mayor and its history with Father Kentenich, who took and blessed the picture of the MTA that is enthroned in that chapel. They were elated to stay in House Marienau, where Father Kentenich stayed so many times, and where there is a unique treasure: the Pilgrim MTA of the Father, the Pilgrim MTA that Joao sent Father Kentenich as a gift in March of 1968,

Emotionally, they shared testimonies of several missionaries, such as Bety, from Ingeniero White: "In April of 1989 I accompanied a friend to the chapel of San Jose Obrero to visit the Virgin of San Nicolas. I had recently started to get close to the Church and among things that were happening to me and my ignorance, I didn[t understand very much. Then I looked at that picture and asked that she send me something, a sign, whatever it was, to serve my community and the place where I lived. For two months I accompanied my friend, Mirta, to pray the rosary. On the 18th of June of 1989, the sign arrived: Father Juan, and Baby and Erico Schoenhoff arrived at my house and asked me if I wanted to be a missionary. I did not understand anything, I did not know any of the three and much less the Movement. But my response was yes, I didn’t even think about it, and they entrusted the Pilgrim MTA 583 to me, it was the first Pilgrim MTA to arrive to Ingeniero White. I owe a lot to the Blessed Mother and Joao…" among"the "things that she owes" the Blessed Mother is in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit, there are more than 60 missionaries, 3702 Rosaries in adoration… and the arrival of her baby Maria Milagros, who she had awaited for 13 years, "but these were the years in which the Blessed Mother needed me. She and Joao had a plan for me".

Traces of World Youth Day

On Friday night they participated in the Youth Mass concelebrated by Fathers Duncan McVicar, Ludwig Guthlein, and Pedro Kuhlcke. "The chapel was full of many youth, it was beautiful!" Diana said the following day. She awoke early, to make use of the hours of dawn to go tranquilly to the places where Father walked.. Sunday a Pilgrim MTA "appeared" in the Original Shrine, in addition to the two what the Schoenstatt volunteers from the World Youth Day office in Cologne had taken: Elva’s, a lawyer from Buenos Aires, Volunteer of Mary and missionary…She went on pilgrimage to the Original Shrine along with Birgit, who she met in House Sonnenau where both of them were staying, both of them happily carrying their Pilgrim MTA’s and efficiently "communicating" with signs, drawings and smiles.since one of them did not understand Spanish and the other did not speak German!

"Every morning I hear Father Kentenich’s tapes in House Sonnenau, commented Elva. "I did not understand one word, but that does not matter, the important thing was to hear Father. I want one of those tapes!"

Another trace World Youth Day " or better said, another trace of God: In the Press Office she met Eva-Maria, of the Girls’ Youth in Fulda, from the parish where the youth from Argentina will be housed during the "days of encounter" before World Youth Day. Among those who will travel will be the delegate of her daughter’s group. So within two weeks Eva-Maria will be able to give that girl a letter from Elva…with greetings from Schoenstatt!

Translation: Celina M Garza, Harlingen, TX, USA

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