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 published: 2006-08-01

Bishop stresses importance of marriage and family in visit to Institute

Monsignor Marx visited the General Chapter of the Schoenstatt Institute of Families and expressed gratitude for the commitment of the Schoenstatt Family Work


El 27 de julio, Mons. Reinhard Marx visitó el 6° Capitulo General del Instituto de Familias de Schoenstatt

On July 27, Bishop Reinhard Marx visited the sixth General Chapter of the Institute of Schoenstatt Families

Am 27. Juli besuchte Bischof Dr. Reinhard Marx das VI. Generalkapitel des Instituts der Schönstatt-Familien

Foto: POS Fischer © 2006



Mons. Marx con la familia superior general, Francisco y Anneliese Nuño, y el Asistente Espiritual, el P. Horacio Sosa

Bishop Marx with the Superior General, Francisco and Anneliese Nuño, and the Spiritual Assistant, Fr. Horacio Sosa

Bischof Marx mit der Generalobernfamilie, Francisco und Anneliese Nuño, und dem Geistlichen Assistenten, Pater Horacio Sosa

Foto: Lavini © 2006


Misa en el Santuario de Familias

Holy Mass at the Shrine of the Families

Heilige Messe am Heiligtum der Familien


Las familias capitulares y otras familias de Instituto venidas con ese motivo participaron en la Misa

The chapter families, and several families of the Institute from nearby, participated in the Mass

Die Familien des Kapitels und mehrere Familien des Instituts aus der Nähe waren bei der Messe dabei


Mike y Margaret Fenelon dieron un testimonio sobre el Santuario Hogar

Mike and Margaret Fenelon gave a testimony on the life in the Home Shrine

Mike und Margaret Fenelon gaben ein Zeugnis über das Leben mit dem Hausheiligtum

Fotos: POS Fischer © 2006


Ulrich y Maria Wolff ofrecen la llave del Santuario a Monseñor Marx

Ulrich and Maria Wolff present the key of the Shrine to Bishop Marx

Ulrich und Maria Wolff überreichen dem Bischof den Schlüssel des Heiligtums

Foto: Lavini © 2006

Album de fotos – photo album – Fotoalbum

Predigt – Homilia – Sermon

O-Ton – Áudio impressions – impresiones



Fotos: © 2006


SCHOENSTATT, mfk. The Bishop of Trier, Monsignor Dr. Reinhard Marx, confirmed the importance of marriage and the family during his recent visit to Schoenstatt on Thursday, July 27th. He declared, "We can be grateful because in our society, after decades of blindness to this fact, we are starting to see once again that marriage and the family are essential to the future of society." The Bishop was addressing some 50 delegates who are presently in session in Vallendar–Schoenstatt for the 4th General Chapter of the Schoenstatt Institute for Families. This Institute is a part of the Schoenstatt Family Work that was founded in Dachau by Father Joseph Kentenich on July 16, 1942.

As part of his time with the delegates, Monsignor Marx celebrated Holy Mass in the Shrine of Families. In his homily, he expressed gratitude to all those in the Family Branch of the International Schoenstatt Movement. He thanked them for committing their lives to giving a Christian testimony in their communities, parishes, family circles, and the secular world. Monsignor Marx also encouraged them to persevere and to never cease to give this Christian witness. The Bishop stated that it is crucial to live and demonstrate an informed and intelligent Catholic faith in the secular world: "He who relies on God and directs his gaze to the Invisible is truly intelligent."

To begin the Eucharistic celebration, Ulrich and Maria Wolff greeted the bishop. The Wolff’s are from Eberbach (close to Heidelberg) and serve as National Assessors of the Family Branch in Germany. In their welcoming remarks, they assured Bishop Marx that the Movement would continue its mission and would work in the future so "that the Church would be a true Family of God".

A style of life where marriage and family are lived as a vocation in the spirit of the evangelical counsels.

Earlier in the day, five couples from the countries of Chile, the United States, the Czech Republic, Austria and Germany spoke about their personal experiences within the Movement. The couples explained what was important to families who have chosen a style of life where marriage and family are lived as a vocation in the spirit of the evangelical counsels. This phenomenon is something so new in the history of the Church that there are still some obstacles to overcome before gaining ecclesiastical recognition. The Bishop asked the Chapter families, "How is this in Rome?" Then he commented, "In the imminent "ad limina," visit, it could be that I will be asked."In their brief reports, the couples explained that while this way of life is so new that it lacks official, canonical recognition, at the same time, it is being affirmed and lived in various different cultures, life stages, and life situations. The description of the fundamental points of the modern matrimonial and family spirituality that the families are striving to live included: integral and whole matrimonial love, the experience of the domestic Church in the Home Shrine, mandatory marriage dialogue, social and political commitment, and the discovery of the personal charisma of each child unto their maximal development.

What the church expects from the Schoenstatt Families

"It would be very good for many couples and families to integrate themselves into such a community or to be close to it," said Monsignor Marx. In this context, he expects concrete acts of active support from Schoenstatt: Rather than talking about the "theory" of marriage of the family, this Movement is about the "living" family, and it is crucial to show how important faith is to having a whole marriage and healthy family. The family is of such vital importance that the Bishop believes that preparation for the marriage sacrament should be much more intensive and spiritual. Perhaps some marriages fail because no one shows the young people that they should see matrimony as a project, or to use a Schoenstatt expression, "together, we have an ideal and a mission."The bishop also encouraged the Institute of Families to look at "the connection of the spiritual and of politics" and to be "socially and politically active based on their faith." "Marriage and the family cannot be replaced by other forms of lifestyles," said Monsignor Marx. He also said that the solution to some of the current problems is not to coerce or convince people to have children through financial incentives; rather, the family must be demonstrated as a source of great joy. "Show that you are happy having many children, show that it is good for children to have siblings and that in such families, a spiritual life is also lived. Show everyone that this is possible!" After the talks, the Chapter presented Bishop Marx with an excerpt from the "Book of the Family" of the Institute, along with a basket containing specialties from all the countries represented. Then, they all went to the Shrine to celebrate the Mass together.

Presently there are 214 couples from 14 countries that belong to the Institute of Families, and there are 85 other couples involved in the introductory phase.

Translation: Celina Garza, Harlingen, USA / Amy Peebles, Austin, USA

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