Nachrichten - News - Noticias
 published: 2003-05-28

Upcoming Schoenstatt Events

June 2003

Logotipo de la celebración del jubileo de oro del 31 de mayo, en 1999, en Bellavista, Chile.

Logo of the celebrations on behalf of the 50th anniversary of May 31, in 1999, in Bellavista, Chile.

Logo der Jubiläumsfeiern zum 31. Mai 1999 in Bellavista, Chile


Rosario Iluminado en la reciente Jornada Nacional de Representantes de la Campaña del Rosario de la Virgen Peregrina, Argentina, 24 de mayo de 2003

Illumined Rosary in the recent National Representatives' Convention of the Schoenstatt Rosary Campaign, Argentina, May 24, 2003

Lichter-Rosenkranz bei der Landestagung der Kampagne der Pilgernden Gottesmutter in Argentinien am vergangenen 24. Mai 2003

Foto: Badano © 2003




May 31, 2003

Anniversary of the third milestone of the history of Schoenstatt

In Schoenstatt, the anniversary of the third milestone of the history of Schoenstatt will be celebrated with an Illumined Rosary - born in Argentina -; the event is sponsored by the Women's League. It is an effective and simple expression of the process that Father Kentenich often emphasized in connection with the third milestone, that means Schoenstatt's widening, Schoenstatt offering its richness and mission to the church. He said that the life born around Shrines outside Schoenstatt, and Germany, and Europe, nourished by the streams of life and grace from the Original Shrine, will return to its source, enriching and complementing it.

At 5:00 PM, a festive Holy Mass will be celebrated in the Adoration Church of the Adoration, sponsored by the Schoenstatt Branch of Academics.

This anniversary, that happily falls on a Saturday, will be celebrated also in many places of the world:

In Stuttgart, Germany, a celebration in the Shrine will be combined with a talk given about modern pastoral challenges and Schoenstatt response.

In Trujillo, Peru, the program of the day includes a pilgrimage to the Shrine, conferences, presentation of the Branches and allusive artistic representations fitting to the historical date.

In Cordoba, Argentina, the sixteen members of the ninth Course of the Mothers Federation will celebrate their dedication; in Germany, a course of the Mothers' Federation will have their Perpetual Consecration..

In Temuco, Chile, the National Encounter of the Boy's Youth will begin on May 31, it is called "Youth Cenacle Temuco 2003".At least 350 youths, originating from different representative communities of various Chilean Sanctuaries, will meet for an intensive workshop, and walking the "tracks of the Father " (from Father Kentenich's visists to Temuco)

Un hombre sencillo que a través de la Campaña del Rosario, llevó Schoenstatt a todas las personas y a todos los ambientes: Joao Pozzobon.

A simple man who, through the Schoenstatt Rosary Campaign, brought Schoenstatt to all persons and into all social spheres: John Pozzobon

Ein einfacher Mann, der durch die Kampagne der Pilgernden Gottesmutter Schönstatt zu allen und überall hin gebracht hat.

Foto: Postulación Joao Pozzobon, Santa Maria © 2003




June 1, 2003

BRAZIL: Special Issue Stamp for the centennial of the birth of John Pozzobon, in 2004

There is an initiative in Brazil to emit a special issue stamp in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of John Pozzobon, pilgrim and missionary of the Virgin Pilgrim, next year. June 1 is the last day to send suggestions. It is possible to do it in this place.

Suggestions from other other countries are important! In the website www. maeperegrina. org. br are explanations in German, Spanish, and Portuguese.

June 1, 2003

SENEGAL, Dakar: Mass in Thanksgiving for the first Anniversary of the Campaign in Senegal

On June 1, the missionaries of the Schoenstatt Rosary Campaign in Dakar, Senegal, will celebrate a Mass in Thanksgiving for the first Anniversary of the Campaign in Senegal. They invite all the families that receive the Pilgrim Mother in Dakar.

The Campaign arrived at Senegal through a young missionary from Cordoba, Argentina, that carried with herseklf one of the 50 Jubilee Pilgrim MTA's sent out at the International Encounter of the Campaign in Santa Maria, in 2000. Now approximately 60 families receive the visit of the Pilgrim Mother.

