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ARGENTINA, Maria Fischer with Material from AICA • Fr Juan Carlos Scannone SJ died on Wednesday 27 November at 3.30 p.m. in San Miguel, Buenos Aires Province, of a stroke from which he did not recover. He was 88, and had spent 70 years as a Jesuit, and 57 years as a priest. – “With great sadness we announce the return home of Juan Carlos Scannone SJ to the House of the Father. We thank God for his life and his calling, for his devotion and reflexion that enriched LatinRead More
GERMANY, Maria Fischer • Did you know that Jorge Mario Bergoglio tried on three occasions – and failed! – to get his favourite quotation of Isaac of Stella taken into an official Church document, so he had to become Pope in order to be able to mention it finally in Evangelii Gaudium? And did you know that he always has “the duster of our Lady of Luján” in a cotton bag under his soutane? Did you know that he has made an essential contribution towards making the picture of “Mary,Read More
ARGENTINA, Generación Francisco/Carlos Eduardo Ferré • The President of the Honorable Chamber of Deputies of Argentina, Dr. Julián Domínguez, declared that Pope Francis: “Came to ratify that Faith is constituent to our identity as a nation. He broke the established order, and the originality of his gaze is the expression of this Great Nation that is resurging. After Francis, nothing will ever be the same in Latin America because he came to give identity to our historical process and to the dreams of our liberators.” He stressed the importance thatRead More