31.12.1999 - 1.1.2000
Schönstatt International

Beten, das die Welt umkreist
Prayer Around the World
La oración que abraza al mundo

The Opening of the Year 2000 in Schoenstatt, Germany

Adoration in the Original Shrine. Miniature flags from all countries where Schoenstatt is erected represent the International Schoenstatt.
Anbetung im Urheiligtum. Kleine Fahnen aller Länder, in denen es Schönstatt gibt, stehen für die Verbundenheit mit Schönstatt in aller Welt.

The millenium prayer service of the Youth ended with a torch light procession and joyful songs.
Mit einem Fackelzug und begeisternden Liedern beschlossen die Jugendlichen die Gebetszeit am Ende des Jahrtausends im Urheiligtum.

In front of the Founder Chapel, the flags from Australia, India, the Philippines, Zimbabwe, South Africa, were placed - representing those countries, where the prayer chain began.
Vor der Gründerkapelle standen die Landesfahnen der Länder, in denen das Beten rund um den Globus begann: Australien, Philippinen, Zimbabwe, Südafrika, Indien.

(mkf) Early on December 31, in Schoenstatt, the flags from all the countries where Schoenstatt is were erected in the Adoration Church and in miniature form in the Original Shrine. The prayer chain from shrine to shrine - Prayer around the world - began in Australia as the year 2000 began to dawn around the world. All those participating - home shrines, pilgrim shrines, heart shrines being included -, were remembered in Schoenstatt .

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the Original Shrine, in the adoration church and many other shrines, a holy Mass at 0:30am, in the adoration church, with about 500 persons from various countries and branches present, marked the beginning of the year 2000 in Schoenstatt. More than 800 persons joined in a joyful and festive holy Mass at 11:00 am on January 1st, at the time when the prayer around the world was concluded in the shrine in Querétaro.

A closing year Benediction took place in the Adoration Church at 4:30 pm where we united with the International Schoenstatt Family around the world to thank for the past year and to prepare for the next. The Blessed Sacrament was exposed at the end of benediction to begin the Adoration that continued until 8am January 1st.

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