National Conference Tag

Jornada Nacional Schoenstatt Panamá
PANAMA, Carmen Franco • The Blessed Mother and God have their times. This journey was planned for October 2020 and had to be postponed because of the pandemic. She, as a tender mother who knows her children, knew that we needed more time. Time for more togetherness, prayer, formation and listening. She gave us everything for this February 4, 2023. — Eleven commissions were formed for the organization of this National Conference in which we worked hand in hand with the Blessed Mother as one body. Our most important commissionRead More
El Salvador
EL SALVADOR, Lee Aguiñada Bernal •  Almost one hundred Salvadoran Schoenstatters gathered to participate in our second National Conference and to reaffirm our apostolic commitment to go out on mission. — Last Saturday, October 29th, we gathered again as one family, all the groups of the branches and apostolates of Schoenstatt El Salvador. The last time we were together was in 2019, which then for reasons of the Covid-19 pandemic, it was impossible to organize it in the same way. An encounter, a journey, a celebration Couples representing the FamilyRead More