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 published: 2005-08-02


The "cable dance", 700 dish towels, made the headlines in the newspapers….-"None of us will travel to Germany, but our hearts are beating strongly for the encounter in Schoenstatt and for the encounter with the Holy Father."


Danza del cable

Cable dance


Oder doch ein Regentanz? Oder Moderne Kunst?  

¿O mas una danza de lluvia? O algo de arte moderna?

Or a rain dance? Or sort of Modern Art?

Oder doch ein Regentanz?  Oder Moderne Kunst?

Die Stunde der Bastler und Dekorateure  

La hora de los aficionados a las manualidades

The hour of the handicraft enthusiasts

Die Stunde der Bastler und Dekorateure

Fotos: POS Fischer © 2005


Misa de la Juventud

Youth Mass


Konzelebranten: P. Ludwig Güthlein, P. Duncan McVicar, P. Pedro Kühlcke

Concelebrantes: P. Ludwig Güthlein, P. Duncan McVicar, P. Pedro Kühlcke

Concelebrants: Fr. Ludwig Güthlein, Fr. Duncan McVicar, Fr, Meter Kühlcke

Konzelebranten: P. Ludwig Güthlein, P. Duncan McVicar, P. Pedro Kühlcke

Fotos: Zunini © 2005


SCHOENSTATT, mfk. "I imagine that what the photo represents is the "cable dance": it is executed when a thick cable is received and it must be unrolled…". It could not be determined until the end of the article if what Pia Scherer imagined was correct, but in any case it was the most original conjecture. Another idea was that it was a "rain dance", but the rain that fell that day, as on all the other days, was not the result of a dance rather it is called a "German summer"…In any case on Saturday the youth had a good time with their work as they enjoyed themselves trying to unroll something that looked like a long blue hose. A reporter from the "Rhein Zeitung arrived just in time. It was impossible not to see it: dozens of youth working under a lot of pressure preparing for the festival, and the first participants are already here: groups from South Africa and Chile.

Since the end of last week, the offices of "Project Schoenstatt for World Youth Day at Mount Schoenstatt are almost deserted. The volunteers and other helpers have moved to the Pilgrims House close to the Original Shrine, where there is an office and a " a room for decoration production". There are innumerable computers working; a few steps away they are painting, drawing, drilling, sawing…outdoors, they are dancing the "cable dance"!

Of course there are still calls for help: to dry the dishes that are being washed and a couple of dish towels are needed, more or less seven hundred. "Surely we will receive them either donated or loaned" says Martina Rasch full of optimism, "perhaps there some hundreds in some cabinet.

Landing, traveling, departing

In many places it is time to depart, the majority of the youth are expected just in time for the beginning of the festival, on Sunday the 7th of August. A young man from Paraguay is in a cast since Saturday because of a sprained ankle. "But I was able to cross the range of the Andes on foot", he said, and he wants to travel anyway. Although it probably hurts, but it will hurt more if he stays home! And he is thinking about going to Dachau with two other boys from his group during the festival.

A girls’ group from South Africa has already arrived. Tuesday, they visited Mounts Sion and Moriah, Wednesday, they went on pilgrimage to Metternich..They are staying in House Marienland. In the afternoons they take sightseeing trips around Schoenstatt. One of the groups from Chile will arrive at House Sonnenau on Tuesday..

"None of my children, nor my wife and I are traveling to Germany, writes Christian Figueroa, from Concepcion, Chile, "but our hearts are beating strongly for the encounter at Schoenstatt, for the encounter with the Holy Fathers just meters away from Gymnich".

Gymnich is very close to the place, where Father Kentenich was born. The Marian Field where a hill has been erected for the Pope, is in Gymnich. "We built a cathedral on holy land", says one of the Schoenstatt songs that Father Menningen wrote, "with young and strong hands, the holy reign of the Queen".

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