Rafael Mascayano Tag

columbario, San Fernando
CHILE, Jaime Valenzuela / Editorial Team •  In a column for schoenstatt.org in January 2024 (published in German, Spanish, and Portuguese), later republished in the Chilean magazine “Vinculo”, Rafael Mascayano shared a reflection under the title: “I would like my ashes to remain in Bellavista”…, and he asks almost at the end of his writing: “Is it too much to ask that for these 75 years of May 31st, the idea of the construction of a columbarium or memorial in Bellavista could be thought of, deliberated and put into action?Read More
Fratelli Tutti
CHILE, Rafael Mascayano M. • Since last year, the idea of holding “summer courses in the perspective of the social dimension of the Covenant of Love”, an initiative of Fr. Juan Pablo Rovegno, from the National Direction of Schoenstatt Chile, has been around, transforming itself in the course of time into conferences called “Social Camps”. — However, for this year and at a time when it is summer vacation for us, we were able to carry out a course on Fratelli tutti, taking as a central line the “how thisRead More
SPAIN, Paz Leiva and Miguel Angel Rubio • In spite of everything that has happened since July 1st, the first Workshop on the Social Thought of Father Kentenich in Spain has ended. A door was opened in the month of February. We read an article by Rafael Mascayano on schoenstatt.org and I wrote a comment. — As a result of this comment, Rafael offered us material to set up a workshop in Spain. We are left with the idea: “but we cannot teach a workshop that is not ours, withoutRead More
CHILE, Rafael Mascayano • Soon in our country, Chile, we will be faced with stating our opinion in making a decision as to whether or not to assume the task of constructing a new Constitution.  And here is where – as laity and with the thinking of Father Kentenich – it is convenient to visualize our decision to assume, not to debate the pros and cons of each position – a situation which would also help greatly – but to mainly stop, think, discern and act with criteria and notRead More