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 published: 2005-08-08

"That Is Why We Are Here!"

A Small "Babel" has captured the heart of the MTA

Invasión juvenil: chicas de Cordoba

Youth invasion: girls from Cordoba

Invasion der Jugend: Mädchen aus Cordoba


Aqui estamos! Un curso de los Padres de Schoenstatt

Here we are: A course of the Schoenstatt Fathers

Da sind wir: Ein Kurs der Schönstattpatres


Hemos venidos a adorarle...

We ave come to worship him

Wir sind gekommen, um ihn anzubeten


Viva España

Spain in action

Spanien in Aktion


El Santuario es para nosotros un "mundo”

The Shrine is a world for us

Das Heiligtum ist für uns eine Welt

Fotos: POS Fischer © 2005


WYD-SCHOENSTATT, mca. Amidst the uproar – laughter, singing, greetings, shouts, running around, buses, luggage – which involves Schoenstatt these days, the Original Shrine has been invaded by youthful hearts of those who will participate in the Festival and the WYD and also by all of those Schoenstatters who accompany them from afar throughout the World! Not only parents and brothers and sisters: friends, acquaintances, fellow countrymen, and even unknown friends send their greetings and happiness to this unfolding of life and hope which has taken root there. "Look, Sr. Sabrina!!!, Did you see John?, Did you hear Mary?, There is Fr. Peter!"…..these are some of the shared comments by those who have not gone to Schoenstatt but is as if they were there thanks to the "new technology". Each "virtual" encounter is joyful, enthusiastic, and filled with emotion. All hearts beat as one with these youths who are representing the Family so well.

This small "Babel" of languages, races, and cultures which is seen – and heard – around the Shrine and in each corner of Schoenstatt as is witnessed by and the fabulous Schoenstattblog – an ingenious contribution by Angie Santos – gives an account of the expansion of Schoenstatt on the five continents. In this regard, the only thing left to say is: what will take place there has completely revolutionized the Family throughout the World! Today, all of Schoenstatt and each Schoenstatter is another youth standing along side of "our youths".

The future and the hope of the entire Family

Within a few years of the Centennial of the Movement, their presence there is of tremendous significance…..The almost one hundred year old promise of the MTA has become a reality and with interest earned: "I will draw youthful hearts unto Myself". Youths who will come in droves toward the Shrine….. youths who participate in Holy Mass…..youths who seal their Covenant of Love at the Original source of graces…..youths who unfold their banners and their songs toward their common home…..youths who fill the place with life…..youths who are the future and the hope of the entire Family.

"At the dawn of our life, a marvellous star appeared"

Our Father with his prophetic charism saw the youth "coming" already in April of 1912, anticipating the future in a most astonishing way: "Vidimus stellam ejus in Oriente et venimus adorare eum. We saw a star in the East and we have come to adore Him. That is said of the Three Wise Men. Also before us, at the dawn of our life, a marvellous star appeared: Jesus and Mary. Et venimus adorare: we have arrived in spite of the many difficulties. It was this star which brought us… meet Jesus and Mary… find them without fear of losing them…..that is why we are here". In Schoenstatt and in Cologne, the only thing left to say is…..youths, have a great time, take advantage of everything, enjoy it to the utmost, fill yourselves with graces – and return home safe and sound!

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