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 published: 2006-10-24

The Shrine of Tuparenda, the most precious jewel, a holy place

October 17th in Tuparenda, the family prepares for the celebration


Las preparaciones,  un vivo reflejo del cuidado y amor que le han brindado al Santuario como un verdadero "lugar de gracias,lugar santo".

The preparations, a living mirror of the love and care given to the Shrine as a real “place of grace, a holy place”

Die Vorbereitungsarbeiten, ein echter Spiegel der Sorgfalt und Liebe die dem Heiligtum gebührt als einem “Gnadenort, einem heiligen Ort“


Embellezando todo con miles de flores

Decorating with hundreds of flowers

Alles wird liebevoll mit Hunderten von Blüten geschmückt


Preparando todo para las Misas

Preparing all for the Masses

Alles wird für die heiligen Messen gerichtet


La fiesta comienza!

The feast begins!

Das Fest kann beginnen!




Gaben werden gebracht


El amor de los misioneros de la Campaña...

The love of the missionaries of the Campaign...

Nicht zu überbieten: die Liebe der Missionare der Kampagne

Fotos: Agüero © 2006

Albúm de fotos – photo album – Fotoalbum




PARAGUAY, Lidia and Fredy Agúro. Our National Shrine is the most precious jewel, we always treat it great delicacy and sweetness, trying not to hurt it not even with the prong of a clamp, and much less with a nail. In it we see the tricolor flag displaying all its splendor and covering or embracing the Shrine. The tricolor symbolizes the union of the Nation and the Church, which is the visible symbol of the mission of the Shrine of Tuparenda for Paraguay: to be the "Nation of God, heart of America".

Throughout all day of October 17th – Fredy Agúero’s birthday- the work teams united the tasks to make all the details for the great day of celebration concrete. Among these teams is the one for decorations, where not only people were contracted; rather, especially those favorite children, who with their knowledge and their ignorance, their strength and their impotence gave their all, although it is already late or we too tired physically, our spirit is elevated more and more, seeking to make it as beautiful and illuminated with all the colors and aromas of the flowers of this October full of grace.

Very especially this year thousands of beautiful flowers were gathered to remove the petals and to give them the Blessed Trinity. We have had the help of many hands for this task, among them, those of Doña Moracha (someone who is in love with the Blessed Mother who belongs to the ring of Tuparenda) who along with the work also offered the prayer of the Holy Rosary during the novena, which shows us that she calls all of us her beloved children, whoever we may be.

She is the great missionary!

An another beautiful thing that was made for the closing of the jubilee year was the very large Pilgrim MTA, that represents the immense love we have for our Mother through the Rosary Campaign; because She is the one who worked the miracle of spreading the seed on fertile soil, through the more than 9.000 Pilgrim MTA’s that travel through the country. The celebration of October 18th could not have been what it was without the meticulous work of the missionaries who travel with their Pilgrim MTA’s with the prayer of the rosary.

We have truly experienced all the jubilee year with much joy, with profound happiness, as a fusion of heaven and earth, and what we experienced on our holy ground of Tuparenda, where we hope that all who arrive to the Shrine will receive the graces, and when they leave they will only seek to make a Tuparenda in every place they go and especially within each Paraguayan family.

Our Shrine has life and it gives us life!



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Last Update: 24.10.2006 Mail: Editor /Webmaster
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