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 published: 2005-06-14

The right to life - a decision of man?

A voice that shouts for life - Conference in Cordoba organized by the Schoenstatt Family

Cada niño un milagro del amor de Dios, una nueva historia de Dios con los hombres

Each child a miracle of God’s love, a new history of God with mankind

Jedes Kind ein Wunder der Liebe Gottes, eine neue Geschichte Gottes mit der Menschheit

Foto: Ríos © 2005


Hna Dra. M. Elena Lugo, con la Hna María Pilar Carrere , Asesora de la Rama de Madres y de la Obra Familiar de Córdoba

Sr. Dr. Elena Lugo, with Sr.  Maria Pilar Carrere, advisor of the Mothers’ League and the Family Movement in Córdoba

Schw. Dr. Elena Lugo mit Schw Maria Pilar Carrere, tätig in der Mütter – und Familienarbeit in Cordoba

Foto: Schelstraete © 2005


ARGENTINA, Patricia Schelstraete de Aliaga. The subject of the legalization of abortion is found in all the social media of Argentina. Recently, the National Ministry of Public Health has launched a campaign that tends to "facilitate" methods of contraception without cost in public hospitals. The Schoenstatt Mothers’ Branch with the support of all the Schoenstatt Movement of Cordoba, organized a conference to make it heard that "a voice shouts for life".

The next step of the "abortion conscience" that is growing is endorsed by state organizations, will be the legalization of abortion, with the argument that such a measure tends to "prevent the death" of many women who undergo this procedure in clandestine places that do not have the proper hygiene or adequate professionals. At the same time, many groups have also appeared, among them one called ‘CATHOLIC WOMEN FOR THE RIGHT TO DECIDE", that calls on the Church to cede in its posture on the subject of reproduction, founding their petition on the "Right of the woman over her own body, her sexual life and her option for maternity".

This disputed subject has already provoked a very strong crisis on the governmental level between the National Ministry of Health and Bishop Casttrene, who was reaffirmed in his post by his Holiness Pope Benedict XVI.

Promotion and defense of life

Within this framework, the Mothers’ Branch of the Schoenstatt Movement of Cordoba, supported by all the Family - especially the Department of Communication of the Movement and Family Work - organized a debate conference with the theme: THE RIGHT TO LIFE, A DECISION OF MAN?, presented by Sister Dr. Elena Lugo, a specialist in bioethics, member of the Secular Institute of Sisters of Mary, and Professor Patricia Ruiz Moreno, a university professor of philosophy and ex-legislator of the City of Buenos Aires. The objective of this encounter, with many persons in attendance (more than three hundred, was to help form an opinion about this very important subject.

The Mothers, "GUARDIANS OF LIFE", wanted to make another voice heard, that shouts in favor of life of the most defenseless, the weakest. The promotion and the defense of life from the moment of conception, is of supreme value, that is above all religious, philosophical, political, or economic concepts. The mothers know that their mission is very important and that many pitfalls will appear in their way, but they are moving, acting by vocation and conviction.

To work in favor of life

It is the responsibility of everyone in their daily lives to achieve that society respect the right to life, since everyone - by their example of their behavior, their words, their writings, their opinions, their vote, the education of their children, etc. - influences how we think and how we live. And in what is legislated. Surely, an important role belongs to the politicians, educators and those responsible in the social media, because of the repercussion that their words or their actions collectively have but they, who at the same time influence society, are also influenced by it.

But along with this general attitude, there are many concrete ways of specifically working in favor of life: What can the common Christian, ordinary citizen, who neither appears on television , nor speaks from a professor’s chair nor a public tribunal, do to influence this subject?

Pray to the Lord for the legislators and the social directors in general, so that they will understand that the children who are conceived and the unborn are the most innocent and defenseless members of society, and just as Pope John Paul II has said repeatedly - the death of an innocent can never be legalized.

Do not show contempt for the moral value of pain and of sacrifice, which when rejected takes one to justify any intent of getting rid of what we think are its cause, including the elderly or handicapped, the deficient who are a burden or more children who could complicate life or diminish the well being of the family. Reject the sense of "utilitarian" or "functional" human life.

Welcome and help, also economically, those who for reasons of their maternity, find themselves in difficult situations. Especially the women who are victims of rape, who have to deal with the terrible drama they suffer, the loneliness, incomprehension, and the lack of hope. The decision for an abortion does not repair in any way the situation in which they find themselves. A death that is provoked can never be the solution. It is adding to their pain and the tremendous sense of guilt. Only spiritual, material, and

sheltering support with love can help these victims to carry an unwanted child to term, and also contemplating on the possibility of placing the child with other parents for adoption.

Receive with joy, no matter how hard it may be, the child is who born sick or deficient, into the family, as a blessing from God. The testimony of so many families in this situation are exemplary.

React positively to public writings or audiovisual programs that defend human life, and critically, to those who attack it. Exercise your right as a citizen, to participate in the social media.

Orient your vote toward the political alternatives which deserve the most trust because of their attitude before life in general, and particularly on the question of abortion.

Inform those around you, with charity, but firmly and clearly, of the reality of the unborn child and of the importance of defending his right to life.

This is only some of what can be done in defense of life, the important thing is to be aware, light a candle, although it may be small, do not be conquered by the darkness that is growing.

An anecdote, a sign, a gift of God

The sonogram illustrated on the poster used to publicize the conference, belongs to the baby of Mrs. Paula Llarens de Guernica, a mother of the Branch, who actively participated in the preparation for this conference. The estimated date for the birth of this child was for the beginning of July, but the Lord wanted to send us a beautiful sign. Agustin (the baby’s name) "was born on the day of the conference". He is in good health and he is enjoying his mother, father and his three siblings.

Translation: Celina M Garza, Harlingen, TX, USA

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