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 published: 2006-03-01

It is gratifying to see them so happy

Dequeni awarded scholarships to the needy children and adolescents in Caaguazu, Fernando de la Mora, Asuncion, Caacupe and J. A. Saldivar in Paraguay

Entrega de becas solidarias 2006: Somos felices, vamos al colegio

Presentation of the scholarships 2006: We are happy, we go to school

Übergabe der “Schultüten” 2006: Wir sind glücklich, wir dürfen in die Schule!


Una beca de Dequeni es el comienzo de una vida nueva

A scholarship from Dequeni is the beginning of a new life

Eine “Schultüte” von Dequeni bedeutet den Beginn eines neuen Lebens


También adolescentes recibieron becas

Also some youth got a scholarship

Auch einige Jugendliche gehören zu den Glücklichen


Integración de los padres

The parents are part of the program

Die Eltern sind einbezogen


Gracias a ustedes todos…

Thank you to you all…

Danke Ihnen allen…


Con los niños, también los padres crecen en autoestima

With their children, also the parents grow in their self-esteem

Mit den Kindern wachsen auch die Eltern


Estudiar para un mundo mejor

Studying for a better world

Lernen für eine bessere Welt

Fotos: Dequeni © 2006





PARAGUAY, Raquel Beltran. "We are VERY HAPPY" and so are the parents…we are awarding the Scholarships, which were made possible thanks to you", wrote Raquel Beltran by email. It is gratifying to see them so happy"

It is the commitment of the parents to accompany their children, to make them responsible to see that the children attend school, for them to receive tutoring in the Dequeni Centers so that in this way they may succeed in school and pass to the next grade.They are all very grateful to the people who made the right of an education for 1020 children of Paraguay possible. With the help of everyone, Dequeni began to award the scholarships to the children who are beneficiaries of selected projects in Caaguaz (200) children, Fernando de la Mora (200) adolescents, Asuncion (50 children), Cacupe (100 children and J.A. Saldivar (250). This year 1020 scholarships were awareded. Each one consists of a set of basic school supplies, a uniform, registration fee in the school of their community, and mentoring is provided throughout the school year.

Change is possible: Jorge Gustavo

Many encouraging experiences travel through the Dequeni hallways. One of them is that of Jorge Gustavo, 18 years of age, who through work training courses he was able to overcome a very difficult stage of his life.

Gustavo relates that since the age of 11, he had to go out on the streets to sell candy in the city market of San Lorenzo to help support his mother and younger siblings who lived in Campo Verde. Km.24 of Capiata. He recalls the difficult time he had in the street with sadness; "there were times when I had to sleep on the street." he affirmed.

At first Gustavo attended Casa de Acogida to receive help with his schooling. He continued to secondary school, he passed and joined the training courses of the Guardians of Mary, he also received job training in "Proela". Since then, Gustavo began to conquer and to build his future with much effort and dedication. He worked for a long time in the supermarkets as a sacker.

But perhaps the most gratifying thing is that one of the last supermarkets where he worked put into practice all the knowledge that he acquired in the course of Dequeni, this gave him the opportunity to become a salaried employee. Finally the stage of getting a promotion at work is beginning for Gustavo. He assures, "that had it not been for those work training programs, he would not be where he is today." Gustavo encourages the other youth to stay on the right path: "our personal future depends on what we do during our childhood and adolescence," he says. "I would like to help other youth and children who are on the streets, I feel capable of succeeding, I only need to encourage them and to give them an incentive to progress."

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Last Update: 10.03.2006 Mail: Editor /Webmaster
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