Schönstatt - Begegnungen

For the Dignity and Protection of Human Life from the Beginning

Ecclesial Movements Working for the Protection of Human Embryos

(mkf) The Fokolar Movement and the Community "Bread of Life" recently initiated a Campaign for the Protection of Human Embryos. They aim to mobilize Christians and all persons for who don't want to be bystanders while human life is to be regarded disposable to make a clear statement in view of stem cell research and the use if human embryos for scientific or therapeutic goals. The Schoenstatt Movement in Germany supports this initiative; the Schoenstatt Family League of the Cologne Archdiocese already joined the Initiatory Group to coordinate the spread of signature pamphlets and the counting of signatures.

In Germany, like in several other countries, legislative "liberalizations" are being discussed meaning a move towards the use and "production" of human embryos for research, and therapy reasons. Many persons interiorly oppose, few however publicly raise their voice. Thomas Held, of the Community "Bread of Life": "We can't wait and say that someone should do something. We have to do it." He created a website (www.embryonenschutzinitiative) with background information, and, together with the Fokolar Movement, began to "look for allies" within the Ecclesial Movements, informing them about this initiative and inviting them to participate in a "committee for initiatives". The Feast of the Movements in March, where the Ecclesial Movements of the North-Western German dioceses had met, was a good starting point due to the contacts already made. Schoenstatt and Chemin Neuf were the first Movements to join the initiative.

Joining Forces for the Dignity of Human Life

The Schoenstatt family of the Münster diocese and many individual Schoenstatt members and groups who heard about the initiative promised to support this initiative. The Schoenstatt Family League of the Cologne diocese volunteered to collect the lists with signatures spread through the Schoenstatt Movement and to try and convince leading personalities from church, society and industry to give a statement in favor of the dignity of human life from the very beginning. "It is about starting the initiative and mobilizing others to join forces," Peter Fischer said. "We as Schoenstatt Movement reach out to so many persons in our country, we really have many chances to convince our politicians that the dignity of human life is a concern of a big number of persons!"

Several groups of the Schoenstatt movement in Germany as well as individual members of the movement already downloaded the lists and began to work for this initiative.

Download: signature pamphlets with adress of the Schoenstatt Movement
Download: signature pamphlets with adress of the Fokolar Movement or:


Thomas Held, Bread of Life::

Webmaster Embryonenschutzinitiative
Thomas Held
Beverstrang 37
48231 Warendorf
Tel.: 02584 94 00 00; Fax: 02584 94 00 02

Other Contacts:

Contact: Fokolar Movement
Frau Ursula Dörpinghaus
Fritz-Haber-Straße 8
42651 Solingen
Tel/Fax: 0212 20 93 89

Contact: Schoenstatt Family Movement Cologne:
Familie Ruth und Peter Fischer
Am Kannenofen 14
53721 Siegburg

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