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 published: 2005-05-10

Fascination for life

Conference of the series "Invitation to life"

Hna M. Nurit Stosiek: charla sobre calidad de vida en la luz de la fe

Sr. M. Nurit Stosiek: talk on quality of life in the light of faith

Schw. Dr. M. Nurit Stosiek sprach über Lebensqualität im Licht des Glaubens


Martina Sauer: presentación

Martina Sauer: presentation

Martina Sauer moderierte den Abend


Información sobre „Lichtzeichen“, la iniciativa de la Rama de Madres para mujeres embarazadas  la vida a nacer

Information about “Lichtzeichen”, the initiative of the Schoenstatt Mothers for pregnant women and the unborn life

Information über “Lichtzeichen”, die Initiative für schwangere Frauen in Konfliktsituationen

Fotos: Eichenberg © 2005


SCHOENSTATT, mkf. "If human beings are the most precious things on earth, how can we respond with a "culture of death", killing the unborn who are no less human beings in relation to quality of life than the rest of us – the mother, the family nucleus – and maybe even "use" them for research? How can we turn our eyes from the fact that after an abortion a woman is no longer the same spiritually and for that same reason, experiences emotional losses?" These questions were raised by Sister Dr. Nurit Stosiek at the beginning of the conference, which dealt with the topic that progressed to the association of the "Signs of Light", very close to Schoenstatt: the protection and dignity of the human being at the beginning of its life.

The conference took place in the House of Father Kentenich in Mount Schoenstatt and close to 100 people participated, among them the participants of a journey of the branch of mothers of the Schoenstatt Movement. Martina Sauer, founder associate of the association "Signs of Light", welcomed especially all the participants from the mother land of our Holy Father, Baviera. Sister Nurit was skillfully able to relate the movement generated by the death of Pope John Paul II and the election of Pope Benedict XVI. "Fascination for human beings…... In the last weeks this topic has acquired a face, a topic in which these two personalities, that day and night are the center of interest of the entire world, are interested", according to the presenter. "This is why I mention these two defenders of life.

With the question about the human being we touch, at the same time, a fundamental intention of Father Kentenich. From the beginning he sided with human beings and called Schoenstatt to life by renewing present personalities and society about the fundamental forces of Christianism, in a time so different from previous ones. It is not a coincidence that an initiative like "Signs of Light" has found shelter in Schoenstatt"

It was not just about discussions and questions about abortion, mankind and human dignity even for unborn children, but about a fundamental attitude to entrust a culture of affirmation of mankind. Sister Nurit linked these fundamental attitudes with concrete testimonies from Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI.

See, once again, quality of life

"Quality of life" is the key term of many discussions. The last journey of the Pontificate Academy for life also dealt with this topic and clearly highlighted that the criteria in the first degree that define a "low quality of life" could not and should not be reasons to end life, whether it be before birth, in it’s last stages, or during it.

Quality of life, according to Sister Nurit, refers to the growth of love, not comfort. Conflicting situations can become a calling, as Pope Benedict XVI took his election: Do not refuse it! Love and spiritual strength grow when one leaves aside ones plans to follow the Lord, even in the case of an undesired pregnancy!

Quality of life flows from solidarity and kindness: pregnant mothers in conflicting situations frequently feel abandoned; they need the dedication of "good shepherds", as the new Pope named them in the beginning of his pontificate. To tend, essentially to the care of human beings, can be a contribution to a culture of mankind and humanity.

Quality of life also needs a backbone with clear values and norms; the tension between understanding of the individual situation and firmness of values and norms can be difficult to carry; but it is precisely the young generation that has shown to be impressed by the firmness of John Paul II. Finally, quality of life is clearly tested in situations of weakness: the testimony of John Paul II in the last stage of his life was very strong and moving.

Help without bureaucracy

In the second part of the meeting, Marie-Helen Neihs gave an idea of the concrete work that the honorary collaborators of "Signs of Light" do in the House of Alliance, in Schoenstatt, where every Monday and Wednesday from 9.00 to 11.30 many women receive support and concrete help without bureaucracy. The demand grows. There are many women that are single mothers or have too many children and need concrete help. There are also many who need this support, since it provides things for children and all the necessary for babies.

Not long ago, a woman brought a crib and was able to place it directly in the car of a pregnant woman who needed urgently. By the way, cribs are very needed articles…  

Prayer circles support work

Ulrike Eichenberg was available to answer questions about the association. She invited everyone to belong to it, since a large number of members has more influence on the work that is done in public. Whoever wants to support and be a part of the protection of unborn children and pregnant women in conflicting situations, through internal support, through prayer, or through practical help, can become a member of the association "Signs of Light".

Additional information about "Signs of Light": Lichtzeichen e.V."

Translation: Natalia Cava, Florida United States

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