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 published: 2005-11-22

Youth take a firm step towards sanctity

The Schoenstatt Boy’s Youth from Brazil began its golden jubilee with the first national journey of leaders


Fundação do Jumas ocorreu à sombra do Santuário Tabor de Santa Maria, primeiro do Brasil.

Fundación de la JM aconteció a la sombra del Santuario Tabor de Santa María, el primer de Brasil.

The foundation of the Boys’ Youth of Brazil took place at the Tobor Shrine in Santa Maria, the first shrine in Brazil

Die Gründung der Mannesjugend von Brasiloen fand im Schatten des Tabor-Heiligtums in Santa Maria, des ersten Heiligtums im Land, statt


El resgate da Peregrina da Juventude Heróica, uma relíquia que voltará a cumprir sua missão original.

El rescate de la Peregrina de la Juventud Heroica, una reliquia que volverá a cumplir su misión original.

The recovery of the Pilgrim MTA of the Heroic youth, a relic that will return to fulfill its original mission

Die Rückeroberung der PIlgernden Gottesmutter der Heroischen Jugend, einer Reliquie, die nun wieder ihre ursprüngliche Sendung erfüllen soll


Logomarca da celebração do Jubileu de Ouro do Jumas.

Logomarca de celebración del Jubileo de Oro de la JM.

Logo of the celebration of the Golden Anniversary of the Boys’ Youth

Logo der Feiern zum Goldenen Jubiläum der Mannesjugend


Representantes de todo o país decidindo o futuro do Jumas-Brasil.

Representantes de todo el país decidiendo el futuro de la JM en Brasil.

Representatives of the entire country deciding on the future of the Boys’ Youth in Brazil

Vertreter aus dem ganzen Land entscheiden gemeinsam über die Zukunft der Mannesjugend in Brasilien


Bandeira Nacional do Jumas e a Peregrina da Juventude Heróica, idealizada por João Pozzobon.

Bandera Nacional de la JM y la Peregrina de la Juventud Heroica, idealizada por João Pozzobon.

National flag of the Boy’s Youth, and Pilgrim MTA of the Heroic Youth, a legacy of John Pozzobon

Landesbanner der Mannesjugend und die Pilgernde Gottesmutter der Heroischen Jugend, Erbe und Sendung von Joao Pozzobon


Pira de Engling, símbolo nacional do Jumas-Brasil.

Pira de Engling, símbolo nacional de la JM de Brasil.

Engling fire bowl, national symbol fo the Boys’ Youth in Brazil

Engling-Feuerbecken, Landessymbol der SMJ Brasiliens

Fotos: Peres © 2005




BRAZIL, Andre Luis Peres. November 12th -14th, the main leaders from the Boy’s Youth of Brazil met at the Tabor Center of the Child and Father Shrine, in the city of Itaara, which is close to Santa Maria. The objectives of this first national journey of leaders which has been baptized as a "National Forum", were first of all to prepare for the Golden Jubilee of the Boy’s Youth in Brazil which was founded in the year 1956 in Santa Maria, then to continue with the process of exchange between the Boy’s Youth throughout this immense country, and finally to realize God’s plan for the Brazilian Boy’s Youth.

Conscious of their responsibilities as representatives of the various cities, these young leaders met with the intention of giving their "Yes" to the Movement and to make the necessary decisions for the branch on a national level.

"For the first time in history, the Boy’s Youth from Brazil sat around a table to talk about and make decisions about their future. God showed that this National Forum should take place in Santa Maria, where everything started, and in the shadow of the only Shrine of the Men’s Column (branches) in our continent", affirmed Father Alexander Awi, advisor of the Boys’ Youth. And he added, "In addition to the fundamental decisions for the future of the Boys Youth, the Forum was marked by the recovery of symbols including the sword, the Joseph Engling fire bowl, and the flag, Schoenstatt heroes like Paulo Tocheto, John Pozzobon, and Sr. Atalibio, and events of the history of the Boys’ Youth in Brazil". The Column includes the Boy’s Youth, the Men’s Branch, and the Brothers of Mary

Testimony of a member of the first group (1956)

During the National Forum, the young men were able to exchange experiences with other youth from the different regions of Brazil and to learn more about the history of the Boy’s Youth through the testimonies of important personalities for the youth, such as Mr. Atalibio, who was a member of the first group of Boy’s Youth from Brazil. In his presentation, Mr. Atlibio stressed the initial difficulties encountered during the first meetings of his group. At that time, the Schoenstatt Movement was prohibited in Santa Maria. When asked about his admiration of Father Joseph Kentenich, he stressed, "Our Founder assumed the Movement and he truly adopted us like a Father. He expressed himself in the manner that he thought God would express himself". Mr. Atalibio complemented this by saying: "Father, took on the paternity of God to show us what God is like."

Important decisions for the future of the branch

During the time of exchange during the "journey", the youth made important decisions for the future of the branch. They officially selected their symbols: the Joseph Engling fire bowl and the National Flag of the Boy’s Youth. They reached a consensus concerning the commemorations of the Golden Jubilee of the Boy’s Youth of Brazil, which will be presented through a "national journey" in the city of Londrina, in the year 2006. They also decided to begin searching for their national ideal. They elected a national secretary, who will be in charge of unifying the dates of exchange among the cities.

Recovery of the Pilgrim MTA of the Heroic Youth

Another point of action for the Forum was to re-establish the circulation of the Pilgrim MTA of the Heroic Youth among the Boy’s Youth. This special MTA was the initiative of John Pozzobon and the Heroic Youth. Father Alexander commented: "The recovery of the Pilgrim MTA of the Heroic Youth was beautiful. This Pilgrim MTA was fashioned by Pozzobon and it has a fragment of a bomb that he found in Cambrai, close to place where Joseph Engling died. She sat abandoned but now the boys have decided to carry her on pilgrimage again! I could not help but remember our pilgrimage to Cologne during the World Youth Day, with the Third Auxiliary… It was very touching when, in this context, I read to the boys an email that Monina Badano, the guardian of this Auxiliary, wrote to them on August 15th: Just as in each of these opportunities, she once more listened to my petition and she sets out with no less than her "countrymen" to Cologne. You cannot imagine how happy I am to know that she goes in your company, you who carry in your blood the spirit of John Pozzobon. I can imagine his joy and pride when today he contemplates from heaven this Heroic Youth whom he heartily loved and who awakened all his enthusiasm.

I had barely heard of the death of John Paul II the Great, when I asked the Auxiliary to figure out how she would go to Cologne and to make him present there. How appropriate this would be since John Paul II blessed this Auxiliary at the first WYD in Buenos Aires in 1987. I felt a little sad and disillusioned to see that at the end of festival she was still there but, as always, she never ceases to amaze us and what a great and marvelous surprise when I found out today that she would go with you! Beloved JUMAS (Boys Youth), I accompany you in spirit and with my prayers, here as well as in Cologne. "She is the Great Missionary, She works miracles! A Mae e o mundo!"

"We learned that we are a family and we lived it here"

"The National Forum was good because we learned that we are one family and we lived it here, since we discussed each subject a lot in order to decide the future of our youth. It is not easy to choose what is best, that is to say, our objectives and what we want for ourselves. The sharing that we had been stupendous, as well as the new friends that we made", says Victor Hugo Niczay, from the Boys’ Youth of Guarapuava, the new director of the national web site (

Translation: Celina Garza, Harlingen, TX/Christi Jentz, Milwaukee, USA with credits to Fr. Mark Niehaus

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