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Closing session in the diocesan phase of the process for the beatification of João Pozzobon
Nachrichten - News - Noticias
 published: 2009-05-12

On the way to Rome

Closing session in the diocesan phase of the process for the beatification of João Pozzobon


Abschluss-Sitzung im diözesanen Prozess für die Seligsprechungm von Joao Pozzobon

Sessão de clausura da fase diocesana do processo de beatificação de João Pozzobon

Sesión de clausura de la fase diocesano del proceso de beatificación de João Pozzobon

Closing session of the diocesan phase of the beatification process for John Pozzobon

Abschluss-Sitzung im diözesanen Prozess für die Seligsprechungm von Joao Pozzobon


Proceso da diocese

Las cajas con los documentos del proceso

The boxes with the documentos of the process

Die Schachteln mit den Dokumenten des Prozesses

Die Sitzung fand in der Basilika statt  

O Santuário Basílica da Medianeira

At the Basilica

The session took place in the basilica

Die Sitzung fand in der Basilika statt

Sie war dabei: die Ur-Peregrina von Joao Pozzobon  

Presente: La Peregrina Original…

Present: the Original Pilgrim MTA

Sie war dabei: die Ur-Peregrina von Joao Pozzobon





Die letzte Schachtel ist versiegelt  

A última caixa de documentos do processo foi selada

La ultima caja está sellada

The last box is sealed

Die letzte Schachtel ist versiegelt

Da wird Geschichte geschrieben...

Es un momento historico

It is a historical moment

Da wird Geschichte geschrieben...

Fotos: Ir. M. Rosequiel Fávero © 2009




BRAZIL, Sr. Rosequiel Fávero. Without a doubt, 8 May 2009 will not be forgotten by the Schoenstatt Family, especially the family in Santa Maria/RS. After fourteen years, the diocesan phase in the process for the beatification of the Deacon João Pozzobon was solemnly concluded.

Hundreds of people, most of them from the Schoenstatt Family, gathered at the Medianeira Basilica to participate in the ‘closing session’ of the diocesan phase of the process for the beatification of the Schoenstatt Pilgrim Mother Campaign founder. Near the main altar, alongside with the table around which the authorities who led the session sat, were several boxes filled with the documents of the process, which are almost ready to be sent to Rome. The original Pilgrim Mother, João Pozzobon’s inseparable companion during his evangelical pilgrimages, received a distinctive place of honour.

Alternating between the hymns sung by the choir and pronouncements by the bishop of Santa Maria, Don Hélio Rubert; the postulator in the cause for canonization, Fr. Argemiro Ferraccioli, and the president of the Schoenstatt Work in Brazil, Fr. Antônio Bracht, the closing session was not only an official act, but also an outpouring of the joy felt by the diocese of Santa Maria and the Schoenstatt Movement upon seeing their beloved son so close to the honours of the altar.

We, the faithful, are the ultimate goal of a canonization

In his pronouncement, Don Hélio emphasised the reason for proceeding with a cause for canonisation, namely, that "we, the faithful, are the ultimate goal of a canonisation. We are the beneficiaries. The faithful require that the Church continually proposes new models of sanctity who are able to help and motivate the faithful to live the Gospel so that they can be fulfilled as human beings, Christians and citizens."

Fr. Aregmiro Ferraccioli, the postulator in the cause for the canonization of João Pozzobon, gave a brief summary of what has been done since the start of the process in 1994. He thanked the many people who collaborated towards the conclusion of this important phase and invited everyone to continue providing their collaboration and prayers, in a special way, for the miracle through the intercession of João Pozzobon that is still required. He closed his pronouncement with João Pozzobon’s words: "I am small but I want to be great in my actions."

Fr. Antônio Bracht said that the ceremony was unique and challenging. He then invited those present to take forward the "spirit" that enflamed João Pozzobon, saying: "We want to start the second phase of the process. We continue the campaign. The Campaign was Pozzobon’s unique way of evangelising families and contributing together with the Church for its salvation. The campaign is the Church, which should not become complacent or be intimidated when faced with its limitations and mistakes. We are all part of this campaign. For this campaign, we must be inspired by Pozzobon, who was accused but never silenced, tired upon arrival but tireless on the road!"

On the way to Rome

Expectation and joy filled the hearts of those present when the last box of documents was sealed and handed by the bishop to the postulator, who will now submit these to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints in Rome.

Thus, the ‘poor pilgrim’, as João Pozzobon liked to call himself, begins yet another international journey via the documents which will depart for the Eternal City on 17 May. What remains to be known is how many of his friends and admirers will travel to Rome to attend in his canonisation.

Translation: Sarah-Leah Pimentel, South Africa



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Last Update: 15.05.2009