June 6 - 8, 2003

GERMANY: Pilgrimage of the Girls' Youth to Schoenstatt

Fromvarious centers of Schoenstatt in Germany, the Girls' Youth will do a pilgrimage – in great part a foot pilgrimage – to the Original Shrine, to celebrate the Youth Pentecost.

Logotipo de la Jornada de Bioética

Logo of the Bioethical Workshop

Logo der Bioethik-Tagung

Foto: © 2003




June 14, 2003

ARGENTINA: Fifth Workshop on Bioethics

On June 14, in New Schoenstatt, Argentina , the Fifth Workshop on Bioethics will take place. The theme to be treated is: "Bioethical questions around the experience and diagnostic of illness in a techno-scientific culture".

Each inconvenience and each illness exist simultaneously in three environments:

  • in the subjective experience (the person feels sick),
  • in the social evaluation (the person is considered sick)
  • and in the medical science (the doctor diagnoses that illness and treats it)

These three aspects describe different realities and different meanings for each symptom of the pain. Do these three environments allow a complementary vision?

The organic vision of the human being – as to be exposed in the Workshop – permits to relate harmonically these three environments. In this perspective, the work of the health professional is to alleviate the aching (for person that feels sick), to cure the patient (of the illness diagnosed), and to heal with benevolence and to comply with the accompaniment, comprehension and social support of the patient.

Speakers will be experts competent in areas of medicine, of nursing, of health institutions, and of the pastoral of the sick.

The Bioethical Workshop aims to promote an organic loving, thinking and living in service of a culture of life in the biomedical disciplines, in opposition to a vision limited to the technical and scientific aspects that considers illness only as a diagnostic objective and ignores the importance of the person sufriente.

More information (in Spanish):

Santuario de Rosario

Shrine in Rosario

Heiligtum in Rosario


Foto: Lavini © 2003


June 15, 2003

ARGENTINA: Celebration of the tenth anniversary of the Schoenstatt Shrine in Rosario

The Schoenstatt Family of Schoenstatt of Rosario (province Santa Fe) invites all to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Schoenstatt Shrine at the feast of the Holy Trinity. After the prayer of the meditated rosary at 3:00 pm, he Archbishop of Rosario and president of the Episcopal Conference of Argentina,Eduardo V. Mirás , will preside the Mass at 5:00 pm

La Familia Romana en su peregrinación al terreno del futuro Santuario y Centro Internacional

The Roman Schoenstatt family during their pilgrimage to the land of the future International Center, and Shrine

Die römische Schönstattfamilie bei ihrer Wallfahrt zum Gelände des zukünftigen Internationalen Zentrums in Rom

Foto: Macro © 2003




June 15, 2003

ITALY: First national encounter of the Schoenstatt Family in Italy

June 15 will take place the first national encounter of the Schoenstatt Family of Italy. That day the schoenstatters dispersed in different places of the country and originating from diverse founding initiatives, will get to know each other, and live together with the yearning to experience "Family of Schoenstatt", the Family of the Father in Italy. This encounter has generated the first motto of the growing Italian Family: "With Mary,¡duc in altum!" Is a wide and concrete motto at the same time. It is a variation of the "Nothing without you, nothing without us ", formulated for this hour of the Italian Family.

The encounter will take place by the Cor Ecclesiae Shrine.

June 15, 2003

SCHOENSTATT: International Encounter of the Federation of Families

In the week after Pentecost, representatives of the Federation of Families from Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Austria, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, South Africa, United States, and Germany, will meet. Then, June 15, a great European pilgrimage in celebration of the silver anniversary of the Shrine of the Federation will be celebrated, in the Joseph Kentenich Farm in Hillscheid, near Schoenstatt.

The Federations of South America will celebrate it July 31 through August 3 in Tupârendá, Paraguay.

Santuario de Madison

Shrine in Madison

Heiligtum in Madison


Altar del futuro Santuario de Nebraska

Altar of the future Shrine in Nebraska

Altar des zukünftigen Heiligtums in Nebraska

Fotos: Schoenstatt USA © 2003


June 29, 2003

United States: 50th Anniversary of the Shrine in Madison and blessing of the altar of the future Shrine in Nebraska

June 29 will be celebrated the 50th anniversary of the blessing of the first Shrine of the United States, the " Founder Shrine" in Madison, Wisconsin, with a solemn Holy Mass. The same day, in its tentative place, the altar for the future Shrine in Nebraska will be blessed.

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