Schönstatt - Begegnungen

A Man, a Mission

Play on the life of Father Kentenich

Kentenich: Un hombre - una misión; escénas del campo de concentración de Dachau fueron recreades por los actores para los videos que integran a la obra de teatro.'
"Kentenich: A man - a mission": Scenes from the concentration campDachau were staged by the actors for the videos that are part of the theater
"Kentenich - ein Mainn, eine Mission": Szenen aus dem Konzentrationslager Dachau wurden von den Schauspielern nachgespielt für die in das Theaterstück eingebauten Videos
Esta obra de teatro es para la Familia de Paraguay una forma concreta también llevar a la vida su lema de año, "Familia Santa, con María de la Trinidad, construyamos una Patria nueva"
This theater is for the Schoenstatt family of Paraguay also a way to put intolife what their Year's Motto means: "Holy Family, with Mary of the Holy Trinity, let us build a new country!"
Dieses Theaterstück ist für die Schönstattfamilie von Paraguay auch eine Umsetzung ihres Jahresmottos: "Heilige Familie, mit Maria von der Dreifaltigkeit, bauen wir ein neues Vaterland!"
Fotos: "Tuparenda", revista del Movimiento Apostolico de Schoenstatt
Santuario de Tuparenda
Shrine in Tuparenda
Heiligtum Tuparenda
Foto: Badano © 2002
Catedral en Asunción
Cathedral in Ausnción
Kathedrale in Ausnción
Fotos: Badano
click to enlarge
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Poster enlarge
Plakat vergrößert
Fotos: POS Fischer © 2002
P. Josef Kentenich
Fotos: Archiv © 2002

PARAGUAY, Ana Pangrazio. The Schoenstatt Family of Paraguay waits for the month of May with pride and great expectations that can be expressed in one word: "The Theater". The idea arose, there, to make a play on the life of Father Kentenich. Under the title "Kentenich - a man, a mission" the play will be presented in the Paraguayan American Cultural Center, in Asuncion, the capital of Paraguay. There will be altogether 13 presentations, all Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays of the month of May until Thursday, May 30. The tickets, more than 3,600, already are almost all sold.

"In Germany, in the days of the world war, when the people lost their hope, a Father for many came …" – In the light of the the present reality in Paraguay and other Latin American countries, and with the spiral of violence and terror that the entire world experiences, able to confuse or to paralyze many people, these words are impressive. They can be seen in innumerable posters that announce the theater: "Kentenich, a man, a mission" - "The Pope urged us to canonize our dear Kentenich Father, but for this, it is fundamental that some more people know him. This the idea arose, in Paraguay, to make a play on his interesting life… ", comments Ani Pangrazio.

Fascinated with the life of Kentenich Father

To the effects, the history was taken from the book written by Fr. Alessandri, "Father Kentenich", complemented by autobiographical texts of Kentenich Father compiled by Fr. Cattoggio, and poems by P. Joaquin Alliende. As it was intended to be a pedagogical work, that means, that people who not belong to Schoenstatt would get to know Father Kentenich through the theater, the compilation of the script was entrusted to one of the best Paraguayan writers (no Schoenstatt member), Luis Hernaez, who made a really outstanding script …, and who, in the course of the work, became more and more fascinated with Father Kentenich's pedagogy.

Julio Saldaña, also no Schoenstatt member, was contracted as director of the theater, one of the best professionals of theater in Paraguay. He also that became personally interested in Father Kentenich, read more than seven books on him, surfed the Internet, downloaded photos and made the best of the script!

"To prepare…!!!"

To prepare - proclaim posters of the play…, and the Paraguayan Schoenstatt Family responded with enormous enthusiasm, as the preparations clearly show.

There are moments at which there are more than 45 people in the scene. The music and effects of sound will be live. Also the choir will act and 120 suits are being prepared (for Nazis, imprisoned, ladies, horsemen, seminarians, etc.). Music was put to poems "Raised Tree" and "Fire of his Fire", written by Father Alliende.

It is impressive to see how Father Kentenich incites the people. Since the month of December, practices are taking place, and none of the 45 actors missed on one single practice, attending from 7:30 PM to 11:00 PM. to 23,00. Directors, scriptwriters, technicians and actors are all fascinated with the personality of the Father and Founder.

The first performance will be the 2nd of May. All the incoming money will be destined for the construction of the Church "Mary of the Holy Trinidad", near the Schoenstatt Shrine in Tuparenda.

This play is for the Family of Paraguay a concrete form, also, to put into practice what their year's motto calls them to do: "Hoy family, with Mary of the Holy Trinity, let us construct a new country", assuming the values of Father Kentenich, "a man, a mission".

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