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 published: 2005-05-17

Marineo, Marsala, Carini, Palermo, Livorno, Santeramo in Colle, Manteleone de Orvieto, Colli del Trento... – Stützpunkte der Pilgernden Gottesmutter von Schönstatt in Italien

Die Kampagne der Pilgernden Gottesmutter in Italien: Liebe zur Kirche durch Belebung der Pfarrei

Misioneras de la parroquia Santa Gemma, Roma

Missionaries of St. Gemma’s, Rome

Missionarinnen aus der Pfarrei Santa Gemma, Rom

Foto: Abram © 2005


Con peregrinas y tinaja: compromiso misionero

With Pilgrim MTA’s and jar: missionary commitment

Mit der Pilgernden Gottesmutter und dem Krug: missionarische Verpflichtung


Santeramo en Colle: Un telón con la Mater en el altar mayor

Santeramo en Colle: cloth with the picture of the MTA at the altar

Santeramo en Colle: Altartuch mit dem MTA-Bild

Fotos: Tedeschi/CMP Italia © 2005


La visita de la Peregrina Original y de Don Joao a Roma, en 1979, se vuelve en bendición...

The visit of the Original Pilgrim MTA, and of John Pozzobon, in 1979, becomes a blessing…

Der Besuch der Original-Peregrina und von Joao Pozzobon im Jahr 1979 wird heute zum Segen...

Foto: Archiv © 2005


...para la Campańa del Rosario de la Virgen Peregrina en Italia

...for the Schoenstatt Rosary Campaign in Italy

...für die Kampagne der Pilgernden Gottesmutter in Italien

Foto: Tedeschi/CMP Italia © 2005


ITALY, Fr. Ludovico Tedeschi/mkf. The Campaign of the Pilgrim Mother of Schoenstatt grows in Italy, spreading from church to church. What happens in the Santa Gemma church, to which the Matri Ecclesiae Sanctuary belongs, and where there are 22 pilgrim images visiting families as part of an integral and inspiring church life, is not a single case. The parish priests feel responsible for the Campaign in their churches, and value it as an enriching contribution to the growth of the church community. On the 18th day of every month, the capital of graces and the image of the Mater are "familiar" in numerous churches throughout Italy.

"It begins to be a tradition on the 18th of every month, when we remember the link of love with our Thrice Admirable Mother of Schoenstatt, by participating in the rosary and the Eucharist in our church. Before the celebration of mass, we will write our spiritual contribution which we’ll place in the vase, like the water in Cana of Galilee", says the Campaign bulleting. "We are also called to contribute to the Church with our spiritual sacrifices, bringing us close to the great and unique sacrifice of Jesus. We want to entrust Benedict XVI with the Virgin, our Thrice Admirable Mother, especially in the month of May", suggests Father Ludovico Tedeschi, assistant to the Campaign in Italy, in the bulleting to the missionaries. "We want to tell the Holy Father that he is not alone, that we are here too: the Campaign of the Pilgrim Mother of Schoenstatt that our families are here too, praying and offering sacrifices for him and for the entire Church". Everywhere in Italy one can see testimonies of the actions of "The Great Pilgrim".

The Pilgrim Mother becomes Sicilian

All over Sicilia there are 885 families that receive the Pilgrim Mother: Marineo, Marsala, Carini and Palermo. Ciro Realmente, from Marineo tells us:

"The Campaign of the Pilgrim Mother presently summons 525 families of Marineo. With the support of our parish priest, F. Salvatore Lasala, every 18th day of the month, day of our dear Mother Thrice Admirable, we pray the rosary in our church and celebrate the Eucharist. It is an occasion to rediscover ourselves as a big family under the maternal presence of Mary. She teaches us through prayer, service, and sacrifice and offers us his son Jesus as a gift. It is beautiful to see the vase (the clay vase) placed to the side of the altar that collects our spiritual offerings (our capital of graces) and our prayers. The Mater invites us to do that which Jesus wants, "do as He says". The presence of the Movement has brought many families closer to community prayer, the value and the spiritual benefit of praying like a "small domestic church" has been rediscovered, and the maternal help of Mary has been felt in difficult situations. Mary is the Mother of the Church, Queen of the family, light of prayer. Next to Mary, we are certain to be with Jesus."

