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 published: 2004-07-09

Roof, bell tower, and now the bell... the International Shrine in Rome grows and so do anticipation and commitment

Archbishop Dr. Robert Zollitsch at the future Shrine in Belmonte


A dos meses de la bendición del Santuario Internacional de Roma

Two months from the dedication of the International Schoenstatt Shrine in Rome

Zwei Monate vor der Einweihung des Internationalen Heiligtums in Rom


Miembros del equipo coordenador de las celebraciones en Septiembre: P. Wilhelm Mahlmeister, Bernhard Maas, Michael Gerber, Dr. Peter Wolf, Ing. Leonardo Bonamoneta

Members of the team coordinating the celebrations in september: Fr. Wilhelm Mahlmeister, Bernhard Maas, Fr. Michael Gerber, Mons. Peter Wolf, Ing. Leonardo Bonamoneta

Mitglieder des Koordinationsteams für die Feiern im September: Pfr. Wilhelm Mahlmeister, Bernhard Maas, Michael Gerber, Dr. Peter Wolf, Ing. Leonardo Bonamoneta

Foto: Tedeschi © 2004


El campanário, en la tierra...

The bell tower, sitting on the ground...

Das Türmchen, am Boden…

Foto: Wolf © 2004


... y en camino al cielo (casi)

...and on the way to the skies (almost)

… und auf dem Weg zum Himmel (beinahe)


Casi en su lugar

Almost at its place

Und fast an seinem Platz


Mons. Robert Zollitsch, visita al Santuario

Archbishop Robert Zollitsch, visit to the Shrine

Erzbischof Dr. Robert Zollitsch: Besuch am Heiligtum


El arzobispo con el Sr. Leonardo Bonamoneta

The archbishop listening to the explanations of Mr. Bonamoneta

Aufmerksam hört der Erzbischof den Erläuterungen von Herrn Bonamoneta zu

Fotos: Gerber © 2004


Vamos a construir! Mons. Dr. Peter Wolf

Let us build! Mons. Dr. Peter Wolf

Bauen wir weiter! Mons. Dr. Peter Wolf


El hombre mas importante...

The most important person ...

Das ist der (ge)wichtigste Mann…

Fotos: Tedeschi © 2004


La entrada del terreno

At the entrance

Am Eingang; auf dem Pfeiler steht: "Belmonte"

Foto: Wolf © 2004




ROME, Dr. Peter Wolf/ Michael Gerber. A few days ago, the bell tower has been set at the future International Shrine in Belmonte, Rome. The bell will probably be attached July 9 - ready ti call the pilgrims from far and near to visit the Mother of the Church and Mother of all in her little Shrine. Already now, two months before the dedication of the Shrine come September 8, 2004, pilgrims are heading to the Shrine, both spiritually and physically.

The first prominent visitor was Archbishop Dr. Robert Zollitsch of Freiburg. He had traveled to Rome to receive the pallium from the Holy Father, John Paul II; the day before the festive ceremony, he went to the construction site at Belmonte, where the engineer supervising the construction work, Ing. Leonardo Bonamoneta, explained to him the state of the work.

Hardly 24 hours later, the members of the coordinating team for the celebrations in September, met by the Shrine. Visibly moved, for the first time they prayed the Angelus in the interior of the future Shrine. There' s still a lot to organize for the celebrations in September. When Monsignor Dr. Peter Wolf invited the construction workers to join in the celebrations, they were greatly astonished that already some 1,700 persons from South and Central America, Australia, South Africa, and several countries of Europe, have booked their ticket to Rome - to participate in the dedication of "their" construction work!!

Joining in at the Shrines of the world

Each and everyone who with his or her commitment, sorrows, sacrifices, work, and love is united with the growing Shrine in Rome, should have the possibility to spiritually join in the celebration. Therefore, the texts will be available end August at,. The local Schoenstatt families already now can, thus, think about the way how they, at their shrines, join in the celebrations in Rome.

Fill the jars

In the evening after the foundation stone had been laid, all the guests from far and near were given a little jar. It was gift from the Italian Schoenstatt Family. When they prepared for the laying of the foundation stone, they had heard about the custom of placing a jar in many Schoenstatt shrines, and liked it. Their gift of a typical Italian jar was their idea to give you joy. In the meantime many of these little jars have been placed in many home shrines to remind us that the shrine in Rome needs our contributions if what we are hoping for is to become a reality – that is should become a place of grace and blessing for the Church.

Large jars can be found in many shrines. Whether they are big or small, they remind us in these days of Rome and the shrine being built there. It grows day by day and becomes more like what a Schoenstatt shrine should be

"The motto for the dedication is: Omnia Matri Ecclesiae! All for our Mother Church – all for the Mother of the Church! This motto tells us that everything can become a contribution for the Rome shrine. Everything into the jar!," says Mons. Dr. Wolf. "The work and joys of a day, stress and relaxation, the heat and the cold, everything can become a contribution if I give it to the Mother of the Church and place it in the jar.

Everything can become a prayer for the Rome shrine: a brief ejaculation and a longer rosary, the simple Angelus and the beautiful Eucharistic prayer, if I give it and place it into the jar.

A long procession to the Shrine

In the groups that are preparing the services for the dedication of the shrine, the idea has come up that the jars should be carried in the solemn procession to the shrine. "They should show us, and all who follow the invitation to come to Rome, that a Schoenstatt shrine is coming into existence here that lives from the commitment of the worldwide Family. Would it not be nice if a large number of jars could be presented by people representing the many nations belonging to the Schoenstatt Family?." Monsignor Wolf said. "We invite you to bring jars from as many shrines as possible from all over the world. They will be put up in front of the shrine. After the celebration they can be taken back again, so that they can be a reminder in the daughter shrines of our commitment to the Church.

Whoever has a jar will be able to join the large procession, along with the Cardinals, Bishops and priests, as it enters the grounds, and will be given a place very close to the shrine. It would probably be better if two people carry the jar together or in turns. I am looking forward to seeing how many jars are there."

Translation (in part): Mary Cole, Manchester, England

Two songs made for the celebrations can be downloaded: "Omnia Matri Ecclesiae" , and "Ave Maria" will offer reports from Rome during the three days of the celebrations; photos and texts will be available day by day. It's also possible and very much welcome to participate spiritually via mail, sending wishes, greetings, or share experiences (, also already now!

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Last Update: 09.07.2004 Mail: Editor /Webmaster
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