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Rosary in Buenos Aires
Nachrichten - News - Noticias
 published: 2008-06-13

Towards Argentina’s bicentennial with Mary

The convocation to pray the Holy Rosary in San Martin’s Square in Buenos Aires, surpassed all expectations -The Rosary was simultaneously prayed at the Original Shrine in Schoenstatt

12. Juni: Rosenkranz auf dem Weg zur Zweihundertjahrfeier Argentiniens auf der Plaza San Martin in Buenos Aires

12 de junio, Santo Rosario hacia el Bicentenario, en la Plaza San Martín, Buenos Aires

June 12, Rosary on the way to the Bicentennial, at the Plaza San Martin in Buenos Aires

12. Juni: Rosenkranz auf dem Weg zur Zweihundertjahrfeier Argentiniens auf der Plaza San Martin in Buenos Aires


Die Schönstatt-Bewegung lud ein zum gemeinsamen Beten

El Movimiento de Schoenstatt convocó a todos a rezar juntos

The Schoenstatt Movement invited all to pray together

Die Schönstatt-Bewegung lud ein zum gemeinsamen Beten

Gut 1500 Personen kamen  

Hubo unos 1500 personas

Some 1,500 people came together

Gut 1500 Personen kamen

Sei gegrüßt, Heiland, Feuer der Liebe, rette das argentinische Volk, höre sein Rufen…  

Salve Divino, Foco de amor, salva al pueblo argentino, escucha su clamor...

Hail Lord, Fire of Love, save the Argentine people, hear their cry...

Sei gegrüßt, Heiland, Feuer der Liebe, rette das argentinische Volk, höre sein Rufen…

Der Verkehr wurde angehalten für den Durchzug der Gottesmutter von Lujan – und die Autos grüßten sie mit Hupkonzert  

Pararon el trafico para que  pase la Virgen y los autos tocaban la bocina saludándola

The traffic was halted so that Our Lady of Lujan could pass

Der Verkehr wurde angehalten für den Durchzug der Gottesmutter von Lujan – und die Autos grüßten sie mit Hupkonzert

Kinder trugen eine riesige Landesfahne hinter der Statue der Gottesmutter von Luján

Chicos llevaron una bandera argentina gigante detrás de la Virgen

Children carried a giant Argentinean flag

Kinder trugen eine riesige Landesfahne hinter der Statue der Gottesmutter von Luján

Fotos: mca © 2008


Zur selben Stunde vor dem Urheiligtum


A la misma hora, en el Santuario Original

At the same hour in the Original Shrine

Zur selben Stunde vor dem Urheiligtum

Foto: POS Fischer © 2008

Álbum de fotos –Fotoalbum – Photo album


ARGENTINA, mca. On Thursday, June 12, at 6:00 p.m. the Schoenstatt Family from the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires openly convoked people to pray an Illuminated Rosary in the central and centennial Square of San Martin. It was a gathering that greatly surpassed all expectations, since about 1,300 people were gathered and among them were: entire families with babies, boys, and youth, couples, men and women of all ages and social classes. The focus was to walk with Mary towards the Bicentennial; She was present at the beginning of our nation, at every decisive moment of our history, and She is also present today. We are asking Her to continue to help us to live the values of our origin and identity as a nation, one of solidarity, unity, and for the common good.

While people were gathering around the altar especially prepared for the event, the Virgin of Lujan carried by gauchos and chinas with their traditional garb departed in procession from the Basilica of the Holy Sacrament two blocks away from the square. As they came to San Martin Avenue, which has heavy traffic at that time, the autos spontaneously stopped opening the way and honking their horns as a way of greeting Mary. It was truly an emotional moment, as was the entire event.

When the Virgin entered the area, She was greeted by loud applause, and thousands of petals, which were strewn along her path, with rosaries held on high and shouts of "¡VIVAS!" She was placed on the main altar, surrounded by other altars on either side, where the illuminated rosary would be formed later.

The rosary began with stanzas of the Argentinean National Anthem. One by one different persons prayed their Hail Mary and then placed a rose and a candle around the main altar. The brief meditations were truly inspiring, in addition to the songs between each mystery sung by the Criolla Choir composed of young people.

May our nation always be a great Family of families, willing to shelter those in most need!

