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 published: 2006-09-29

In the footsteps of Father Kentenich: Schoenstatt spirituality for the diocesan clergy

Journey for diocesan priests interested in Schoenstatt in Lima, Peru, with Father Humberto Anwandter in charge of the conferences


Jornada de sacerdotes en Bellavista, Chile, 2005

Retreat for priests in Bellavista, Chile, 2005

Priestertagung in Bellavista, Chile, 2005



Jornada de sacerdotes en Bellavista, Chile, 2006

Retreat for priests in Bellavista, Chile, 2006

Priestertagung in Bellavista, Chile, 2006

Fotos: Vinculo © 2006


P. José Luis Correa

Fr. José Luis Correa

P. José Luis Correa

Foto: POS Fischer © 2006


Grupo de sacerdotes diocesanos

Group of diocesan priests

Gruppe von Diözesanpriestern

Fotos: Vinculo © 2006


PERU, mkf. The topics were similar –like two drops of water- to the large journey for priests that Father Kentenich preached during the 1920’s, when the first large expansion of Schoenstatt took place in Germany. It is about the nucleus of the pedagogy and the spirituality of Schoenstatt: Covenant of Love, everyday sanctity, instrument piety, faith in divine providence, personal ideal, Pedagogy of the ideal, Pedagogy of the movement, Pedagogy of confidence, Pedagogy of freedom, Pedagogy of attachments, spiritual accompaniment. And it is not coincidental that is program is almost identical to the list of topics of the priestly Journeys that Father Kentenich presented.

"Ah, that is not the purpose!", explained Father José Correa, who started this initiative. He is fully convinced that what made Schoenstatt known, valued, and that it prevailed during the 1920’s and 30’s continues to be effective today in Latin America and beyond, it is important to state: offer Schoenstatt with all its richness to the diocesan clergy and promote that the Movement rests on the shoulders of the diocesan clergy. This is also the main objective of the this first priestly Journey that will be provided in Peru for priests that are already attached with Schoenstatt or those who are interested in this new pedagogy and spirituality, to which all the priests of the Andes region an even beyond have been invited to participate.

The Journey of Lurín, Lima, which will take place January 29th to 31st, 2007, is based on the Journeys offered in Bellavista, Chile, for some years. Since in the years 2005 and 2006 a couple of priests from Peru, one from Ecuador, and a couple from Colombia were able to attend these journeys of spiritual and pastoral formation in Santiago, Chile, it was decided to offer a journey for diocesan priests attached to Schoenstatt from all the area of the Bolivarian countries, but this time close to Lima, since would lessen the travel and lodging costs in comparison to going to Santiago, Chile. In this way this service can be offered to a greater number of those interested. Father Humberto Anwandter, from Chile will be the speaker of the Journey of Lurín, Lima to which all the priests not only those from the countries close to Lima, rather, Father José Luis said – "all those from Venezuela, Paraguay, Costa Rica, Panamá, or wherever they are from: all of them are cordially invited". Everywhere that there is a priest interested in Schoenstatt, where someone knows a priest that is open to Schoenstatt or who simply needs spiritual nourishment, said Father José Luis, "I ask that you tell them about the Journey and that you invite them to participate.".

The Movement grows or not with the priests

"I do not carry out this task because I have asked to be in charge rather I do it because I enjoy it (or better: I love it)", said Father Correa. A few years ago he began to form groups of priests in Chile and later he was charged with doing it in all the country. Why?

"I am convinced – I am not of the opinion, rather I am convinced - that the work with the diocesan priests is decisive for Schoenstatt, because our Father did it like this during the 1920’s and 30’s, and because if it is not done the Movement will not grow. Our Movement lives in the Church, not beside it, nor outside of it. It is a Movement that is committed to the normal pastoral, and the most normal pastoral is in the parish. The majority of the diocesan priests are pastors. If they see that the Movement works well in the parish, then they will accept Schoenstatt in the ecclesial circles.

