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 published: 2005-07-19

And the Legacy lives on!

Schoenstatt Boys’ Youth of Texas completed 35th foot pilgrimage - Preparation for WYD

35. Fußwallfahrt der Mannesjugend in Texas, USA

35° caminata de la Juventud Masculina en Texas, USA

35th edition of the Boys’ Youth Walk, in Texas, USA

35. Fußwallfahrt der Mannesjugend in Texas, USA





Weitergehen trotz Müdigkeit  

Seguir – a pesar del cansancio

Continue – despite of the tiredness

Weitergehen trotz Müdigkeit

Die ersten, damals&  

Los primeros...

The first ones...

Die ersten, damals…

Die Jüngsten, heute&

Los más jovenes, hoy…

The youngest ones, now…

Die Jüngsten, heute…





Im Heiligtum von Lamar  

En el Santuario en Lamar

In the Shrine in Lamar

Im Heiligtum von Lamar

Fotos: Schiavolin © 2005




USA, Sean Schiavolin. For the 35th year in a row the Boys Youth of Texas have convened and completed a 42 mile pilgrimage on foot from Corpus Christi, TX to the Confidentia Shrine in Lamar. Two days of sacrifice in the upper 90F heat of July filled with "blood, sweat, and tears" and joy, song, and prayer.

The Boys Walk tradition began in 1970 when the Schoenstatt family of Texas decided it was time to make a pilgrimage to see their Father and Founder in Germany since he passed on before making his promised visit back to Texas. The boys were too young to make the trip at that time so they decided to make their own pilgrimage. So four boys set out on foot on the long journey starting at a wayside shrine in Corpus Christi.


Bearers of the Arc

This year was especially momentous as the Boys from Austin, building upon their newly formed ideal as ‘Bearers of the Ark,’ actually constructed an ark modeled after the Ark of the Covenant and carried it on the walk with them.

The ark was designed and constructed by the Boys Youth leader John Hand, an architecture student at the University of Texas. Inside the ark is the foundation stone of the Austin Shrine -to be, ‘Bethlehem-Cradle of Sanctity,’ along with petitions and contributions for the Capital of Grace.

What a sight to see, over 40 boys and fathers parading down the highways and coastal roads bearing an ark and huge banners! I think it’s safe to say that they made Our Dear MTA very happy.

A special connection with Nigeria

The Boys Youth of Texas also made a special connection with Nigeria as Fr. Johnson, Schoenstatt Father in Nigeria, brought a special gift and blessing from the Schoenstatt Youth of Nigeria.

Note to all of the Youth around the world traveling to Germany for World Youth Day: Keep an eye out for the Bearers of the Ark!


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