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 published: 2005-03-18

A little piece of Schoenstatt

An exciting congress for the Schoenstatt Family of Belo Horizonte

Belo Horizonte:Em procissão para visitar o Santuário

Belo Horizonte: Em procesión hacia el Santuario

Belo Horizonte: In procession to the Shrine

Belo Horizonte: In Prozession geht es zum Heiligtum


Família reunida na Tenda de Maria

La Família reunida en la carpa de María

The family gathered in the tent of Mary

Die Familie ist im “Zelt der Gottesmutter” versammelt


Família de Schoenstatt à sombra do Santuário

La família de Schoenstatt a la sombra del Santuário

The Schoenstatt family in the shadow of the Shrine

Die Schönstattfamilie im Schatten des Heiligtums


Telha vinda do Santuário Original dentro do relicário

Teja del Santuario Original

Shingle from the Original Shrine

Dachschindel vom Urheiligtum


Irmã Teresila fala sobre o lema desse ano: Na ousadia da Aliança, assume a missão!

La Hna. Teresila habla sobre el lema del año

Sister Teresila talks about the Year’s Motto

Schwester Teresila spricht über die Jahreslosung


Crianças comemoram o 1º aniversário da Creche "Semente de Vida"

Niños celebran el primer aniversario del jardín de infantes

Children celebrate the first anniversary of the Day Care Center

Kinder feiern den ersten Geburtstag der Kindertagesstätte

Fotos: Cavalho © 2005




BRASIL, Flavia Carvalho. "Daring in the Covenant, assume the mission! This was the motto that mobilized the opening of the fourteenth Schoenstatt Congress in Confins, Minas Gerais, last February 27th. Almost three hundred Schoenstatters participated in the first activity of the year and they experienced many profound moments, that marked the history of the second Shrine in the state of Minas Gerais.

After the opening of the encounter, the Family was surprised with news given by Sister Teresila, Assesor of the Movement in Belo Horizonte, that some time ago the "Shrine Tabor of Liberty" had received a piece of tile from the roof of the Original Shrine, that was repaired in 2002, and that it would be installed that day after the Eucharistic Adoration prepared by the the Mothers' Branch.

Adoration began in Mary's Tent followed by a procession and a blessing in the shadow of Tabor of Liberty. After the tile from the Original Shrine had been placed in a reliquary in the Shrine, the leaders and the regional coordinators declared the opening of the novena of years in preparation for the centennial of the Covenant of Love.

The piece of tile that arrived from Schoenstatt excited the participants of the Congress and it brought the original Schoenstatt closer to Minas Gerais. Accompanied by the hymn, "We came to adore", the Family entered Tabor of Liberty in procession to experience how good it was to ' be there.

To complete the day of graces and surprises, by an act of Divine Providence, the Scepter that the Father and Founder had given the Blessed Mother in the Shrine of Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul was also present and entered in procession. Surely, the scepter also blessed the start of the annual acitivites.

World Youth Day

Flavia, who has belonged to the Girls' Youth in Belo Horizonte for nine years, gave a testimony that also captured the attention of all present. She had the opportunity to be in Schoenstatt helping with the preparations for World Youth Day, that will take place in August in the city of Cologne, Germany. She told a little of her life experiences during the seven months that she was in Schoenstatt.

In addition to World Youth Day, the Year of the Eucharist proclaimed by the Holy Father in October of 2004 and the novena of years in preparation for the Centennial of the Covenant of Love, were the backdrop for the Congress. As a tribute and in collaraboration with the international World Youth Day, that is also linked to the Year of the Eucharist, this year's Congress was coordinated by the Girls' Youth of Belo Horizonte, with the motto "We come to adore Him".

Prayer, testimonies of faith, conferences, and songs animated the day and helped the Schoenstatt Family of Belo Horizonte feel moved and encouraged to assume the mission to "adore Jesus" and to proclaim his good news to those who do not know him yet, with the help of Mary through the Covenant of Love.

Seed of life

The first anniversary of the daycare center, Seed of Life was also recalled during the Congress. This important place of educational support for the community of Confins, has received 26 children in four years. Some of them participated in the offertory of the Holy Mass which closed the encounter, and at the end of the celebration they blew out the candle on the cake.

Translation: Celina M. Garza, Harlingen, Texas, USA

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