Schönstatt - Begegnungen

Three Million Homes Are Not Enough - "Let's work toward having the MTA visit every home in Brazil!"

Crowning of the "Queen of Hope" picture in the Schoenstatt Shrine in Brasília, Brazil

Über 10.000 Menschen kamen am 10. September zum Heiligtum in Brasilia - und viele brachten ihr Pilgerheiligtum mit.
More than 10,000 persons came to the Shrine in Brasilia on September 10 -- many of them carrying their pilgrim shrine along
Erzbischof Ávila krönt das Bild der "Königin der Hoffnung"
Archbishof Ávila placed the crown on the picture of the "Queen of Hope"

Crowing prayer

Erzbischof Ávila im Heiligtum "Tabor der Hoffnung"
Archbishop Ávila in the Shrine "Tabor of Hope"
Gebetsbild, das von der Militär-Erzdiözese Brasilien zum 10. September herausgegeben wurde
Prayer sheet, published by the Military Archdiocese of Brasil for September 10
Fotos: PressOffice Schoenstatt, mkf © 2000

(Sr. M. Cládes, Sr. M. Euzânia) On September 10, 2000, thousands of people, not only in Brazil but also in the neighboring countries, watched the crowing of the "Queen of Hope" live on TV, a crowning that took place in her little Shrine, "Tabor of Hope," in Brasilia, Brazil. Over 10,000 people were physically present at this crowning celebration on the 50th anniversary of the Pilgrim Shrine Campaign.

The co-ordinators of the Pilgrim Shrine Campaign and Schoenstatt members and friends had prepared for the crowning of the "Queen of Hope" with many contributions to the Capital of Grace. The "Tabor of Hope" Shrine in the capital of Brazil was dedicated on March 25, 2000 on a piece of land donated by the Military Archdiocese of Brazil. This diocese also had prepared for the crowning by publishing leaflets containing prayers and pictures of the Schoenstatt Pilgrim Shrine, an invitation to join in the crowning celebration, and addresses of local coordinators. Military Archbishop Dom Geraldo do Espírito Santo Ávila published a novena for the feastday of the Military Cathedral's patroness, Mary Queen of Peace, inspiring the Brazilian Military personnel and their families to be aware of their task to work for peace, to read in the Holy Bible daily and ttake som extra time for prayer, to provide for the religious education of their children, and to join the Schoenstatt Pilgrim Shrine Campaign!

The crowning day, on which the 50th anniversary of the Pilgrim Shrine Campaign was celebrated, was preceded by three days of intensive preparation with retreats and prayer services. The Military Archbishop informed the Schoenstatt Sisters that the TV station Rede Vida would air the Jubilee Holy Mass and the crowning; this information was also announced on TV prior to the celebration, enabling many people to participate. As the program was also shown on TV National and RBN, the crowning could be watched not only in all of Brazil but in the neighboring countries as well.

Crowning in the Daughter Shrine - and in Countless Home Shrines and Pilgrim Shrines

On September 10, more than 10,000 people came to the "Tabor of Hope" Shrine to celebrate the crowning and the 50th anniversary. All of the Pilgrim Shrines that had been sent out in 2000 were brought there and received a little crown. To make it possible for many people to join, the whole celebration was held twice - at 10.00 AM and at 4:00 PM. In the morning, 40 busloads of pilgrims came, mainly from the diocese of Anápolis. Archbishop Àvila concelebrated with many priests at a Holy Mass shown on TV. In his sermon, Archbishop Àvila expressed his joy and invited all to open their homes to the Pilgrim Mother so their homes would be transformed into shrines.

"A true Evangelization and Sanctification of Brazilian Homes"

Archbishop Àvila said: "This is a special day for all those who receive a Pilgrim Shrine in their home. Fifty years ago, João Pozzobon, out of a deep love for the Mother Thrice Admirable of Schoenstatt, commenced a pilgrimage which is still going on today, a pilgrimage that opened the homes of many families to Mary. Approximately three million families in Brazil experience her visit once a month - a true evangelization and sanctification of Brazilian homes ... On September 10, 1950, the first step was made. Today, on September 10, 2000, we do not only want to

commemorate that moment but rather make this the moment of a sincere pledge. To see what this servant of God, João Pozzobon, accomplished should motivate us to be apostles of the Pilgrim Mother. Today we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Pilgrim Shrine Campaign, and we give a crown to Our Lady. The crown is a commitment. Crowning means to give the crown of a Queen to the Mother. To see and honor her as Queen means: We want her to reign! We also want her to draw to her heart many people here in the center of Brazil. Indeed, we want her to go into every home in our immense country of Brazil!"

A Queen who draws all hearts to herself - 10,000 people around the Shrine

At the end of his sermon, the Archbishop asked all to come closer to the Shrine - to make a little pilgrimage! In front of the Shrine, a meditative dance was performed about the crowning of the Mother Thrice Admirable, Queen and Victress of Schoenstatt, as "Queen of Hope". Sister Dilecta and Sr. Cládes carried the MTA picture to the door of the Shrine, and Archbishop Àvila placed the crown on top of the picture. The crowning song, composed for this occasion, resounded; and all of the participants broke into applause and cheers. The bell rang, there were fireworks, and at that moment all of the pilgrim shrines were crowned.

In the afternoon, the celebration took place again, this time with more than 6,000 participants, mainly from the dioceses of Brasilia and Luziânia. And just then, when the vast majority of people arrived, torrential rains came down for over an hour. The two tents were crammed, and those who did not find a place in the tents transformed the surrounding area into a sea of umbrellas – but all stayed. The lines of people who wanted to enter the Shrine were long!

After his sermon, the Archbishop again invited all to come forward to be closer to the Shrine in the festive moment of the crowning. And just as in the morning, all of the pilgrim shrines and many homeshrine pictures were crowned at the same moment when Archbishop Àvila placed the crown at the top of the picture of the "Queen of Hope".

The feastday ended with a blessing and the Angelus and the burning of the slips of paper containing the contributions to the Capital of Grace.

Many people expressed their joy and gratitude for the visits of the Pilgrim Shrine in their homes - and many of those who did not yet receive the Pilgrim Mother asked for contacts in their parishes.

More than 2,000 coordinators and their families are linked to the Shrine in Brasilia, receiving formation and training for their work of the new evangelization through the Pilgrim Shrine.

English edition: Joan Biemert, New Franken,WI, USA

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