Schönstatt - Begegnungen

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A festival of faith and community around the Shrine in Oberkirch

Oberkirch, Pilar de María: renovación de la consacración diocesana a María
Oberkirch, pillar of Mary; renewal of the Marian consecration of the diocese
Oberkirch, Mariensäule: Erneuerung der Marienweihe der Diözese
P. Lukas Wehrle
Fr. Lukas Wehrle
Pfr. Lukas Wehrle
Teatro: intercambio - pilar de María y torre de la catedral
'Theater: Pillar of Mary and steeple of the cathedral in conversation
Szenisches Spiel: Unterhaltung zwischen Mariensäule und Münsterturm
Participantes en la sombra del Santuario
Participants in the shadow of the Shrine
Teilnehmer im "Schatten des Heiligtums"
Planos de la reconstrucción del Centro
Building plans for the reconstruction of the center
Vorführen der Umbaupläne
Juegos para los niños
Children's program
Concelebrantes, Misa
Celebrants, Holy Mass
Zelebranten, Messe
Fotos: Georg Gerber © 2002

GERMANY, Christine Haaser. Approximately 500 members and friends of the Schoenstatt family in the Archdiocese of Freiburg, Germany, under the motto "Love is stronger", met for the annual festival of faith and community in the Schoenstatt center Marienfried in Oberkirch.

The day began with a scenic game on the shrine's forecourt. The pillar of Mary, the landmark of the Schoenstatt center in Oberkirch, and the tower the Cathedral of Freiburg met with each other and shared their stories. After a motivation for the day, given by Diocesan director Father Lukas Wehrle, the participants could chose from a variety of different Workshops.

... And the chocolate at the end of the pilgrim way

Next to a Workshop about how to discover the traces of God in every day life, and a slide show about the Marian places of pilgrimage in the archdiocese, it was offered to review the places that Father Kentenich visited in the Center, and their meaning and message. In small groups, the participants walked to the different places, witnesses of Father Kentenich's visit to Oberkirch in 1967, and the many encounters with groups, branches, and individuals during these two days.

"The founder room, the Shrine, and the pillar impressed me. And the chocolate at the end of the pilgrim way was just cool," said one of the participants. In another workshop, members of the Schoenstatt family shared, from different backgrounds, their experiences with Father Kentenich today. An outlook on that future of the Schoenstatt Center offered an information center about the reconstruction planned for fall.

During the workshops, the children were offered their own open-air program that they enjoyed tremendously on that brilliant sunny day.

Procession to the Pillar of Mary: we build with you!

After lunch and ample time for conversation and encounter in radiating sunshine on the Shrine's forecourt, a festive Holy Mass was celebrated with Canon Father Ritter, of Freiburg, as main celebrant who also gave the sermon. He picked up the motto of the meeting, illustrating it with examples out of his own life. "God is love and he loves also me", was the central sentence of his sermon. The highlight and closing of the festival was the renewal of the dedication of the archdiocese to Mary, first offered on March 24, 1984.

All processed to the pillar of Mary and prayed parts of the consecration prayer. Then, the Blessed Mother was solemnly proclaimed as "Supervisor" of the come reconstruction of the house: "Build from here a world which is pleasing to the Father!" and: "Yes, we will build with you!"

What remains of such a day? A participant who for the first time came to the Schoenstatt center Marienfried in Oberkirch, said: "A wonderful peace was sensed during the entire day. The entire atmosphere was beautiful, and I am filled with joy!"

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