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 published: 2006-02-01

"I promised something very big in you"

International Encounter of the Girls’ Youth in Chapadmalal January 05-12, 2006 - Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay

Misa de la Aurora en las playas de Chapadmalal

Dawnbreak Mass at the shores of Chapadmalal

Sonnenaufgangs-Messe am Strand von Chapadmalal


Acto de apertura del Campamento: ingresan las banderas de los tres países

Opening celebration of the camp: the flags of the three countries are presented

Eröffnungsakt des Lagers: die Fahnen der drei Länder warden hereingetragen


Uno de los 9 grupos que salieron a misionar

One of the nine groups that set out for the missions

Eine der neun Gruppen, die zur Mission auszogen


Procesión Eucarística por las calles de Mar del Plata

Eucharist Procession through Mar del Plata

Eucharistische Prozession durch die Straßen von Mar del Plata


Misa con el Obispo: En el ofertorio la juventud presentan sus banderas de Rama

Mass with the Bishop: at the offering, the youth brought their flags

Messe mit dem Bischof: zur Gabenbereitung brachten die Jugendliche ihre Fahnen


Despuès de la Misa de la Aurora

After the dawnbreak Mass

Nach der Sonnenaufgangs-Messe

Fotos: Hna M Sabrina © 2006


ARGENTINA, Sister Sabrina. January 05-12, 2006, an encounter for the Girls’ Youth of Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay was held in Chapadmalal on Argentina’s Atlantic Coast. The girls and young women gathered with the desire to fulfill the promise of Fr. Kentenich that Schoenstatt women would be exceptional. "I promised something very big to the world in you," was the motto for the encounter. Two hundred and twenty-eight girls participated from three countries. Two girls from Germany also participated with great enthusiasm . They totally enjoyed the international atmosphere and the unity that they shared through our Father and Founder.

Through workshops, testimonies, talks and experiences they rediscovered the gift that God gave them in their femininity.

Each day had a different emphasis. The first three days featured a different country. The day for Paraguay was "In you, women dressed with the sun, I promised something very big to the world", that was related to their branch ideal. Argentina’s was

"In you, daughters of the Father, I promised something big to the world" and Uruguay’s was "In you, favorite daughters I promised something big to the world". During those days each country demonstrated their original way of being a promise for their country. They shared the wealth of their ideal, the dances, customs and typical meals.

Eucharistic Procession through the streets of Mar del Plata

One of the highlights was the Eucharistic Procession that they made through the central streets of Mar del Plata. It was quite a testimony for the tourists! They were accompanied by the diocesan Bishop, Juan Alberto Puigari, who not only spent time with them but also gave them a beautiful homily stressing woman as "a little Mary" and as a defender of life. The procession ended at the Cathedral with time for Adoration and with Holy Mass celebrated by the Bishop and several priests and seminarians.

Another way they gave testimony to the task that Father Kentenich entrusted to them was by the missionary work that they carried out in the hotels and beaches close to where they were staying. The countersign that day was "You canonize him!" With the Pilgrim MTA in their hand and material about Father Kentenich to distribute, they were sent to invite the tourists to a Holy Mass which would take place the following morning on the beach at 5 a.m.

This Mass was an event of praise to the Creator for the beauty of daybreak and the surroundings. Many persons who had been invited to Holy Mass, came!

The encounter ended at the Shrine of Mar del Plata where each girl received a small medal of the Father symbol to wear and to remind them that in them Father Kentenich, and God the Father, promised something big to the world in them.

Despedida frente al Santuario de Mar del Plata

Farewell at the Shrine in Mar del Plata

Abschied beim Heiligtum von Mar del Plata

Fotos: Hna M Sabrina © 2006


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