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 published: 2005-10-05

A Loving Pope

Julio Tomalá: my strongest WYD experience in Cologne was at St. Pantaleon


JMJ: Benedicto XVI en el encuentro con los seminaristas - liturgia

WYD: Benedict XVI during the encounter with the seminarians - liturgy

WJT: Benedikt XVI bei der Begegnung mit Seminaristen - Stundengebet


JMJ: Benedicto XVI en el encuentro con los seminaristas - predica

WYD: Benedict XVI during the encounter with the seminarians - sermon

WJT: Benedikt XVI bei der Begegnung mit Seminaristen - Ansprache


San Pantaleon - Oración

St. Pantaleón - Prayer

St. PantaleonGebet


San Pantaleon - lectura

St. Pantaleón - reading

St. PantaleonLesung

Fotos: Weltjugendtags gGmbh © 2005


El autor, Julio Tomalá, con jovenes de Costa Rica

The author, Julio Tomalá, with youth from Costa Rica

Der Verfasser, Julio Tomalá, mit Jugendlichen aus Costa Rica

Foto: Tomalá © 2005


WYD – MOMENTS. He is shaking hands with the whole world! That was my surprise upon seeing the Pope arrive at St. Pantaleon Church for the meeting with seminarians. Along with a boys youth group from Chile, we managed to participate in this meeting although we were not seminarians or anything of the sort…..we were "infiltrators"among thousands of consecrated, neo-priests, students and postulants from different congregations and dioceses from throughout the world.

It was impressive to see so many young men so excited as they waited for the Pope. They were different from all those who were outside of the parish church (laity). These were waiting for the Pope in prayer and meditation…..even though the sun was very hot, there was no place to sit, and at times it would rain in torrents, they did not put aside their personal meditations and prepared their hearts for the meeting with the successor of St. Peter.

Presenting credentials would begin at 7 in the morning and from then on Holy Mass would be celebrated every hour on the hour in the Church. Breakfast was served and lunch was served at 12. Many of us did not have lunch because we were already in line to get seats closer to the stage in the back part of the Church where the Pope would lead the praying of the liturgy of the hours.

Very loving and always smiling.

After hours of waiting, we entered the patio where three stages had been put up: at the center with an altar and the two on the sides with religious musical groups who played their music after the recitation of the Holy Rosary and as we awaited the arrival of Benedict XVI.

Between songs they exposed the relic which is guarded by that Church: the heart of St. Mary Ann. Special prayers were said and suddenly the choir intoned classic music. It was now 5 in the afternoon. From afar you could hear the din which came from the other side of the patio wall and on the giant screens we saw how the Pope made his entrance to the enclosure and he shook hands with everyone he could! Very loving and always smiling…..visibly moved.

What we offer Jesus

After the praying of the Hours and vocation testimonies by three priests, the Pope addressed the different delegations in different languages:…..he spoke about the commitment to a virginal life….. about how marvelous it is to be chosen by Christ…..about how extraordinary it can be to be have a priesthood lived to the fullest…..about how God knows whom He chooses and why He chooses each one…..about not being afraid of new challenges but how they must be conquered in prayer with God and for Him. But what really touched me in a special way (it was directed to seminarians but can also be adapted to different life situations) was what he said in Spanish: just as the Magi prostrated themselves before the Child to adore Him and to offer Him three gifts, we too can now offer them to Him today: the GOLD of our freedom, the INCENSE of our constant prayer, and the MYRRH of our deepest feelings.

After those words – which I share with everyone – how can we refuse whatever mission has been entrusted to us? We came to the encounter to adore Christ and Blessed Mother gave Christ to us. So, if we love Him above all things, if He is first in our lives, how can we not love Him and demonstrate that love through works? If we love Him, how can we not converse with Him? How can we not pray and not dedicate special moments to Him throughout the day in order to let Him participate in our life? When we love someone we want to be with them always and communicate with them…..that is the basis for any relationship. Finally, if we belong to them entirely….. (because we recall that He and Blessed Mother are one, they merge into one love and on sealing the Covenant of Love with Her, surrendering all we have and are, we automatically also give ourselves to Christ)….. and She asks us for what is deeply ours, our freedom, to follow Him on the path which He has for each one of us, whether in the priesthood or as a missionary or leading groups or assigning us a very responsible task in our branch…..if in any of these cases our freedom would be asked for, how can we not give it to Him since it already belongs to Him with our surrender in the Covenant of Love?

He wanted it to be this way

For me as an "infiltrator" it was a really special grace to be there and to participate in that encounter because in spite of the fact that I am not a seminarian, the things which the Pope said can also be applied to other life situations and in my particular case I have taken them as if he had told them especially to me…..I think that was the best experience I had during my whole stay in Cologne and I am very grateful with God for allowing me to be a part of that moment…..Even though I was not supposed to be there, He wanted it to be this way.

Translation: Carlos Cantú La Feria, Texas USA

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