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 published: 2003-07-01

Meeting in the Press Office

Students of the Schoenstatt Fathers from Burundi wanted to know how the Press Office works

Reunión de la junta directiva de la asociación de utilidad pública "Oficina de Prensa": Hna. Burnhilde Maier, P. Lothar Penners, P. Tilmann Beller, Hna. Kornelia Fischer, Marianne Mertke, Anton Pfaffenzeller (de izq.)

Meeting of the board of "Press Office Schoenstatt" association: Sr. Burnhilde Maier, Fr. Lothar Penners, Fr. Tilmann Beller, Sr. Kornelia Fischer, Marianne Mertke, Anton Pfaffenzeller (from left.)

Sitzung des Verreinsvorstands von Press Office Schönstatt e.V.: Sr. Burnhilde Maier, P. Lothar Penners, P. Tilmann Beller, Sr. Kornelia Fischer, Marianne Mertke, Anton Pfaffenzeller (von links)


Junta directiva 2000 - 2003: Hna Brunhilde, Marianne Mertke , P. Tilmann Beller,

Board of directors 2000 - 2003: Sr Brunhilde, Marianne Mertke, Fr. Tilmann Beller,

Vorstand 2000 - 2003: Sr. Brunhilde, Marianne Mertke, P. Tilmann Beller


Nueva junta directiva: Hna. Brunhilde, P. Lothar Penners, Marianne Mertke

New board: Sr. Brunhilde, Fr. Lothar Penners, Marianne Mertke

Neuer Vorstand: Sr. Brunhilde, P. Lothar Penners, Marianne Mertke

Fotos: POS Brehm © 2003


Seminaristas de Burundi, con el P. Edwin Germann, en la Oficina de Prensa

Students from Burundi, with Fr. Edwin Germann, in the Press Office

Studenten aus Burundi mit P. Edwin Germann im Press Office


Visita sorpresiva: Don Blan, Austin, Estados Unidos

Surprise visit: Don Blan, Austin, USA

Überraschungsbesuch: Don Blan, Austin, USA

Fotos: POS Fischer © 2003




SCHOENSTATT, mkf. Towards the end of their stay in Schoenstatt, the three students of the Schoenstatt Fathers from Burundi, together with Fr. Edwin Germann, visited Press Office Schoenstatt in order to know more about how the work is done there and what is behind. That same week, the "PressOffice Board" as legal body officially elected Father Lothar Penners as chairperson, following Father Tilmann Beller.

On June 17, the members of the Board met to elect the new chairperson. Father Tilmann Beller, who as Movement Director had initiated the PressOffice in 2000, was once again present; he recalled the beginnings of the "adventure", stating that since the beginning of the work in the Press Office, much has been achieved not only regarding Schoenstatt's presence in the media, but also in view of the information and life shared within the Schoenstatt family, and that on an international level. Father Lothar Penners, who was elected as new chairperson, emphasized the importance of as a source of inspiration and information, and a means of connection with the Original Shrine, and among the different branches and countries.

At the end of the meeting, Sr. Kornelia shared about her experiences at the Congress of "NetOne" in Castelgandolfo, the Focolare Movement's initiative to create "a new journalism" in the service of unity.

Visitors from Burundi

The visitors from Burundi (and Switzerland), on June 21 listened with special interest to the explanation of the journalistic practice of Father Kentenich in the first magazine of Schoenstatt that he personally edited, and how some of the features of his style are adapted, consciously, in the way how the work specially with the edition of the articles in is done. Testimonies about the effects of and media work were shared.

Sure that the three from Burundi had no chance to leave the office without promising to send reports about Schoenstatt in their country!

For longer or short information, or for sharing of experiences as correspondents, came a group from Texas, a couple from Argentina, a priest from Kenya, and a couple from Puerto Rico.

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