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 published: 2003-05-28

"Their Hearts Caught Fire ..."

First Holy Communion – a Reason for Celebrations in Augsburg

Centenario de la primer Comunión de Gertraud von Bullion, co-fundadora de las ramas femeninas de Schoenstatt: teatro sobre su niñez

Centenary of the First Holy Communion of Gertraud von Bullion, co-foundress of the female branches of Schoenstatt: theater about her childhood

Hundert Jahre Erstkommunion von Gertraud von Bullion, Mitgründerin der Frauengemeinschaften Schönstatts: Theater über ihre Kindheit


Chicos de Illertissen, actores del teatro

Children from Illertissen were the actors

Kinder aus Illertissen beim Theaterstück






Renovación de la Primer Comunión

Renewing the First Holy Communion

Abschlussgottesdienst mit den Erstkommunionkindern


Charla: P. Leonhard Erhard

Sermon: Fr. Leonhard Erhard

Predigt von Pfr. Leonhard Erhard


Casa de Gertraud en Augsburgo

Gertraud's house in Augsburg

Wohnhaus von Gertraud von B. ganz in der Nähe des Domes


Casa de Gertraud

Gertraud's house

Wohnhaus von Gertraud von vorne


Catedral de Augsburg

Augsburg Cathedral

Dom von Augsburg, hier saß Gertraud wahrscheinlich, wenn Sie im Gottesdienst war


Tras las huellas de la primer mujer que selló la Alianza de Amor

Visiting the places of first women to make the Covenant of Love

Auf den Spuren von Gertraud unterwegs im Dom

Fotos: Waltinger © 2003




DEUTSCHLAND, Augsburg, Ulrike Much und Martina Waltinger "I make myself so small for you to spread a piece of heaven into this world". These were the words of Fr. Leonhard Erhard, diocesan director s of the Schoenstatt family, describing during the concluding family service what communion is. More than 120 people took the centenary of Gertraud von Bullion’s first holy communion as an opportunity to celebrate their personal encounter with God, both in Eucharist and in everyday life.

The burning heart was the symbol of the day which already accompanied the first group arriving from Schoenstatt by bus. They had come all the way to visit the places in Augusburg linked to Gertraud’s life-story: e.g. the home of Gertraud’s parents; her school and the chapel where her first holy communion had been celebrated; St. Mary’s Chapel in the cathedral where she most probably entered the Covenant of Love – the beginning of the women’s movement in Schoenstatt. This group’s day ended with a service celebrated by Fr. Reinbott, Postulator in Gertraud von Bullion’s beatification procedure.

"To be set alight by the fire that burnt inside her"

At 10 a.m. on Sunday men and women of all ages, families, youngsters and children met at the Kolping education and conference centre. Why had they come? To "be very close to Gertraud in Augsburg"; to "be set alight by the fire that burnt inside her". "Because it was my daughter’s first holy communion on May 4th". "I was a member of the theatre group".

The first thing dealt with was what the first holy communion meant to Gertraud von Bullion: "Focus between heaven and earth – this exceeds human understanding, but not God’s plans". To perceive such an experience in your own life causes a "prickling sensation and never again leaves you calm".

With great loving children from Illertissen had rehearsed a little stage play with scenes from Gertraud’s childhood. A murmur went through the audience expressing how much they were impressed by this simple play. For the audience Gertraud’s personality became alive.

"That we get excited when realizing: This also hits me."

For many participants the alternative program was the highlight of the day:

  • Inexhaustible source – He in me
  • Experiences that never vanish – the vigour of religiuos experience
  • Eucharist 100 years ago and today
  • First holy communion – a celebration with response
  • Gertraud von Bullion – a fire burning from inside

"Atmospheric density" – this is how one of the participants described the phenomenon that has been kindled in many of them and that was uttered by the speaker as a wish: "That we get excited when realizing: This also hits me."

"Once more celebrating first holy communion

After lunch the group that had arrived by bus said good-bye. Now the others had a chance to follow Gertaud von Bullion’s footsteps in the neighbourhood. Some took the opportunity to deepen in adoration the impressions of the morning together with impulses given by Gertraud.

A festive family service in the house chapel of the Mary Ward Sisters concluded the day. All together celebrated another "first holy communion" – the girls wearing their festive robes!

Fr. L. Erhard said jokingly that it is very normal to say: "I was asleep and did not realize that my heart was burning." This is not a tragedy because "in reflection many a thing awakes again and is reviced." At the end of the day it became clear: "Their hearts have caught fire ..." – There should be further celebrations of this kind!

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