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 published: 2006-08-30

More than 30,000 people said "Yes" for love of the children

Multitudinous convocation in the Walk of Solidarity organized for Dequeni


Dos caras de la solidaridad: la chica que hace años fue beneficaria de Dequeni, hoy es una madre feliz...

Two faces of solidarity: The girls once supported by Dequeni, now is a happy young mother

Zwei Gesichter der Solidarität: Das Mädchen, das vor Jahren von Dequeni unterstützt wurde, ist heute eine glückliche Mutter...

Foto: Beltrán © 2006


Dequeni nació del compromiso social de Schoenstatt

Dequeni was born from the social commitment of Schoenstatt

Dequeni ist eine Frucht des sozialen Engagements Schönstatts

Foto: Pardo © 2006


Expo Dequeni

Exposition of Dequeni

Ausstellung von Dequeni


Llegada de participantes de la Caminata de la Solidaridad

Arrival of participants of the Solidarity March

Ankunft von Teilnehmern des Solidaritätsmarsches


Fiesta en el parque Ñu Guazú

Feast in the Ñu Guazú Park

Fest im Ñu Guazú Park





Fotos: Beltran © 2006




PARAGUAY, Dequeni/rb. A young woman is seen beside one of the posters of Dequeni that were posted for the 10th Walk of Solidarity. The posters show photos of the different projects as well as the history and examples of the work of the children and the mothers. That young woman is the little girl in a photo that was taken 10 years ago; she had been one of the beneficiaries of Dequeni and today is a good mother and she is happy.

Once again the citizens from Paraguay positively responded to Dequeni, founded more than 20 years ago by some young men of the Schoenstatt Movement to help the children of poor families, to give them the chance of living with dignity and to one day contribute in forming a Paraguay that is more just and more in solidarity. Pedro Fadul, one of the founders of Dequeni, participated in the walk, today he is the president of the Party "Patria Querida". Basically, he still works for the same ... As representative of the political world, along with Miguel Carrizosa, they supported the work of Dequeni through the walk.

A celebration of solidarity

The family of Paraguay was convoked on August 27th for the "Walk of Solidarity" of the Dequeni Foundation with a spirit of harmony, commitment and joy. In its tenth edition the numerous walkers departed from the Mariscal López Square, from Luque; from Fernando del Mora, and from Shopping del Sol, in the midst of a comfortable climate.

Children, youth and adults; alone or with family; with a pet or in couples, on bicycles or in wheel chairs, the participants began the walk toward the park. All the funds that were collected are destined to the different social projects that the foundation carries out in Asunción and in the interior of the country. Last year they reached the amount of 48 million guaranties. This activity is a symbolic gesture that is carried out annually and that stimulates the spirit of cooperation. The walk claims the rights for health, education and protection for children. Many children carried posters that mentioned their rights. A retinue of famous personalities of theater, television, and radio were present in the encounter to sign autographs and to be close to their fans. Well know television personalities such as, Menchi Barriocanal, the actors of the program Manicómicos and of the television series "La Chuchi", accompanied the walk. Ñu Guazú the people from Luque noisily and enthusiastically arrived at the park with the explosion of firecrackers and accompanied by the fire trucks sounding their sirens.

The encounter, that was supported by Unicef, OIT, the National Secretariat of Children and Adolescence SNNA, the Olympic Committee of Paraguay, and the Ministry of Public Works and Communication.

"A miracle in the air" was the headline of a newspaper of Paraguay in the news story about a parachutist, who had jumped to land from some five thousand meters during an exhibition within the framework of the Dequeni Walk of Solidarity. He suffered various injuries, but they were not life threatening. He is recuperating well, and he is out of danger. Thanks, Blessed Mother.

If you walk for your health…

"If you walk for your health or just to take a walk, you can also do it "FOR LOVE OF CHILDREN". This walk is encouraged by the solidarity as the maximum human expression", that is how people were invited on Friday for the walk. At the same time some German boys from 9 to 13 years of age, participated in a camp for the Schoenstatt Boys’ Youth, in faraway German they gathered penny by penny…and when along with the leaders of the camp and a young Italian girl, who had told them about the children in Paraguay, who are their same age, counted the coins, they began to jump for joy: "We have one child!!!" –"More, we already have two!" In the end their coins were enough for two scholarships for two children of Paraguay, and they only need 20 Euros for the third one…Solidarity, the maximum human expression.

Dequeni Foundation

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