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 published: 2006-12-01

A gift for Father Joseph Kentenich on his birthday

Consecration of members of the Girls’ Youth in Guayaquil, Ecuador


Consagración de miembros de la Juventud Femenina, Guayaquil, Ecuador

Members’ dedication of the Girls’ Youth, Guayaquil, Ecuador

Mitgliedsweihe in der Mädchenjugend, Guayaquil, Ecuador


En el Santuario: retiro de preparación

In the Shrine: retreat in preparation

Im Heiligtum: Stille Zeit der Vorbereitung


Oración de consagración

Dedication prayer



Conquistaron la asta de su bandera

They conquered the pole for their flag

Sie haben die Stange für ihre Fahne erarbeitet


¡Hay que celebrar!

That must be celebrated!

Und jetzt wird gefeiert!

Fotos: Ludhani © 2006

albúm de fotos – photo album – Fotoalbum



ECUADOR, Ma. Cecilia Avilés and Varsha Ludhani. On November 18th, a very special day for everyone, the shrine "Family of the Father, Home for the World" was decorated for a celebration. The Father and Founder was surely very happy to see that on that day 10 girls from the Girls’ Youth from Guayaquil consecrated themselves as committed members of the (militant) branch.

The girls who were going to form a new group came to the Shrine early with Sister Maria Gracia, ready to say their YES to the Blessed Mother. In the silence of the morning, at dawn, they sealed the Membership Consecration before the Sacramental Jesus. They symbolically signed a Blank Check at the altar; they placed themselves at His disposal and at the service of the Schoenstatt Work.

Giving love and service

During the time of preparation for this consecration the girls conquered the staff of the Youth flag, symbolizing the commitment of supporting all of the Girl’s Youth, of maintaining the ideal "Yes Father, field of lilies"" on high. At the wayside shrine they went up to greet and to sing to the one who had a birthday, each one received a small replica of the rug at Father’s tomb.

The long awaited moment

When the bells ran, the ten girls entered the shrine with emotion, joy, and nervousness. The Holy Mass was celebrated by Father Patricio, his words were very touching. He began the homily with very happy comments like: "It is occasion which is worth getting dressed up", there were smiles on the faces of those who attended. He continued, "may our hearts be an interior space of covenant, that is especially open to God. Like a lily, it open upwards, but it has deep roots in the earth. Mary wants this covenant to grow towards God. It should also be wide, towards others, towards the apostolic field".

La Chulla commented afterwards, Father Patricio’s homily was perfect, each one of us felt unique in the Shrine, it was as if Father was speaking to each one, he spoke about what militant should mean to us, and even more when we consecrate ourselves at this historic moment when they want to pass laws that are precisely against Catholic values that we should promote". Father Patricio also spoke to them about being prepared, to be willing to fulfill the will of the Father, to help everyone, to be happy and to make others happy. You have been thirsty for something more…of a greater giving of self, of not staying on the ground level, rather, to aspire for something higher. That is why the Schoenstatt Youth needs its militants".

Presenting the symbol

In a very warm atmosphere, full of love, the Blessed Mother calls you; she calls you to pledge to this blue flag, full of ideals. Some had tears in their eyes, "This is the flag that I have chosen, I pledge to God that I will never abandon it". Mary responds giving them a ring with which they will always remember this pledge, "This is the daughter that I have chosen, I pledge to God that I will never abandon her".

At the end of the Holy Mass they sang a song, composed by one of the newly consecrated ones, which expressed her most profound feelings. "The Girls’ Youth of Guayaquil has twelve consecrated (militants), they are like the twelve apostle who want to irradiate to the world", Father Patricio added, referring to the new militants and to the two others who renewed their consecration. But there was one more surprise on this day, the new Branch Leader was announced: Garbriela Patiño. "I want to express my gratitude to the Branch and the militants; together we will do whatever the Blessed Mother asks of us, to make the field more fruitful. I hope I will not fail", Gaby added in her short discourse.

The celebration

The youth had prepared a celebration for the honorees of this day in the "House of Mary". The tables and the area were decorated with everything that is needed for an important reception: centerpieces, candles, balloons, posters, cakes, gifts, etc. "The youth gave each of us a beautiful gift, and it was that they were present with us, accompanying us, because in a way we made this consecration for love of our youth and for the gift that the Father and Founder left us in the Schoenstatt Work, the Field of Lilies", commented La Chulla.

Translation: Celina Garza, Harlingen, TX, USA


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