Schönstatt: Begegnungen am Ursprungsort

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(mkf) Two students from Belgium got to know the Schoenstatt Shrine in Poland while attending a Taizé meeting – and now visited the Original Shrine. Children preparing for their first holy Communion discovered Father Kentenich as great friend, a couple from Chile was welcomed by Schoenstatt Sisters at the station in Koblenz, and about 100 girls stay in Schoenstatt for Spring Camp ...

Two students from Belgium joined a Taizé meeting on New Year in Warsaw, Poland. Their accommodation provided in the Schoenstatt Center in Swider by Warsaw. They spent time in the shrine – and "fell in love with it", as they shared. On April 15, they came to Schoenstatt in order to see the Original Shrine.

44 children and 14 adults and youth from Dudweiler, Germany, spent a weekend in Schoenstatt, as an intensive time of preparation for the first holy Communion on Holy Thursday. The children visited Mount Moriah, and Mount Schoenstatt. The highlight was a rally in the Father Kentenich House, where they made friends with Father Kentenich and wrote letters to him – asking him to help them be better at school, to talk their parents in giving them pets, and: "Please help us stop the wars. My friend lives in a country with war. It's terrible." The weekend closed with a festive holy Mass on Sunday afternoon.

A couple from Chile arrived at Koblenz station, not knowing where to turn to. Then – they discovered a Schoenstatt Sister of Mary, who was there to pick up a co-sister who had arrived with the same train. Big surprise and joy – and a free ride to Schoenstatt, where they soon found a place to stay and a warm welcome - the house manager of the Sonnenau greeted them in Spanish.

A couple from Mexico, now living in Puerto Rico, came to Schoenstatt, not knowing too much about the movement. In Schoenstatt, they met a couple from Chile, associated with Schoenstatt since about 9 years. They shared a lot and offered the couple from Puerto Rico prayer support and all the material they would need to get more involved with Schoenstatt – simply to be there Schoenstatt "godparents".

A couple from Mexico spent the night in a hotel in Koblenz, and had needed three hours to find Schoenstatt. "I cried when I finally got here – the hotel staff did not know about Schoenstatt, nor the people we asked in the tourist information. Why are there no directions to such a place?"

Almost 100 girls from the Speyer, Limburg, and Trier diocese, are in House Sonnenau for Spring Camp. House Sonnenau and the valley are very "young" during these days – hope for tomorrow!

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