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 published: 2004-03-23

BELMONTE, three months later

The contributions to the Capital of Grace are turning Belmonte into "a Tabor where the glory of Mary is manifested" in the Church of today


Capitalario por la bendición del Santuario Matri Ecclesiae, 8 de septiembre

"Capital of  Grace" sheet for the blessing of the Matri Ecclesiae Shrine, September 8

Gnadenkapitals-Blatt für die Einweihung des Matri-Ecclesiae-Heiligtums am 8. September


Llenad las tinajas

Fill the jars

Füllt die Krüge

Fotos: Eronti © 2004


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ROMA, Fr. Alberto Eronti. After the blessing of the Shrine’s corner stone we see every month the preparations for September 8th with happiness and hope. It was announced that Monsignor Stanislaw Rylko, President of the Pontifical Council of the Laity, would participate in the celebrations on the evening of the 7th in the Vatican gardens. Many things have been achieved in the preparations and the news from different countries about pilgrims visiting Rome has been encouraging.. Meanwhile the "logo" of the meeting, the "triptych" presenting the program and the "capitalarios" (a word from the Spanish – a way of recording gifts to the Capital of Grace that the Blessed Mother expects from us) have been designed.

In this article I would like to take time to remember the content and meaning of the "contributions to the Capital of Grace". In the Founding Document of October 18th, 1914, Father Kentenich expressed Mary’s reaction to his "favourite secret idea": to make this small chapel into "a Tabor where the glory of Mary is manifested". He puts the following words in Her lips:

"Do not be concerned for the fulfillment of your wish. I love those who love me. Prove to me first that you truly love me and that you have a serious purpose. Now you have the best opportunity to do it."

May Mary make herself present as Mother and Educator of the Church

How can we express the content and meaning of the "contributions" to the Capital of Grace? Perhaps the best way is through the text from the two Founding Documents of the Founding of Schoenstatt in 1914 and 1939. The so called "contributions" are directly related to the wishes of Father Kentenich and the first students: to ask the Virgin to erect her throne in the small chapel and to convert the place into a Tabor where the glories of Mary would be revealed. Father Kentenich admits that it is a bold thought, but if it worked it would be for them "the greatest apostolic act" and the most precious inheritance for future generations. That is what we are living now with the construction of the new Shrine "Matri Ecclesiae". Those words said 90 years ago come alive for us at a very special time for the Church and the world. The question is how to achieve that favourite secret idea, that the Tabor of the glories of Mary will become a reality in Rome and that Mary will show herself as Mother and Educator of the Church? We know the answer: Prove to Mary that we love her by means of the Capital of Grace!

The best opportunity

We can summarize the contents of the "proofs of love to Mary" as Father Kentenich expressed it in the magazine MTA in 1919:

  • Each day, each moment, is the best opportunity to show our love for Mary. There are no "better times" than others, the best is always "now".
  • Difficulties of the present times are not obstacles but opportunities and are means offered by Divine Providence.
  • The Virgin asks us: live sanctity as "shield" and "sword" for fighting for high ideals; intensify prayer and commit ourselves to faithfully performing our duty.

The meaning of "the proofs of love" to Mary

On the 25th anniversary of the founding of Schoenstatt, Father Kentenich reminded the Family about the meaning of the "proofs of love" to Mary.

The Capital of Grace has been present,... in each of the new Shrines and in the whole of Schoenstatt’s fruitful work. Through the years it has been:

  • To express the total surrender to the MTA of Schoenstatt and her work,
  • an efficient and clear association of the divine and human activity,
  • faith in the supernatural mission and of a profound Marian attitude.
  • Also, measured by the fidelity and complete availability of each member of the Family
  • We owe the existence of our Family to the contributions to the Capital of Grace of the MTA
  • With the contributions to the Capital of Grace the Family and its fruitfulness grows or falls
  • The "proofs of love" are not only the most important Marian apostolate, but the only one that we can sometimes perform.
  • The Capital of Grace is nothing but an authentic fight, serious and efficient for our sanctity, serving the Marian apostolic work.

The symbol: the earthenware jars

For each Shrine that has been constructed, Mary is descending to irradiate her glories. In Belmonte we invite her to "come down" and to "establish herself" to irradiate the glories of her maternity in the Church and to be a teacher of the Gospel. The long-time wish of Father Kentenich that there would be a Schoenstatt Shrine in the city of the Popes, is now united with the guidance the Holy Spirit gave to John XXIII and Paul VI when the Vatican Council II and its pedagogical application was entrusted to Mary, Mother of the Church.

The symbol of our contribution to the Capital of Grace in the Shrine of Belmonte is the "tinaja", earthenware jar; we do with it what Jesus asked from us: To fill it! Fill it with the water of our love for Mary, so that the greatest apostolic work will happen". By proving to her our love, she will descend and we will be able to pray with joy and truth: Do you know the land so warm and dear which Eternal Love has built itself...? This wonderland is known to me........It is my home, my Schoenstatt land!" It is the Shrine Matri Ecclesiae in Rome! Amen!

Translation: Carmen Barruel, Belgium/John and Jan Beebe, England

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