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 published: 2005-03-08

The Matri Ecclesiae Shrine in Belmonte welcomes pilgrims from all the continents

Report from the caretakers of the "Shrine that belongs to all of us"

Terezinha Abram, Irmã Asunción, Dom Ignacy, Dom Mariano e Sr. Franco, ao lado do Santuário

Terezinha Abram, Hermana M. Asunción, Mons. Ignacy Jez, P. Mariano y Sr. Francio, junto al Santuario.

Teresina Abram, Sister M. Asunción, Archbishop Ignazy Jez, Fr. Mariano, Mr. Franco, at the Shrine

Terezinha Abram, Schwester M. Asunción, Erzbischof Ignacy Jez, P. Mariano und Herr Francio beim Heiligtum


Dom Ignacy ouve atentamente sobre a Campanha do Rosário da Mãe Peregrina de Schoenstatt

Mons. Ignacy Jez escucha atentamente la información sobre la Campaña del Rosario de la Virgen Peregrina de Schoenstatt.

Archbishop Jez listening to the information about the Schoenstatt Rosary Campaign

Erzbischof Jez hört interessiert zu, als ihm über die Kampagne der Pilgernden Gottesmutter berichtet wird


Dom Ignacy deu a bênção aos presentes

Mons. Ignacy Jez bendice a los presentes

Archbishop Jez blessing tose present

Erzbischof Jez segnet die Anwesenden


Família Nuño, Padre Günther Boll, Terezinha Abram e Família Jensen

La familia Nuño, el P. Günther Boll, Terezinha Abram y la familia Jensen

The Nuño, Fr. Günther Boll, Terezinha Abram, the Jensen

Ehepaar Nuño, P. Günther Boll, Terezinha Abram, Ehepaar Jensen


Padre Günther Boll durante celebração da Santa Missa

El P. Günther Boll durante la celebración de la Santa Misa.

Fr. Günther Boll during Mass

P. Günther Boll bei der Messe


Padre Vitor Manoel e Padre Zbigniew Gielczowski, de Aveiros, Portugal

El P. Víctor Manuel y el P. Zbigniew Gielczowski de Aveiros, Portugal.

Fr. Victor Manoel, and Fr. Zbigniew Gielczowski, from Aveiros, Portugal

P. Vitor Manoel und  P. Zbigniew Gielczowski aus Aveiros, Portugal

Fotos: Abram © 2005


Fotos: © 2005


ROMA, Terezinha and Nivaldo Abram, The "Matri Ecclesiae" Shrine welcomes pilgrims from many different countries, despite the weather which makes international trips difficult. Those who came in January and February came from Latin America, Africa and Europe. Some of the visits were reported on this web page.

Some examples: On January 27th the Shrine had an illustrious visit: an Archbishop Emeritus from Poland, Mons. Ignacy Jez, who was a prisoner in Dachau at the same time as Father Kentenich. He arrived with his secretary, Father Mariano. They were welcomed by Sister M. Asuncion, Terezinha Abram and Mr. Franco, from Rome.

On February 23rd the Nuno and Jensen Families, of the General Administration of the Institutes of Schoenstatt Families, along with the Assistant, Father Gunther M. Boll.

Fathers Zbigniew Gilczowski and Victor Manuel E., Rector of the Shrine of Fatima celebrated Holy Mass at the Shrine on February 26th.

An international and local mission, in and for the Church

These visits demonstrate the internationality of the Shrine of Belmonte. The neighbors have also demonstrated their affection and little by little they are getting informed and committed to the mission of taking anew the spirit of prayer to the heart of the family.

With the Capital of Grace of the International Schoenstatt Family united to the one brought by the pilgrims to this place, the Matri Ecclesiae Shrine will accomplish its mission in and for the Church.

Translation: Celina M. Garza, Harlingen, Texas, USA

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