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The Unity Cross in Jamaica

Christ-Centered, Marian, Missionary: Foreign Mission Society of Mandeville, Jamaica, Discovers the Unity Cross as Symbol of their Vocation

Bishop Paul Boyle, Diocese of Mandeville, Jamaica, founder of the Foreign Mission Society of the diocese of Mandeville whose members discovered the Unity Cross as symbol of their mission.
Bischof Paul Boyle, Diözese Mandeville, Jamaika, Gründer der Missionsgesellschaft von Mandeville, deren Mitglieder das Kreuz der Einheit als Zeichen ihrer Sendung entdeckt haben.
Jamaica scenery: the Carribean Island is known for the beauty and richness of the landscape
Landschaft in Jamaika: die Karibikinsel ist bekannt wegen der Schönheit der Landschaft
Fotos: Diözese Mandeville © 2002
Unity Cross - a symbol today known where ever Schoenstatt exists - here used a altar cross during a Holy Mass in Henderson, Argentina.
Das Kreuz der Einheit findet man überall, wo es Schönstatt gibt - hier als Altarkreuz bei einem Gottesdienst in Henderson, Argentinien
Foto: Badano © 2002
The Unity Cross is found in almost all of the Schoenstatt Shrines: here in the Immaculata Shrine, Quarten, Switzerland
In fast allen Schönstattheiligtümern steht das Kreuz der Einheit: hier im Immakulata-Heiligtum, Quarten, Schweiz
Foto: Badano © 2002
A big Unity Cross on the Cemetary "Hacia el Padre" ('Fatherwards') of the Schoenstatt Fathers in their Regional Center "Sión del Plata", Florencio Varela, Argentina
Großes Kreuz der Einheit auf dem Friedhof "Hacia al Padre" ("Vaterwärts") der Schönstattpatres in ihrem Zentrum "Sión del Plata" in Florencio Varela, Argentinien
Foto: Badano © 2002
The Unity Cross depicts one of Schoenstatt's central messages: the two-in-oneness of Jesus and Mary.
Das Kreuz der Einheit spricht von einer der zentralen Botschaften Schönstatts, der Zweieinheit von Jesus und Maria.
Foto: Frauen von Schönstatt© 2002
Jamaica Seaside resort: tourism is one of Jamaica's main economic sectors.
So kennt man Jamaica: der Tourismus ist einer der wichtigsten Wirtschaftszweige Jamaikas.
Jamaica, Montego Bay: The Unity Cross has become a Schoenstatt link to this island.
Jamaica, Montego Bay: Durch das Kreuz der Einheit eine Verbindung zu Schönstatt
Fotos: Diözese Mandeville © 2002
Original Unity Cross, from Chile, now - as a gift from Father Kentenich - in the Schoenstatt Shrine in Stuttgart-Freiberg, regional center of the Ladies of Schoenstatt
Das Original: Kreuz der Einheit aus Chile, jetzt - als Geschenk Pater Kentenichs - im Schönstatt-Heiligtum Stuttgart-Freiberg, Regiozentrum der Frauen von Schönstatt
Foto: Frauen von Schönstatt© 2002

JAMAICA, mkf. The Unity Cross as messenger of the two-in-oneness of Jesus and Mary, of Marian and Christ-centered spirituality and missionary commitment: for the Missionaries of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in the diocese of Mandeville, Jamaica, the Schoenstatt Unity Cross has become a symbol of their vocation, bearing also the hope for being supported by the prayers of the International Schoenstatt Movement.

"I am the Vicar General of the Diocese of Mandeville in Jamaica. This is the poorest diocese of the English speaking Antilles. Our Bishop has founded a Foreign Mission Society. The original members would like to wear the Unity Cross. Would you have some precise information (its origin, history etc...) to share with me? I would be very happy if you could forward this to me. May the Blessed Mother Thrice Admirable bless and keep you," read an email that reached PressOffice Schoenstatt on April 8, 2002, when the Feast of the Annunciation of Mary was celebrated.

Guided by the "Star of Evangelization"

A few years ago the Holy See (Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples) had indicated that it would be good if the Bishop of Mandeville, a Passionist Father, were to start a Foreign Mission Society, Father Michael Palud, the Vicar General, shared in subsequent mail. Bishop Boyle first thought that he could not go ahead with such an endeavor, but then saw the clear signs of God's will, and recently was able to find five men, including Father Michael Palud, who would be willing to begin such an adventure for the good of the Caribbean.

Father Palud: "We chose Mary Immaculate as our Principal Patroness and the act of Foundation was on December 8. We have three characteristics: we are Christ-centered, Marian, and missionary. Our being centered on Christ stems from the proclamation of Jesus Christ Crucified and Risen. Our Marian spirituality is very deep. We are "totus tuus", all hers to be all to her Son. Since Mary is the Mother of All Peoples and our aim is to proclaim Jesus Christ in mission territories (firstly in the Caribbean and then in the world), she is the Star of Evangelization for us. Finally, we are MISSIONARIES FOR LIFE. We are the Foreign Mission Society of Mandeville, but our formal name is ‘Missionaries of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.’ We are grounded in a deep love for the Church and faithfulness to the Magisterium that made us embrace this calling."

The Unity Cross, A Friend from Chicago, a Visit to the Shrine in Cambrai, and gift of the Pope

The following story, shared by Father Michael Palud, is a testimony of God's "Game of Love":

"Now for the Unity Cross... When we were founded, a parishioner (a lay missionary doctor from the U.S.) was sharing with a friend in Chicago about this Mission Society founded by our Bishop and wanted to buy a token gift for each new member. The friend from Chicago said, ‘Why don't you get the Unity Cross for them?’ What is that, was the reply. The lady friend in Chicago explained briefly and said, ‘I will get them for you for these Missionaries of Bishop Boyle.’

When we got the Cross, we were astounded that all the elements contained in it corresponded to the Statutes given by the Bishop and represented a sort of ‘condensed’ version of our ‘story.’

"Seeing the Unity Cross, one of the missionaries exclaimed excitedly, ‘Oh, I've seen this Cross before!’ He is from Cambrai in France and had visited the Shrine in Cambrai (the Shrine of Unity!) years and years ago when he was a teenager. He remembered from this visit elements of the story of the Unity Cross and shared them with the others."

Father Michael continued: "As first members of this Foreign Mission Society, we felt that the ‘original story’ (at least the little we know about it) resembled ours. This Cross would keep us united.

Our Bishop's official pectoral cross (the one he wears when he is vested) is the Unity Cross. It was given to him by the Pope.

All this cannot be coincidences so we wanted to know more...  I looked up on the web and found countless articles…"

For Father Michael Palud, the brief information given to him about the Unity Cross and about Schoenstatt was a special gift. In one of the e-mails he wrote in response, he added:

"We believe that through a special ‘alliance’ with the Mother of Jesus we can bring Jesus to the World. Every day we recite a form of consecration to the Blessed Mother (based on De Montfort), and on special feast days of the Blessed Mother we pray together an ‘act of alliance’ binding us in the Heart of Mary Thrice Admirable! - Thanks for all the support and prayers from Schoenstatters in the World. I really feel that all of this is the World of our Blessed Mother."

 English edition: Joan Biemert, New Franken/WI, USA


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