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 published: 2005-06-17

Jesus, we have come to adore you!

Corpus Christi Procession at the International Schoenstatt Center in Waukesha

No es una foto de Baviera... es de Milwaukee, Estados Unidos

Not a photo from Bavaria ...but from Milwaukee, USA

Kein Foto aus Bayern… sondern aus Milwaukee, USA


Procesión de Corpus Christi en Milwaukee/Waukesha, 12 de junio – con el logo de la JMJ

Corpus Christi procession in Milwaukee/Waukesha, June 12 – with the WYD logo

Fronleichnamsprozession in Milwaukee/Waukesha, 12. Juni – mit WJT-Symbol


Un día hermoso en un terreno hermoso

A beautiful day at a beautiful place

Ein herrlicher Tag auf einem herrlichen Gelände


Alfombra de flores frente del Santuario

Flower carpet in front of the Shrine

Blumenteppich vor dem Heiligtum


Llegada de la procesión

Arrival of the procession

Ankunft der Procession am Heiligtum


La banda

The brass band

Und wieder spielt die Kapelle

Fotos: Jentz © 2005




USA, Sr, Marie Day. On Sunday, June 12, 2005, the Schoenstatt family and guests gathered at the International Schoenstatt Center, Waukesha, to celebrate Corpus Christi. It was truly an international event as various language groups - German, Spanish, and English - prayed and worshipped together.

In this Year of the Eucharist, more than 300 people were present for the celebration. In order not to conflict with parish celebrations, Corpus Christi at the International Schoenstatt Center always is celebrated the second Sunday of June. It's been celebrated by what is called the "German community", usually a very small group of genuine first or second generation Germans - but they wanted to invite everyone in the archdiocese and tried hard to make it very special.

Flower carpets for the first time

The celebration began with Holy Mass, followed by the procession to the four altars with the final blessing in the International Shrine of the Father Kingdom.  Children walked before the Blessed Sacrament throwing flower petals to show reverence and honor Our Lord.  Another great joy: For the first time they were able to have flower carpets.

The theme of one carpet was the World Youth Day symbol and the other was the symbols of the Eucharist.  A German band in typical Bavarian outfit played for Holy Mass and during the procession. It was a richly blessed day! Dave Jentz: "It was a wonderful day, with great weather and many people!"


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