La Plata Tag

Retiro del clero de La Plata en Nuevo Schoenstatt
ARGENTINA, Press Office of the Archdiocese of La Plata • More than 50 priests participated with Archbishop Gabriel Mestre and Auxiliary Bishop Jorge E. González (Schoenstatt Federation of Priests) in the annual retreat for the clergy that took place from Monday, April 8th to Friday, April 12th at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Schoenstatt in Florencio Varela. — The Archbishop held the retreat under the motto “Bound by the Spirit with St. Paul” (cf. Acts 20:22). In a framework of prayer, devotion and liturgy, the clergy of LaRead More
Vía Crucis Castelli
ARGENTINA, Guillermo Ferreyra • Last Good Friday I had the opportunity to travel to experience the representation of the Stations of the Cross organized by the Adsum Pater mission in the town of Castelli, belonging to the diocese of Chascomús. — What are Adsum Pater missions? This activity was born a few years ago in the Shrine of La Plata, and is aimed at young university students, who dedicate Holy Week to this activity in which they combine a time of retreat and reflection with a time to go outRead More
Misión Juvenil La Plata
ARGENTINA, Lilita and Carlos Ricciardi • From January 27 to February 4 of this year, the Archdiocesan Youth Mission of the Archdiocese of La Plata for young people aged 14 to 25 took place in the city of Villa Elisa (14.7 km from La Plata) under the motto “Let us proclaim greatness in its simplicity”. — We learned about it through the announcement made by Father Guillermo Khidir at the Sunday Mass in the Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish. At the end of the service, we asked him how weRead More
Misiones Familiares 2024
ARGENTINA, Fr. José María Iturrería • It is January 2024 and the Family Missions in Argentina have completed 25 years of existence. In 1999, a group of intrepid couples and young people from La Plata dared to travel to Paraguay to bring a missionary experience that today has expanded throughout the length and breadth of the country. — What began as a daring initiative and a trust-based challenge to the Blessed Mother has become an experience of family in faith that has transformed the lives of many people of allRead More
Misiones Familiares en Maipú
ARGENTINA, Gaby and Gastón Zurrita • On Wednesday and Thursday we shared with the Family Missions two days full of emotions in Maipú, a town that we have been missioning for 23 years. The reason for the visit: It was the 25th anniversary of the Family Missions in Argentina and we went there. — We do not want to share memories, but concrete experiences, encounters with people with material and spiritual needs and so many with illnesses. In each house that we visited, where the doors were opened, there theRead More
Renovación del compromiso de miembros de la Liga de Familias, La Plata

Posted On 30.11.2023In Covenant Life

To renew is to live

ARGENTINA, Lilita and Carlos Ricciardi • Last Saturday, November 25, members of the Family Work League of La Plata made the Renewal of Consecration as members of the League in the Shrine of Liberation. During the Mass of the Family Work, which is celebrated on the fourth Saturday of each month, the members of the League of all ages decided to renew their membership commitment. — Jimena and Alejandra Fascizewski, Cecilia and Diego Pelassini, Luis and Lorena Folonier, Héctor and Norma Pavía, Ricardo and Carmen Della Motta, Francisco and ElizabethRead More
SYNOD ON SYNODALITY, vía  • The prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Victor Fernandez, highlighted the relevance of the synodal assembly, the role of the laity with voice and vote, and what to expect and what not to expect. — The Prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Víctor Fernández, highlighted the importance of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, which begins with a time of prayer and which he considered a “relevant” event for theRead More
La Plata
ARGENTINA, Carlos Ricciardi • On August 15th, the Schoenstatt Family of La Plata celebrated the Feast of the Assumption of Mary and the 58th Anniversary of the “Shrine of Father’s Liberation”. The Mass was celebrated by Auxiliary Bishop Jorge González, member of the Schoenstatt Diocesan Priests’ Federation, concelebrated with several priests, among them Fathers Javier Arteaga, José María Iturrería, Pablo Mullín and Fr. Alberto Meroni. — For the past year, the Family of La Plata has been on the “road to the 60th birthday” of the Shrine, motivated by theRead More
Colegio Covenant, La Plata
ARGENTINA, Maria Fischer • We begin our visit where it all began ten years ago, when Alejandra Pastene and Guillermo Ferreyra, from the Schoenstatt Institute of Families, together with Maria Pastene and Juan Ignacio Barrena, made their dream come true and founded the Covenant School, a school with Kentenich pedagogy. “Covenant”, can be seen on the door of the house where the initial level or kindergarten is located, and covenant awaits us in the wayside shrine, and in every corner of this house, in every person who greets us, inRead More
Navidad Solidaria 2022
ARGENTINA, Fr. José María Iturrería • Once again, and it has been 21 years since 2001, we once again celebrated Christmas in solidarity and at 1:30 a.m. we gathered in the shrine of La Plata with a group of 130 young people from the Archdiocese and the Movement. Inspired by the motto “Be light on the way”, we went out to share Christmas with those who cannot celebrate it with anyone because they are homeless or work at night. — Divided into groups of 6 to 8 people, we wentRead More