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 published: 2005-07-05

Two new Schoenstatt Fathers for the Family and the Church

Priestly Ordination in New Schoenstatt, Argentina

Iglesia de Dios Padre, Nuevo Schoenstatt: Procesión de entrada

Church of God Father, Nuevo Schoenstatt: Entrance procession

Einzug in die überfüllte Gott-Vater-Kirche in Nuevo Schoenstatt


Presentación de los candidatos al sacerdocio: Andres Rodriguez (der.), Tommy Nin Mitchell

Presentation of the candidates to the priesthood: Andres Rodriguez (r.), Tommy Nin Mitchell

Vorstellung der Weihekandidaten: Andres Rodriguez (r.), Tommy Nin Mitchell


Mons. Luis Stöcker, diocesis de Quilmes

Bishop Luis Stöcker, diocese of Quilmes

Bischof Luis Stöcker, Diözese Quilmes


Durante las letanias

During the litanies

Während der Allerheiligenlitanei


Imposición de manos: P. Guillermo Carmona, P. Juan Pablo Catoggio

Imposition of hands: Fr. Guillermo Carmona, Fr. Juan Pablo Catoggio

Handauflegung: P. Guillermo Carmona, P. Juan Pablo Catoggio


Un momento donde sielo y tierra se unen

At this moment, heaven and earth seem one

Himmel und Erde scheinen eins zu sein in diesem Moment


En el Santuario del Padre

In the Father Shrine

Im Vaterheiligtum

Fotos: Crivelli © 2005




ARGENTINA, mca. Saturday, June 25th was a grace filled day for the Schoenstatt Family of Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay, who now have two new priests: Father Andres Rodriguez, de Villa Ballester, and Father Tommy Nin Mitchell, of Buenos Aires.

Although it is winter, it was a warm day with radiant sunshine. The Father Shrine, in Florencio Varela, as well as the Church of God the Father, where the two deacons were ordained, were splendidly decorated for the occasion. Everything was well arranged for the feast that would be celebrated later. Little by little the participants began to arrive, full of anticipation – almost as much as the anticipation that Tommy and Andres were experiencing at that moment! The Church was filled to capacity with many persons from Villa Ballester and the Capital, along with delegations from different places of the country – Corrientes, Parana, Cordoba, Mendoza, Rosario, San Isidro, La Plata, Quilmes, Etc. – and the Mothers’ Federation from the metropolitan area, that was ending its annual retreat. It is important to stress that there was also an impressive delegation from the Tabor School in Chile, where Tommy worked, as well as many young boys from all over the country, and although they were not "visible" to everyone, there were some postulants for the next course that will begin its novitiate in 2006. Undoubtedly, it was an exciting and happy time for everyone, to see two ex course brothers of Tommy and Andres, who were present to witness their final stage on the way to priesthood. One was from Chile who came with his wife and the other was from Argentina, who was accompanied by his girl friend.

"It was a great joy for all of us who feel that Tommy and Andres are "ours", said Maria Clara, principal of the Argentina Modelo School in Buenos Aires: "Today our beloved ex-student is ordained, who will celebrate Mass in our school on the 28th along with his school mates, professors, directors and students of that home".

"The Good Shepherd gives his life for the sheep"

Father Ludovico Tedeschi, who had arrived from Rome a few days before, opened the celebration by briefly introducing Andres and Tommy to those present, since they are well known in the Family – and both vocations have been accompanied by the prayers and contributions to the Capital of Grace of many persons.

Then, The Bishop of Quilmes, Monsignor Luis Stocker, entered, accompanied by many Schoenstatt Fathers, deacons, seminarians and nine novitiates of the community, who belong to the region and other countries, which made the ceremony brighter and more festive. Along with the priests from the region, was Father Deogratias, from Burundi, who is currently working in Paraguay, and two deacons from India, Dhanabal and Sherrin, who are doing their practice in Cordoba and Paraguay respectively.

In his homily, Monsignor Stocker addressed Tommy and Andres, reminding them that the pastoral mission they were undertaking as of now was that of the Good Shepherd. A mission that is not of words, but of being close to the people and giving them personalized attention, a mission that is indispensable in the ecclesial community as well as outside of it. Finally, he stressed that they belonged to a great spiritual family, formed mostly by laity.

An extended applause

The homily was followed by the rituals that are full of symbolism and mystery, the Litany of the Saints intoned for centuries in these ceremonies, the act of prostrating themselves on the floor, the anointing, the presentation of the chasuble and the stole which they wore, the imposition of hands... the expression of a chain of graces which began with the apostles and that have been maintained throughout the centuries until now, in more than 2,000 years of priestly consecration.

Finally the long awaited moment arrived, after years of waiting and prayer. The Church of the Father exploded with a round of applause that lasted several minutes, allowing the joy and excitement to erupt, while the Schoenstatt Fathers greeted their co-brothers with an embrace. To see the two newly vested priest concelebrating at the altar, was the culmination of the dream come true, for them and for the Family, as well as the Church, that is enriched today with two new Schoenstatt Fathers.

Finally, an expression of gratitude on behalf of both given by Father Andres Rodriguez, who made everyone cry.

"To all who accompanied us on the our road to the priesthood: To our families, the community of the Fathers, those who formed us, the Schoenstatt Family and especially the Boys’ Youth, from which we came and which we serve.

Also to all the friends we have made throughout our lives and who accompany us on this blessed day.

Finally to the Blessed Mother, Queen of Sion, who has chosen, protected, has taken care of and accompanied us in this process of formation in the priesthood of our Father.

Our gratitude and blessing to all of you."

A family celebrates

Then the priests and the faithful went to the Shrine in procession, where Fathers Andres and Tommy consecrated their priesthood to the Blessed Mother, uniting themselves to everyone present physically and spiritually.

After the final blessing, the new priests were greeted by the Fathers, Sisters, friends, acquaintances, without forgetting Father, who is always present in his Family in the shadow of the Shrine. A family, who today experienced another milestone in its history, and thanks to the Blessed Mother, it will happen to many others, such as the ordination of Beltran Gomez next September 24th. Let’s prepare for that day accompanying him with prayers and Capital of Grace!

Translation: Celina M Garza, Harlingen, TX, USA

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