Schönstatt - Begegnungen

To live with you

Four thousand persons celebrating a feast of faith at Liebfrauenhöhe

4.000 personas celebraron el 29 de junio el cincuenta aniversario del Santuario en Liebfrauenhöhe.
4,000 persons celebrated on June 29 the 50th anniversary of the Liebfrauenhöhe Shrine
4.000 Menschen feierten am 29. Juni fünfzig Jahre Heiligtum auf der Liebfrauenhöhe
Foto: POS, Brehm © 2002

In brilliant sunshine, 4,000 persons celebrated a feast of faith with the motto "to live with you", on behalf of the 50th anniversary of the Shrine. "That is a living and moving church!"- one of many comments. To live with you, God; to live with you, Mary; to live with you, Shrine; to live with you, Father Kentenich; to live with you, person at my side, at my workplace; in our church, in our world: workshops, presentations, prayer services, music, and many personal encounters and talks made alive what preoccupies people – and what Mary has worked from here during fifty years; all that in a climate of joyful, lively, spontaneous faith and family-like attachment.

The feast climaxed in a festive Mass with diocesan bishop Dr. Gebhardt Fürst who was impressed by the commitment and liveliness of the Schoenstatters and thanked for the Liebfrauenhöhe as "important spiritual center for the entire diocese".

Detailed information to follow

Diocesan director Fr. Georg Egle, and Provincial Superior Sr. Sonngard Mickler welcoming the guests.
Diözesanleiter Pfr. Georg Egle und Provinzoberin Sr. Sonngard Mickler bei der Begrüßung der Gäste.
  Blue skies, sun, and joyful faces everywhere...
Blauer Himmel, Sonne und frohe Gesichter, wohin man auch blickte...
Participants of one of the 19 workshops that were offered
Teilnehmer eines der 19 Workshops und Gesprächskreise
  Forum: Joseph Kentenich then and now - testimonies: Alice Kowanz, Sr. M. Thomasine Treese, Fr. Ludwig Lipp
Forum: Josef Kentenich gestern und heute: Zeitzeugen: Alice Kowanz, Sr. M.Thomasine Tresse, P. Ludwig Lipp
One of the creative workshops for children, and young people
Eines der vielen Kreativangebote für Kinder und Jugendliche
  The feast not only counted with a great program for the little ones - but also with many little participants!
Es gab nicht nur ein ausgezeichnetes Kinderprogramm, sondern auch auffallend viele Kinder!
Bishop Dr. Gebhardt Fürst during the festive Holy Mass
Bischof Dr. Gebhardt Fürst bei der Festmesse
  Children brought sun flowers - the 'trade mark flower' of the feast - as signs for Gods unconditioned love
Kinder brachten Sonnenblumen - Markenzeichen des Festes - als Zeichen der bedingungslosen Liebe Gottes
Vigil Youth Festival with approximately 300 young participants
Vorabend: Jugendfest mit etwa 300 jungen Leuten
  Tremendous atmosphere of fun, joy, fan songs (inspired by the World Cup), jokes...
Bombenstimmung mit Fußballweltmeisterschafts-Touch...
Fotos: POS Brehm © 2002


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