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 published: 2003-02-13

Let there be peace on the entire earth…

Florida, Texas, and Essen joining in ­ Bishop Reinhard Marx, Trier, will come and pray the rosary in Schoenstatt on March 25

Santuario Original - llenandose ya mucho antes de 19.30 hs.
The Original Shrine filled with prayers already long before 7:30 PM
Schon lange vor 19.30 Uhr füllte sich das Urheiligtum mit Betern
Fotos: Fischer © 2003
Cardenal Roger Ethegaray, Delegado Papal en Irak
Cardinal roger Ethcegaray, Papal Legate in Iraq
Kardinal Roger Etchegaray, päpstlicher Legat im Irak
Foto: Archiv © 2003
P. Matthias Rummel SAC, P. Lothar Penners, P. Weber SAC, Hna Adelindis (de izq. a der.): preparación para el 25 de marzo
Fr. Matthias Rummel SAC, Fr. Lothar Penners, Fr. Weber SAC, Sr. Adelindis (left to right): preparing the program for march 25
P. Matthias Rummel SAC, P. Lothar Penners, P. Weber SAC, Sr. Adelindis (v. links nach rechts): Vorbereitung für den 25. März
Fotos: Fischer © 2003

Monseor Reinhard Marx, obispo de Trier
Bishop Reinhard Marx, Trier
Bischof Reinhard Marx, Trier
Foto: Archiv © 2003

El rezo del Rosario - fuente de abundantes bendiciones
The prayer of the Rosary - wellspring of countless graces
Das Gebet des Rosenkranz - Quelle von Gnaden, Hoffnung auf Frieden
Fotos: Archiv © 2003

SCHOENSTAT, mkf. "Let there be peace on the entire world…" The popular Marian song seemed to resound in and around the Original Shrine as if not only sung by the 130 or so participants squished inside or shivering outside, but by many more. On the day when the Papal Legate, Cardinal Roger Etechgaray, in Baghdad talked with Sadam Hussein, the rosary for peace was again prayed in the Original Shrine in Schoenstatt; spiritually, from Shrines, wayside shrines, and home shrines, people in Florida, and Texas, in Argentina, Madrid, Essen, joined in. Earlier the day, Father Matthias Rummel SAC, rector of the Original Shrine, Father Lothar Penners, director-elect of the German Schoenstatt Movement, Fr. Weber, parish priest of Vallendar, and some others had met to prepare the pilgrimage of Bishop Reinhard Marx of Trier, who wants to pray the rosary in Schoenstatt on the Feast of the Annunciation, March 25.

A murmur went through the ranks when it was announced at the beginning that at the same time the rosary for peace was prayed in the Schoenstatt Shrine in Essen-Kray, Germany, and that people in Madrid, Spain, Florida and Texas, USA, in Argentina and Germany from Shrines, wayside shrines, home shrines or during their work were uniting their rosary with the one prayed in Schoenstatt. "Count that I will inform the South Florida Family of Schoenstatt about next Wednesday 2/12 and on Feb. 2/22 to form this great big Rosary from Schoenstatt to all those homes that have Home Shrines," Martha Selaya wrote from Miami. "'Don't be afraid... I am here'.  This is the motto for the this year!" – "I was very happy to hear about the Rosary that is prayed for peace in Schoenstatt on Wednesdays.  I have tried to pass this information on to some of the people involved in the Rosary Campaign and I am hoping that we will have many people joining this effort. It is good to be informed of such important events in Schoenstatt, "Celina Garza wrote from Texas, USA. " It is also great that we can unite and become participants." 

Peace in my heart, peace in the world…

The Schoenstatt Brothers of Mary were in charge and invited all to pray the mysteries of the rosary in view of peace – asking Jesus and Mary to work peace in each one's own heart, in the families, in the parishes and the church, in the entire people of God, in the whole world. Besides the "usual" participants, a group of Schoenstatt Sisters on a schooling in House Marienland, joined the prayer, that again closed with the ecumenical prayer for peace in the Middle East, and the blessing given by Father Matthias Rummel SAC.

Bishop Reinhard Marx, Trier, to pray the rosary in Schoenstatt on March 25

The first of four Marian places of grace where Bishop Reinhard Marx, Trier, wants to gather the faithful to pray the rosary in this Year of the Rosary, is Schoenstatt. On March 25, 2003, at 7:00 PM – so that families with children and Professionals can also participate – he will lead the prayer of the rosary in the Pilgrims' Church in Schoenstatt. Explicitly, he wished a simple and popular setting for the rosary, well-known songs that all can sing, focusing on the rosary. During a first briefing on February 12, 2003, Father Lothar Penners, movement director-elect of the German Schoenstatt Movement, Father Matthias Rummel SAC, rector of the Original Shrine, Sr. Adelindis Pospischil, in charge of the Pilgrims' Movement in Schoenstatt, and Father Weber SAC, parish priest of Vallendar, designed a first draft of a possible program; the faithful from the deaneries of Ahrweiler, and Koblenz, will be invited. According to the Feast of the Annunciation, and as it is the first of four scheduled rosary pilgrimages of bishop Marx, the Joyful Mysteries will be prayed. One idea was to give a bigger wooden rosary to the bishop, that, after this rosary, should find a place in the Original Shrine, reminding of the Year of the Rosary.

World peace will be a central petition of the rosary on march 25.

Daily prayer of the Rosary in the Original Shrine

The rosary with Bishop Marx will be the opening of daily prayer of the rosary in the Original Shrine, from March 26 through October 31, the end of the Year of the Rosary. The main intention: world peace, and the religious renewal of the families, and parishes.

Week by week, parish groups, the Pallottine community, and Schoenstatt communities will take turns to lead the prayer, each day at 7:30 PM – and everybody is welcome to join, physically or spiritually.

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