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 published: 2005-04-14

Looking at the chimney

Conclave: Day 1


Roma, 18 de abril, 20.05 hrs.: fumata negra

Rome, April 18, 8.05 PM: black smoke

Schwarzer Rauch steigt um 20.05 Uhr am 18. April auf.


Miles miran a la pantalla grande

Thousands looking at the screen

Tausende schauen auf die Leinwand


San Pedro, por la tarde, 18 de abril: esperar...

St. Peter’s, April 18, afternoon: waiting, waiting…

Warten auf dem Petersplatz am Nachmittag des 18. April


Didier, seminarista del Congo

Didier, a seminarian from the Congo.

Warten auf dem Petersplatz: Didier, Seminarist aus dem Kongo


Iglesia vigilante

The church is keeping watch

Wachende Kirche

Fotos: Donnelly © 2005


ROME, Simon Donnelly. This morning the concelebrants at the Holy Mass pro eligendo Romano pontifice ‘for electing the Roman pontiff’were a sea of red: the cardinals of the world, with the physical features of the peoples of the world sketched on their faces, united to celebrate the Last Supper publically. And then this afternoon, 115 of them slowly took the oath of secrecy, with their left hand placed on the Gospels in the Sistine Chapel. Archbishop Marini finally order "Extra omnes!" (‘Everybody out!’), and we lost sight of the men in red for a while.

And then tonight, we came to see if there was news. We doubted there would be, but there was always a small chance. We waited and waited, from before 7pm, to after 8pm. I would estimate perhaps 100 000 of us—quietly chatting, meeting old friends—stood on the piazza as the light grew thin, and darkness fell. Eventually, after 8pm, we thought there was not going to be any smoke. Camera people started to leave. Groups of tired pilgrims and tourists started to go home.

It is good to be here...

And then suddenly, there was smoke! A little at first. Was it white? It looked a little bit white to me... But there were no bells. And it wasn’t white... it was black, and then got much blacker, until black smoke was pouring out of the small chimney. At least it was a communication to us: the first one from the cardinals. We all clapped and cheered! They were doing their job, and the chimney is working, and all is well.

The piazza was suddenly filled with thousands of conversations, people taking pictures of anything: the chimney itself (if you have a strong zoom!), of the video screens, of each other... This is a rare and beautiful and crucial tradition in our church’s life and history. Even though the smoke was black, we were delighted, just to be there to see its blackness tonight! It is really good to be here at this moment.

Tomorrow, just after midday, we will be back, to see if the smoke is still the same colour. Every day this week, thousands upon thousands of pilgrims and faithful and other curious Romans will come to the square, morning and evening, to see how the cardinals are doing in their difficult job.

We pray for them, and for the whole church, in this time of waiting. Give us a good shepherd, Lord.


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