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 published: 2003-08-21

New General Council of the Schoenstatt Fathers

Election was on August 15, 2003 - Holy Mass with the Schoenstatt Family on August 30

Antiguo (izq.) y nuevo Superior General de los Padres de Schönstatt: P. Michael Marmann (izq.), P. Heinrich Walter (der.)

The old (left) and new General Superior of the Schoenstatt Fatheres: Fr. Michael Marmann (left), Fr. Heinrich Walter (right).

Der alte (l.) und der neue (r.) Generalobere der Schönstatt-Patres: P. Michael Marmann (l), P. Heinrich Walter (re.)


Tres de los consejeros: P. Angel Strada, P. Patricio Moore, P. Paul Vautier (de izq.)

Three members of the Council: Fr. Angel Strada, Fr. Patricio Moore, Fr. Paul Vautier (from left)

Drei Mitglieder der neuen Leitung: P. Angel Strada, P. Patricio Moore, P. Paul Vautier (von links)


P. Heinrich Walter en el Santuario de Sión

Fr. Heinrich Walter at the Sion Shrine

P. Heinrich Walter beim Heiligtum auf Berg Sion

Fotos: pgc © 2003




SCHOENSTATT, pos. The fourth General Chapter of the Secular Institute of the Schoenstatt Fathers, in the Father House, Mount Sion, Schoenstatt, on Friday, August 15, Feast of the Assumption of Mary, elected the members of the General Council.

  • Dr. Mario Romero, (50) Chile, first Councilor.
  • Father Patricio Moore, (43) Chile - Spain, General Course Leader (free communities);
  • Father Angel Strada, (63) Argentina - Germany
  • Father Dr. Paul Vautier, (57) Switzerland

Fr. Mario Romero is Movement Director of the Schoenstatt Movement in Chile, Father Patricio Moore is responsible for the Schoenstatt Fathers in the Iberian Peninsula. Father Angel Stada, who already belonged to the previous General Council, is postulator of the process of canonization for Father Kentenich. Father Paul Vautier, member of the Province Council in Switzerland, works in the education of the future Schoenstatt Fathers.

The Superior General, Father Heinrich Walter (elected on August 13), and the leader of the free communities, have a 12-year-term, the other councilors a six-year-term.

The General Chapter of the Schoenstatt Fathers wants to express its gratitude for the manifold prayer support received, and invites to celebrate a Holy Mass for the international Schoenstatt family, come August 30, 2003, at 5:00 PM in the Adoration Church, Schoenstatt.

More: New Superior General of the Schoenstatt Fathers: Fr. Heinrich Walter

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