Schönstatt - Begegnungen

A New Country on the Schoenstatt Map - Belice!

The first five images of the Pilgrim Mother arrive in Belice, a small country in Central America

Carlota y Mundo, los dos primeros misioneros de la Campaña en Bélice. Aquí están serios, pero son dos personas muy alegres!
Carlota and Mundo, the first two missionaries of the Campaign in Belice; here they are serious, but they are very joyful persons.
Carlota und Mundo, die ersten Missionare der Kampagne in Belice; hier schauen sie ernst, aber sie sind ausgesprochen fröhliche Menschen!
Carlota Méndez, con la imagen de la Virgen a la izquierda, visita Washington. Junto a ella su hija y Néstor, su hijo.
Carlota Méndez, with the picture of the Pilgrim Mother, recently visiting Washington. Next to her her daughter and her son Néstor.
Carlota Méndez (links, mit dem Bild der Pilgernden Gottesmutter) besuchte vor kurzem Washington. Bei ihr eine Tochter und ihr Sohn Néstor
Una familia fundadora. En el centro, el matrimonio Néstor y Elvira Méndez, quienes llevaron las primeras imágenes de la Virgen Peregrina a Bélice.
A founder family. In the middle, Néstor and Elvira Méndez who brought the first pictures of the Pilgrim Mother to Bélice.
Eine "Gründerfamilie": in der Mitte Ehepaar Néstor und Elvira Méndez.Sie brachten die ersten Bilder der Pilgernden Gottesmutter nach Bélice.
Impresiones de Bélice
Impressions of Bélice
Impressionen von Bélice
En Bélice, pequeño país en Centro América
In Belice, a small country on Central America
In Belice, einem kleinen Land in Mittelamerika
Dangriga, mercado
Dangriga, Market
Dangriga, Markt
Fotos: Soros © 2002

On July 27, 2002, the first four images of the Pilgrim Mother of Schoenstatt arrived in Belice, Central America. The fifth image arrived from Santa Maria, Brazil. Through Elvira Mendez, born in Belice who now works at the OAS in Washington, DC, the Rosary Campagin of the Pilgrm Mother arrived in Belice, where in July four persons sealed their commitment as Missionaries.

How was it possible? On June 14, 2001, the Pilgrim Mother arrived at the Organizacion of American States (OAS) with image 0049, from the Shrine in Villa Ballester, Argentina. Columbia Arenas, originally from Panama, not Columbia!, was so excited with the Pilgrim Mother, that today there are 12 images circulating in this institution. But we know that the Pilgrim Mother has no limits, her horizon is the universe! Here is where Elvira Mendez, who also works at OEA, and receives her monthly, felt touched by this fruitful apostolate, and felt called to take her along with her husband, Nestor to her own country: Belice.

Leaving Washington, DC for Belice

On July 27, 2002 at 7:55am, the first four images left Washington to Belice. Three originally from Madison, USA, and one from Villa Ballester, Argentina. After four hours of airflight, and one and ½ hours on the highway, the images arrived in the home of Mrs. Carlota Mendez, from where they traveled to different houses for eight days.

On August 5th, a meeting was held with neighbors and the rosary was prayed. Nestor and Elvira Mendez led a talk explaining their understanding of the Pilgrim Mother of Schoenstatt and answered questions for those who attended. That day two persons made their consecration as Missionaries of the Rosary Campaign for one year. They are Mrs. Carlota Mendez and Mr. Reymunda Mendez. 

Days later, another two persons heard about the Blessed Mother and without knowing any details looked up Elvira to make their consecration as Missionaries of the Blessed Mother. They are Noemi Ek and Marvin Garcia.

The Pilgrim Mother from Santa Maria

In Santa Maria, Brazil, you will find the Shrine from where the Schoenstatt Rosary Campaign came through many years of arduous work of Don Joao Pozzobon. In that Schoenstatt Shrine, there are a few images destined to open the way for our Mother to go to new countries, one for each new country. This is how Sister Ivanir, who is in charge of the Campaign in Santa Maris, sent one of them, so that she would especially bless Belice. On October 18, 2002, with the Mendez Family back in Washington, DC, we received a call from Belice letting us know that the fifth image of the Pilgrim Mother had arrived at its destination. This brings us to a total of five images of the Pilgrim Mother of Our Lady of Schoensatt in our small and beautiful country.

Congratulations to all Belicenos, may the Blessed Mother continue with the Rosary Campaign.

Translation: Olga Alegria, Georgetown, Texas, USA

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