The application of the Luminous Mysteries to daily life, as well as each one as a reality of the nation profoundly touched everyone’s heart. "We pray for the grace of filling ‘the jars to overflowing’ as the servants of that wedding. May each father, each mother, each child assume their role – of authority and of obedience – with tenderness and respect. Pray for us Mother, so that the Lord will transform our human love into good wine, and in this way, each Argentinean Family will be a workshop where new generations are forged in a Love that is not irritable or proud; one that will not notice the bad and not seek its own interest, but will be satisfied with truth. May our nation always be a great Family of families willing to shelter those most in need!"

"We pray so that all Argentineans will receive the grace of being in solidarity, to prefer justice and the common good above our own interest. So our nation can grow as the great solid and vigorous tree of which the founders of the nation dreamed."

"Lord, grant our nation great natural talents, so that we may generate well-being for ourselves and also to take care of the necessities of many other nations. But without You we can do nothing. We pray for the grace to always remain united to You. By eating the Bread of your Word and of your Body, we may also be bread for others by sharing our material and spiritual goods, contributing our efforts so that there may be bread and work for everyone in our nation."

Save the Argentinean people, listen to their outcry

The rosary concluded with the Prayer for the Nation written by the Argentinean Episcopate, when everyone again united their voices to implore: "Jesus Christ, Lord of history, we need you." Finally, in a spontaneous manner, an old traditional Argentinean Church song, Jesus Christ, was sung.

"Jesus Christ, the nation hopes in You
Seeking glory with intense ardor.
You guide it, and bless its flag
Giving its face a magnificent splendor.
Hail Divine light of love;
Save the Argentinean people, listen to their outcry;
Sacred Heart, save the Argentinean people.
Jesus Christ, in whom the Nation hopes
To be a place of peace and freedom.
Through You, may the nation in which we live
Be a heavenly announcement.
Hail Divine light of love;
Save the Argentinean people, listen to their outcry;
Sacred Heart, save the Argentinean people.

Father Javier Arteaga imparted the blessing to all those present, and to all the Argentinean people: "Today in this square, we have experienced a Cenacle, a place of encounter with Mary among brothers. We have prayed for the nation, for families, for workers, for justice, for leaders, for all the inhabitants of this beloved land. We walk towards the Bicentennial of the Nation with this fire and this light of the Spirit, so that this nation will always be a nation with a heart of a family, a Family of families, which will shelter and give refuge to all men and women, especially those in most need. May these values, which gave us our origin –solidarity, unity and the common good – be the stars that guide us toward this great date."

The ceremony ended with this blessing, the Virgin of Lujan was taken from the altar and again was carried by the guachos in the midst of a shower of petals, applause, and greeted with rosaries followed by a very long Argentinean flag carried by children.

Meanwhile the people remained in place for a long time…reluctant to leave the heavenly atmosphere experienced throughout this hour and a half in which more than a thousand Porteños felt they were once again touched by grace through the presence of Mary.

Our, Lady of Lujan, Mother and Queen of our Nation, pray for us!

The Square of San Martin was extended to the square of the Original Shrine…or vice versa

Juan Barbosa. It was exactly 11:00 p.m. when the prayer of the Luminous Mysteries began with the same meditation used at the Square of San Martin in Buenos Aires. It was the Original Shrine, whose door was decorated with Argentinean flags, and its threshold was adorned with a Pilgrim MTA placed on a handkerchief with the Centennial symbol, which always accompanies the Family at the different events it experiences.

This is the mystery of Schoenstatt: We are in the square of one city or town and we always do it "with one foot" in the Original Shrine. This place of Grace throbs with the beat of each heart that is also moved by hearts.

Under Mary’s protection

It was a day of persistent mist in Schoenstatt; it stopped at approximately 10:30 p.m. and it began again a little after 12:00 a.m. Precisely at the time we gathered to pray with Argentina! The Shrine was closed and usually there isn’t good lighting, but last night, a lamp was lighted, that shone over us allowing us to clearly follow the script. This lamp went out by itself…after 12:00 a.m. There were clear signs of the MTA’s with the brave ones, who prayed the Rosary last night, and as a reward and evidence of Her presence; we enjoyed some very delicious cherries that Sister Beatriz brought in her pocket as a surprise. How beautiful it is to be part of this Family and to have this Mother! We departed with a taste of encounter in our soul, that taste that can only be felt when we know that our hearts beat with the same frequency and tone.

Translation: Celina Garza, Harlingen, TX, USA/amj



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