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April / May 2001

Preparing since weeks to be Jesus in the living stations of the cross on Good Friday
Seit Wochen bereitet er sich darauf vor, beim lebendigen Kreuzweg Jesus darzustellen
Foto: Schoenstatt Chile © 2001

Holy Week / Easter

Chile, Bellavista: Via Crucis - Via Matris on Good Friday

Like each year on Good Friday, an Open Retreat will be offered in Bellavista, Chile, for all who want to join in, from 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM, when the liturgy of Good Friday begins. This year, living Stations of the Cross will be performed. A group of penitent men dressed in tunics will pull a cart with Jesus carrying the cross on a wide course around the Shrine following the Stations of the Cross. Afterward, the official Liturgy of the Church begins. Half an hour after the end of the liturgy, the "Via Matris" begins, commemorating Mary's path from Jesus' tomb to the Cenacle, walking the Stations of the Cross in the opposite direction and with a Marian perspective.

As Pope John Paul II leads the faithful of Rome in the Way of the Cross on Good Friday this year, he will use a set of texts by Cardinal John Henry Newman for the meditations. The Way of the Cross, held in the Coliseum, each year features a new set of meditations. This year the Pope has chosen from the works of the English convert and scholar, noting his "remarkable synthesis of faith and reason." The Pope's Way of the Cross is broadcast live by EWTN.

Schoenstatt Easter Liturgy and Retreats

In the Adoration Church, the liturgy of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, the Easter Vigil and Easter Holy Masses on Sunday and Monday will be attended by many Schoenstatt members as well as visitors and people from the area. Several retreats, days of reflection and seminars are offered during Holy Week and Easter, providing deeper personal understanding of these days and the application of Christ's suffering, death and resurrection to everyday life. They include a retreat week for families with children in the House of the Families, a retreat for young women in the House of the Adoration Sisters, a seminar for couples who will marry, or "open retreats" in various houses for all those who want to spend these days in Schoenstatt.

USA, Waukesha: Easter Party for Families with Children

On April 16, the annual Easter Party for the Families will take place at the International Schoenstatt Center in Waukesha, Wisconsin, USA - including a big Easter Egg Hunt throughout all of the grounds!

April 16

Bad Kissingen, Germany: Blessing of Father Reinisch Memorial

On April 15, 1942, Father Franz Reinisch, a Pallottine Father who worked in the Schoenstatt Movement was arrested in Bad Kissingen, because he refused to take the loyalty oath to Hitler – the only Catholic priest who did so. On August 21, 1942, he was beheaded in Brandenburg-Görden near Berlin. The Schoenstatt Boys' Youth of Bad Kissingen inspired the erection of a Father Reinisch memorial in Bad Kissingen. This memorial will be blessed on April 16, at 2:30 PM, in Bad Kissingen (Father Reinisch Street). Afterwards, an exhibition on Father Reinisch and a movie about his life will be presented, and all are invited for coffee and cake. More:

Jornada de representantes de la Campana (2000)
Convention of representatives of the Campaign (2000)
Jahreskonferenz der Verantwortlichen der Kampagne (2000)
Virgen Peregrina
Pilgrim Mother
Pilgernde Gottesmutter
Foto: Archiv

April 28/29, 2001

Argentina, Florencio Varela: 2001 National Convention of the Representatives of the Schoenstatt Rosary Campaign

The representatives or responsible persons in the dioceses or towns - altogether approximately 120 people - will be concentrating on two main subjects: "The Campaign, Prophecy of Hope for Church and World" and "The Heritage of Father Kentenich and its Implication for the Campaign." Besides the dialogue on the practical application of the subjects, in view of a growth in capability, attachment, and creative work, and the evaluation of objectives for 2001, an exposition presented by Father Juan José: "Father, João Pozzobon and Father Kentenich" will be part of the program. The Holy Mass on Saturday night will summarize all under the motto: "From the Shrine!" The number of participants from each diocese or place is limited for reasons of efficiency, but many hope to still get a chance to participate. The Convention is preceded by a meeting of the extended National Council of the Campaign on April 27, a day of reflection about the current state of the Campaign in Argentina with 32,000 missionaries and to survey it's future road.

April 30 / May 1

Schoenstatt May Opening

In Schoenstatt, as well as at Schoenstatt Shrines in Germany and in countries where the month of May is celebrated as the month of Mary, May opening prayer services and processions will be held during the evening of April 30 or on May 1. In Schoenstatt, Pallottines, the Schoenstatt Movement, and the parish of Vallendar will have a joint May opening on April 30, climaxing in the candlelight procession to the Original Shrine.

May 1

Bamberg, Schoenstatt Center Marienberg: May Procession

The May Opening Day at the Schoenstatt Center Marienberg, Bamberg diocese, has a long tradition and more than 1,000 participants each year. This year's May Procession is special because it is the first one since the dedication of the Shrine on October 22, 2000. The program begins already on April 30 with a May Party of the Youth; on May 1, a festive Eucharist is celebrated at 10:00 AM, followed by the procession. Extra buses will take pilgrims from and to the center. Elements of the afternoon program are Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Rummage sale, street soccer, and more. The day closes with the May benediction at 3:00 PM.


English edition: Joan Biemert, New Franken, Wisconsin, USA

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