There is a model: in Coronelli, a city close to Concepción, the pastor has organized Schoenstatt with all its branches, and it works well. He was pastor there for 20 years until he retired. And the Movement continues. A Movement that works in the parish is accepted in the Church".

Make contact with priests through effort and creativity

In Chile there have been some positive instances that have deepened the contact of Schoenstatt with the parishes, and in this way a relationship has been established with the diocesan clergy. The students of a city did not seal their Covenant of Love in the Shrine; rather, they sealed it in the parish, with the pastor present. In this way this priest made contact with Schoenstatt.

Schoenstatt enters into the parishes through the Rosary Campaign, as well as through the "Madrugadores" (dawnbreakers), men who pray very early in the morning in the Shrine, and also in the parish. "In Chile there were almost no communities of Schoenstatt Diocesan Priests, no youth in the Movement joined these communities, there was a crisis for different reasons that affected the reputation of the Schoenstatt Diocesan Priests so we had to begin anew, says Father José Luis Correa, and it seems, that it worked.

The pilgrimages that arrive to Schoenstatt always bring one or two diocesan priests as guests. Those who were with the pilgrimage, two years ago, for the blessing of the Shrine in Rome sealed their Covenant of Love in the Original Shrine. During the last pilgrimage in the month of August there was a diocesan priest who had previously been critical of Schoenstatt and now he feels more and more sympathetic towards the Movement.

In Puerto Montt the Schoenstatt Movement invites the priests of the diocese along with the archbishop to a festive banquet to show appreciation for their priestly work. At the same time, they are very appreciative because it is not often that they receive such lavish treatment", Father Correa relates. In Arica, in the extreme northern part of Chile, there are "madrugadores" (dawnbreakers), who have established contact with priests in the diocese.

"We, the Schoenstatt Fathers, personally visit the priests. This is also effective. We ask in the Movement: Do you know any priests who have some contact with Schoenstatt? Could you invite them to have lunch with me?" At these lunches I give them a book and I converse with them. I consult with the Movement of the place to see if they can pay for the trip and the lodging of one or another priest. One lady from the Mothers’ Branch brought a priest by auto to Bellavista. Or the priests are stimulated when they are given a Schoenstatt book for their birthday or for Christmas. This makes them happy and furthermore, with time, they have a small spiritual library. It is also important for many people to pray for the priests and to bring them close to Schoenstatt, to the Sisters, to the Priests, to the Movement of the area, all of them pray for them very much".

That is how the groups of Schoenstatt priests were started, groups of the League. Presently there are eight groups in Chile, formed by some 50 priests. There are also many priests who are contact in dioceses where there are still no groups. This Journey is important precisely for them, where through the conferences and the testimonies they can be formed and they can learn about the Schoenstatt communities. "And within six months I send all of them a message by email in which I transmit testimonies and promptings. This creates an attachment", Father Correa shares.

You have a mission in Schoenstatt as diocesan priests

In Peru and in other countries there are many priests that help so that other priests can attend since they have already experienced that Schoenstatt has given them a spirituality, a useful pedagogy for the pastoral and for the community, he said. The bishops also see with joy that Schoenstatt works with the priests in their diocese. What should we do concretely? "We must tell the priests: Schoenstatt needs you, Father Kentenich foresaw a place for you in Schoenstatt. You can, you should found Schoenstatt in the parishes".

The priests in Peru are now beginning to meet not only when Father José Luis Correa or some other priest comes. "One day an email arrived: Why do we have to wait until you come for us to meet" They met in the same way that they do with Father Correa and they were very happy with the meeting.

A project for the year 2010

The year 2010 it will be the 100th Anniversary of Father Kentenich’s priesthood. And there is already a concrete project to celebrate it: to make a large priest Journey in Schoenstatt to commemorate this anniversary! Some priests from Chile and Peru are already enthused with the idea and they are planning the program.

But now we must rush to organize the priestly Journey in Peru at the end of January 2007. The Journey was consciously planned there because the prices are favorable and this will make it easier for many priests to participate. All of them are cordially invited.

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