"I had to undergo chemotherapy..."

A young 24 year old man from Capaci-Palermo, shares his testimony. "On December 27th, 2004, an unforgettable day, a huge mallet fell on my head, my world collapsed... I had to undergo chemotherapy for almost three months... I have experienced what it is to depend on others, live moments of anguish and loneliness, but also of happiness and love from so many people. Sometimes questions would come to my mind. It was the answer to the constant question: "why me?" Very well, when I found her, I began offering my suffering to Christ. I could never forget my "travel companion", Calogero, who used to tell me: "We are no different than those we call normal. Maurizio, we are not abnormal, we are special". That’s the answer to my constant question!. It is in suffering that the Lord becomes much closer to us. And alleviated from the weight of the cross is how you can travel with him the via crucis... A special thanks to the Blessed Mother, Queen and Victress of Schoenstatt that has always been at my side. Her image was with me in the hospital and at home. It is a great joy to pray the rosary with the other sick people at the hospital and with my loved ones. In the midst of pain, we found relief in Her, who has interceded for me and my recovery...".

"Chosen and called to this mission"

In the dioceses of Pontremoli-Massa Carrara there are 410 families who receive the Pilgrim Mother, in five churches. The image arrived to Livorno through families in two churches. Mirella Dilani, of Villafranca- Massa Carrara, where the first pilgrim image arrived through a missionary from Ecuador, tells us: "In the hands of F. Oreste Benzi I have taken the perpetual vows of chastity, poverty and obedience, as vocation to the Pope John XXIII Community. In the San Guiseppe prayer house, of which I am in charge, the dear Mother, Queen and Victress, Thrice Admirable of Schoenstatt has asked for help, through an Ecuadorian missionary, to make her known and be taken in among our families. Mary has helped me understand that I’ve been chosen and called to this mission. I feel tremendous emotion, joy and responsibility for the Pilgrim Mother’s Campaign. With the blessing of our Bishop Monsignor Eugenio Benini and of our parish priest, F. Giovanni Barbieri, who helps us and shares with us our monthly meetings as missionaries in the celebration of the Eucharist each 18th of the month, we are experiencing the rebirth of prayer and the joy of praying the rosary in our families. The rosary is a powerful weapon against the evil of the world. The graces that the Pilgrim Mother is pouring on the families that receive her and revere her with devotion are so many: hope, acceptance, faith, serenity, peace, joy in the little and large crosses that are lived inside the families".

"There are many families in our city that receive the Pilgrim Mother’s visit; and for all, the 18th of every month has become a joyous appointment with Mary. The simple signs that characterize that day, make-up the framework to the Eucharistic celebration (Covenant Mass) and to our trust in Mary. We have enriched the celebration by placing a curtain in the main altar with the image of the Virgin of Schoenstatt and the words of Father Kentenich "Nothing without you, nothing without us". "We want to thank F.Giacomo for his hospitality and collaboration", reports Natalina Porfido Serman, from Santeramo in Colle (Bari), where 900 families receive the Pilgrim Mother in their homes. The beginning of the Campaign in Santeramo in Colle is due to the visits of Sister Noemi Massaro, born in Santeramo, and now living in Germany.

Fr. Marco requested the presence of the Pilgrim Mother

The Mater has started her journey in Manteleone de Orvieto, a small medieval city situated in the province of Treni, in Umbria. The Campaign of the Pilgrim Mother started in an original way: when the parish priest, F. Marco Merlini, opened the doors of his church so from there the Virgin Mary could nest in the hearts of the families. His wish was that the Campaign would unite with the pastoral life. Thus, together with the Parrish Council, he wrote a letter to all the families inviting them to be open to this new initiative of the Church. During a beautiful solemn Holy Mass, which took place in the Parrish Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, the first 10 images were sent home, embracing 170 families".

The Pilgrim Mother has established herself in the church of Colli del Trento

In Colli del Trento, an image of the Pilgrim Mother has established herself in the church, given that the parishioners are used to taking their requests and spiritual offerings there, which they then place in a vase that is next tot he Pilgrim Mother. Only She knows what is written in those papers: so many needs and so much love offered to Jesus for the good of the Church.

Translation: Natalia Cava, Florida, United States

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