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 published: 2004-08-13

Soon it is so far...

The textbooks are being printes, and the texts of the celebrations in Rome can be downloaded - in German, Spanish, English, and Italian

Casi listo para recibir los más de 2000 peregrinos del mundo... el 8 de septiembre

Almost ready to receive the over 2,000 pilgrims from all over the world, on September 8

Fast fertig, um die über 2000 Pilger aus aller Welt aufzunehmen... Am 8. September ist es so weit!

Foto: Tedeschi © 2004


Una promesa se hace realidad.... Entrega del Santuario de Roma al Padre Kentenich, 16 de noviembre de 1965

A promise come true... Offering of the Rome Shrine to Father Kentenich, November 16, 1965

Ein Versprechen wird wahr... Geschenk des Romheiligtums an Pater Kentenich am 16. November 1965


El Padre en el terreno del futuro Santuario

Father Kentenich at the land of the future Shrine

Pater Kentenich auf dem Gelände des zukünftigen Heiligtums

Fotos: Jäger © 2004




ROME, Michael Gerber. The construction of the Schoenstatt Shrine in Belmonte, Rome, is in its final stages. The preparations of the festivities, as well - or should we better say, all are working at full stretch? The textbooks for the pilgrims are being printed these days ..., and already now, the texts can be downloaded at

These days, the workers are doing their best at the square in front of the Shrine, to the end of getting it ready to receive the so far more than 2,000 pilgrims from all over the world. Carpenters are working hard for the shrine - meanwhile, the door is ready and the Father Eye Symbol, gift of the Argentinean Schoenstatt Family, is already attached to the top part.

Celebrations at the Shrines and wayside shrines 

In Löffelstelzen in Southern Germany, the team in charge for the celebrations met to give the final touch to the texts of the celebrations - now ready in four languages: German, Spanish, English, and Italian. All the participants will recieve a textbook in one of these four main languages. All those who spiritually join from home, can do so and download the texts.

All are thereby invited to give a thought to the idea of joining in the celebrations, spiritually, with a parallel celebrations at the wayside shrines and Daughter Shrines on September 7 or 8. Thus, the Church could even more experience the stream of life and grace flowing from the networked shrines all over the world...

Long since the Schoenstatt family of Concepción del Uruguay, in Argentina, commited themselves to organize a parallel celebration at their wayside shrine. Please let us know where else celebrations will take place!

PressOffice Schoenstatt will literally "move" to Rome on September 6, with a team of 5 - to provide fast and vast covering of the events in Spanish, German, and hopefully English. Don't miss to have a look at these days.

Everybody of course is very welcome to join in via mail:

Textbook, download (pdf):

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Last Update: 13.08.2004 Mail: Editor /Webmaster
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