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 published: 2004-03-12

Tell me where I can meet God

Schoenstatt Youth preparing Schoenstatt for the World Youth Day

Misa del domingo, 7 de marzo, con toque juvenil y internacional

Sunday Mass  on March 7 had a strong international and "young" touch

Sonntagsmesse am 7. März mit internationalem, jugendlichem Touch


Concelebración de Padres de Schoenstatt a cargo de la Juventud, y otros

Concelebration of Schoenstatt Fathers in charge of the Youth, and others

Konzelebration von Schönstatt-Patres aus der Jugendarbeit (und anderen)


Raimundo, Chile, y Eva-Maria, Alemania: introducción

Raimundo, Chile, and Eva-Maria, Germany: introduction

Einführung: Raimundo, Chile, und Eva-Maria, Deutschland


Participantes jóvenes

Participants from the Youth Communities

Teilnehmer aus den Jugendgemeinschaften


Participantes en la Casa Padre Kentenich

Participants of the presentation in the Father Kentenich House

Blick in Publikum bei der Video-Präsentation im Pater-Kentenich-Haus


Intercambio en la oficina del staff

Discussion in the offices of the staff

Austausch im Projekt-Büro Weltjugendtag


Están todas las banderas de nuestros países?

Are the flags from our countries here?

Sind auch aus allen unseren Ländern Fahnen hier?


"Voluntario" en la oficina del Padre Duncan McVicar

"Volunteer" in the office of Father Duncan McVicar

"Freiwilliger" im Büro von Pater Duncan McVicar

Fotos: POS Fischer © 2004




SCHOENSTATT, mkf. In a few weeks, the World Youth Day Cross, after a one year pilgrimage through 26 European countries, will be solemnly received in Berlin, capital of Germany, to start a "pilgrimage of reconciliation" during the coming 17 months. During these 17 moths, the Cross together with the Picture of Mary that accompanies it, will visit the German dioceses, the German Parliament, and - Schoenstatt. Schoenstatt Youth from all parts of Germany, and some other countries, joined in Schoenstatt March 5-7 to prepare for Schoenstatt's contribution to World Youth Day. During the Sunday Mass in the Adoration Church, and the following presentation in the Father Kentenich House, they started to prepare Schoenstatt for the World Youth Day.

The opening words of the Holy Mass on Sunday, March 7, in the Adoration Church were said in Spanish -by a young man from Chile talking about the longing of Schoenstatt Youth all over the world to be in Schoenstatt and to contribute to World Youth Day. "You will here a lot of Spanish, and many other languages, in Schoenstatt next year," Eva-Maria Baumgarten said, "because the Schoenstatt Youth of the World will come to Schoenstatt." It's a dream to once be in Schoenstatt for those who are several thousand kilometers away. "We meet here to think about what we can do that the dream of so many young Schoenstatt people will become an enriching experience for all." What they saw in slides, videos and Internet, they will then see with their own eyes, touch with their own hands, walk with their own feet, love and fill with their loving presence: the Original Shrine, the Founder Chapel, the holy grounds of Schoenstatt…

The longing to meet God and each other

The young Schoenstatt members who were meeting to prepare the Schoenstatt World Youth Day contribution (see: …), with this Mass and the following presentation wanted to share with all those present in Schoenstatt. An improvised choir and orchestra - "The first tone of the first song in Mass was our first common tone, there was no practice, nothing, we just did it!" - provided youthful sound and songs in English, German and Spanish.

Father Duncan McVicar in his sermon showed the common denominator of all the preparations, ideas, longings, visions: "It's the longing to meet, to meet other young people, to meet in the Covenant of Love, to meet as international Schoenstatt, to meet the Blessed Mother, the Founder, to meet God."

The World Youth Day Cross to come to Schoenstatt on October 15 - welcomed by as many young people as possible and probably, hopefully accompanied by a crowd of journalists and representatives of church and public life - will be a celebration of meeting with Jesus, of meeting with Mary. The Schoenstatt Youth Festival, to take place before the diocesan program of World Youth Day, will be a celebration of the Covenant of Love, that then, in Cologne is to be passed on the Youth of the World as Schoenstatt's unique gift and treasure.

The time test, the reality test, the love test

What does it mean to "meet God"? Father Duncan speaks of the time test, the reality test, the love test.

When God really touches our heart, we won't forget so quickly with new impressions. A meeting like that will change my life and leave marks for ever. Time won't wash away the experience of such a meeting.

When God really touches our hearts, we will see the surrounding reality in a new perspective: this world is God's world. "We will discover the presence of God in the others, in those who believe, in those who still are searching for God". Superficiality and lack of attention are the real obstacles to a deeper encounter with God.

When God really touches our hearts, the level of life and the level of words will meet… What we say and what we want not always matches with life. But when we are really touched by God, everything changes. We are able to leave the narrowness of our thinking, the complicatedness, the darkness.

In the Covenant of Love, the Blessed Mother and Father Kentenich want to help us experience the presence of God that changes all.

On the way to World Youth Day

Some 30, 40 persons followed the invitation of the young people to meet in the rooms of the Schoenstatt Project Office World Youth Day. "We hope to create more interest in the course of time", a young man said. Nevertheless, already on the way to the video presentation, sharing begins and the young people's enthusiasm is contagious. "Did you know that the World Youth Day Cross already was in Schoenstatt?" -"No, you are kidding!" - "We found it in the chronicles in Rome, it was here for the centenary of Father Kentenich!" Most of the young people present were toddlers then or not yet born, how shall they know? "Maybe someone else remembers?" Of those present, nobody remembers, but maybe someone who visits

After the video presentation - the official video edited by the World Youth Day Office in Cologne - all are invited to the rooms of the Schoenstatt Project Office. Tea and candy are shared, it is time to look at the offices, to ask questions, to talk… , to enjoy the mutual interest of the generations, and to understand: Schoenstatt is on the way to World Youth Day, and this meeting with the youth, the world, may have the potential of a profound meeting, passing the time test, the reality test, the love test.

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Last Update: 12.03.2004 Mail: Editor /Webmaster
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